Swing Joined: 1/3/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Hey, compulsively. That's a good word for it.
*chokes at pictures* Oh, god. I was scared enough to see it when I heard that his character was, like, the epitome of evil, and now that I see the glasses...and...the hair.
They call me mimi: Check your PM's.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
I will! I just looked up at my tv and there he was!
I'm not sure which channel I should watch at 7 though. I think...NBC, right now I'm watching CLOONEY!! (Sorry. He was on screen. Eh hem. I'm watching tvguide channel now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Wait...I thought the Golden Globes started at eight. *confusion*
Anyway, I found my OBC recording!!! (I lost it- I lose everything), and I had to point out one thing I noticed about the differences between the OBC and the soundtrack (other then the obvious ones). Anthony's voice: it's so much more...for lack of a better word, Broadway, then the soundtrack. And, duh, I know. But especially in the intro to La Vie Boheme and when he has his "awkward moment" in Life Support. Like when he sings his name twice...*sigh*
Okay, I'll stop obsessing, but his voice is so damn beautiful that I can't help myself. And I still can't decide whether I *like* Tune Up # 1 or not.