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Welcome, Anthony Rapp!

xoxRogue Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 5:31pm

...or better yet, it's from Johnny Cash

Well, duh! Chicagoland

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

StageWhore Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 6:10pm

Since you guys are doing the NYC booksigning poll, I'm going to do the San Fran booksigning poll.
Who's going to be there? I know opiv will be there. And myself, of course.
Also, I found a clip of Wicked Little Town on youtube. John Cameron Mitchell, you stole my heart.
Nifty Wig

"`I grow old... I grow old... I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.` What does that mean, Mr. Marlowe?" "Not a bloody thing. It just sounds good." He smiled. "That is from the `Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.` Here's another one. `In the room women come and go/Talking of Michael Angelo.' Does that suggest anything to you, sir?" "Yeah -- it suggests to me that the guy didn't know very much about women." "My sentiments exactly, sir. Nonetheless I admire T. S. Eliot very much." "Did you say, 'nonetheless'?" - The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 6:13pm

I love that movie

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

Posted: 1/18/06 at 6:15pm

That's a pretty schweet wig, if I do say so myself.

Hah. All those videos are hysterical. Chicagoland

StageWhore Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 6:25pm

I was actually thinking about dying my hair to look like that... but the blonde would be terrible with my coloration. (I'm medium dark... think pasty hispanic.) Seriously, I'd look like that tv personality, Daisy something. *shudder*

"`I grow old... I grow old... I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.` What does that mean, Mr. Marlowe?" "Not a bloody thing. It just sounds good." He smiled. "That is from the `Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.` Here's another one. `In the room women come and go/Talking of Michael Angelo.' Does that suggest anything to you, sir?" "Yeah -- it suggests to me that the guy didn't know very much about women." "My sentiments exactly, sir. Nonetheless I admire T. S. Eliot very much." "Did you say, 'nonetheless'?" - The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler

opiv Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 6:51pm

I cant believe I missed the Matthew Perry discussion Chicagoland

I've kinda been obsessed with him for 3 years...

"I feel god in this chili's..."

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:04pm

I <3 <3 <3 Hedwig!!! :)

Chicagoland... Chicagolist??? Who's going?
Me, Wanderingchild5, mauriposa (sp) possibly. Anyone else? *so excited* btw I am adding that a couple of my RENThead friends are coming.

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:07pm

I wish I could go to one so not fair....tomorrow is going to be the best day ever!!!

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:08pm

I know this is mean but there is this girl at my school who is obsessed with rent but she hates the fact there are Gays in it and she knows that anthony rapps comming but she wants to ask him stuff like dont you think its discusing being gay? and crap like that is it wrong that I told her that the event was for tickets only and they are sold out cause I mean shes in high school cant she like grow up I just dont want her showing up

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:13pm

Uggh, I hate people like that. I mean, could you do us all a favor and be open-minded, please? *rolls eyes*

renthead1223 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:14pm

I understand where you're coming from, but I would like to hear Anthony's response. I'm sure he would handle it very well, and possibly help her see it a different way. I'm sure he would change some people's opinions, even if he couldn't change her's. If I thought it would make him uncomfortable or if it was a situation where he couldn't respond I would say try to stop her from coming, but I think Anthony would have a great answer for that.

What happened to Andrae?

Fan: Oh my god! You're, like, standing right there and, like, looking right at me and, like, oh my god! Anthony Rapp: Yes, that's a pretty accurate discription of reality.

renthead1223 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:14pm

double post, my comp just went insane...

What happened to Andrae?

Fan: Oh my god! You're, like, standing right there and, like, looking right at me and, like, oh my god! Anthony Rapp: Yes, that's a pretty accurate discription of reality.
Updated On: 1/18/06 at 07:14 PM

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:15pm

I know and theres also another group at our school and they call themselves rentheads and they all are against gays all they like is the music! Im like sure you are.

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:17pm

if someone said that to him I would probably take them out myself *shows muscles* no bouncer needed, I really do hate people like that I would just die to see him and to see him and ask him a question like that is just ruining it and making him never wanting to come back (maybe, I can't read his mind so I don't know if that is true), anyway yeah.........I like dots...........

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:19pm

ha ha yea I can see you doing that I would punch her for him too lol *shows tiny mucles*

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

renthead1223 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:19pm

Oy vey, how can you love the music without embracing the message of it? I don't even understand that. So much of the music is the amazing and uplifting message. I know the lyrics are not preachy, so you don't HAVE to accept Jonathan's beliefs to like the show, but the message of tolerance in the show is obvious enough that it should affect anyone who loves the music. But they deserve to ask Anthony any questions they have, and he deserves to get a chance to respond to their questions and maybe cause them to question whatever it is that makes them so against homosexuality.

What happened to Andrae?

Fan: Oh my god! You're, like, standing right there and, like, looking right at me and, like, oh my god! Anthony Rapp: Yes, that's a pretty accurate discription of reality.

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:22pm

Ok I'll tell her its an open event I just dont understand how they can like the music and not the meaning

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

xoxRogue Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:36pm

We can't do anything about it. Yeah, I accept how they feel, but I stil get offended with what they say and I do voice my own opinions. For example, some people were talking about how "the only people to see the 'gay cowboy movie' are gay cowboys." I brought up the fact that I wasn't a gay cowboy and I wanted to see it. They sort of shut up. I felt powerful. (But that's beside the point.)

We can't really force them to change their minds, but we could try to enlighten them.

I can't force everyone to be a nonconformist, can I?! I mean, everyone should read "Self-Reliance". Actually, there was a question about my boy Ralph on my "practice test that counts even though we have not learned alot of what's on it".

RAAAALLLPHHHHHH Wa-wa-wa-waldo Emersooooonnnnn!!!!

I think I was the most enthusiastic in the room when we started to discuss it. And I had just read the essay for the first time.

To sum up: Teach, don't preach. And we shall enlighten others with our knowledge.

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:38pm

wow that message was powerful lol if they ever say something about like complain about anthony rapp being gay I might just add thats its his choice not theirs

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

Posted: 1/18/06 at 7:57pm

WanderingChild: Someone said that she...wants to...go and ask Anthony "Isn't being gay disgusting?"?... I mean, I don't exactly agree *head implodes*

Seriously, she better not be going to the NYC one, because I would have to jump her and therefore make a bad impression in front of Anthony. I mean, does she *know* he's queer? Because if she does know, she might be one of those people that also feels the need to go up to someone who is "out" and try to convince them to "see the light". If she is planning on doing *that*, I really think it would be best if she didn't come.

Opiv, we're always open to a Matthew Perry discussion. Chicagoland

And Stage Whote, I'm a fellow pasty Hispanic. Well, that's one term for it. Another is Hispanic/Greek/Russian/Caucasian/Native American, etc, etc.

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne
Updated On: 1/18/06 at 07:57 PM

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 8:08pm

No I think she might go to the chicago one, should I send her to yours so you can beat her up lol I know I need to ask her if she wants him to be strait I think I heard her say once in a discussion to her rent friends "Is anthony really gay? I mean does he know people are calling him gay? I dont think he thinks hes gay." God I hate her

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

Posted: 1/18/06 at 8:17pm

"Like, does he know people are calling him gay?"

Oh, wow, that's so infuriating and sad that it's almost funny. You should say, "Yes, he knows people are calling him gay. And as a matter of fact he does *not* like it- in fact he said himself that he prefers queer." See what she says to that.

My friend also was in a period of denial when she first heard he was queer. But that wasn't because she's homophobic- just because she's in love with Anthony.

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne
Updated On: 1/18/06 at 08:17 PM

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 8:20pm

Lol as Ive said before on other boards I love the fact hes gay, now I cant be jelous of another girl. lol

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

Posted: 1/18/06 at 8:25pm

And who could be jealous of Rodney, really? I love Rodney. Chicagoland

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/18/06 at 8:28pm

didnt they break up?

Ok I just wrote a paper for wicked for a project in chours and I ended it with "it was fantabulous" ha ha

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

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