Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/05
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Adorkable, hehe
Can anyone post a pic of him in School Ties, so we can see him in his "adorkable without the ador" glasses? And, by the way, his exhuberantly geeky dances in LVB A and B can't be nearly as bad as Adam bopping around in the background of LVB. He *really* can't dance, but we love him anyway.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Adam dancing during Today 4 U? *has the feeling she's missed something*
And the only thing more endearing than white boys dancing is white boys we love trying to dance.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I can really remember Adam in Today 4 U, for some reason. *goes to check out the clip on AIM*
Anyway, Adam's one-up on me, because I can't dance *at all*, choreography or no. And I'm neither white nor a boy, so I'm expected to be able to dance.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Opiv, I found another example of Anthony's "head-whip"!
During 'What You Own', in one of the clips where he's walking down the street, he does it during the line "So I own, not a notion". I didn't go actively looking for this- you can see it right in the beginning of the 'What You Own' part of the "Rent in 4 Minutes" speed-thingy.
Swing Joined: 1/3/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Paradoxially, I think it's awkward because I post entirely too much. It's not your fault you have a life outside of this thread.
Love your icon, by the way.
And jlc (I'm not going to remember those numbers), same with me and Anthony's "Without You." Ever since I found a way to transfer it to iTunes, I've been listening to it practically nonstop.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Swing Joined: 1/3/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05