Alright...I'm proposing to myself that I should skip two days of school and hop on a bus to go to Anthony's signing in nyc. Does anyone know of any cheap places to stay overnight?? Any suggestions would be awesome...
Sorry for the threadjacking, lol.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/14/06
Ah... Niagra Falls... I was there... once...
And yes... We should overrun this message board with Halifax-ness. But that's just me.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/14/06
*does her Canada dance* (don't ask)
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Jlc might be coming to NYC? *does her NYC dance* I would propose that you stay at me apartment, but that might not...go over...very well with my mom.
And yay for Canada! So many great actors come from there. I have a friend from camp that lives Ontario (sorry if I spelled that wrong....)
So, who's going to the NYC booksigning? We should have things so we can identify each other without turning to random people and saying, simply, "BWW?" Because to some, it might sound like we're trying to sell drugs.
Colin Mocurry (That is really spelled wrong.) Whose line is it anyway!
I'm going to the NYC signing! Score.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/2/04
YAY NYC! I did a lot of debating on whether I should go or not, because it's a long trip...but I figure it will totally be worth day but today right? Or the
Dramatic, we should totally think of something to identify ourselves, I don't want to get mistaken as a drug dealer!
I've been doing some research and keep reading that hostels are good for a night...anyone know about this?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Oooh, Colin! Love him, too. Jim Carrey, also, although I only love him in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". not in general.
And Matthew Perry, even though he's got dual citizenship.
I lovelovelovelovelovelove Matthew Perry.
"It's an electric drill. You get me, you KILL ME!"
Sorry, Friends is just my favorite show. ::points to all 10 season dvds::
I liked The Whole 9/10 Yards too, though I haven't seen them in a while...
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
PHOEBE: I can't believe two cows made the ultimate sacrifice so that you guys could watch TV with your feet up.
CHANDLER: They were chair-shaped cows. They never would've survived in the wild.
Yeah, Friends is excellent. I have all 10 seasons, too. Chandler is my favorite character.
Anyway, I would apologize for thread-jacking, but the past 3 pages or so have been one big threadjack, soooo....
ROSS: "What's 'waapaa'?"
CHANDLER: "You know, whipped. WAAPAA!"
JOEY: "That's not whipped. Whipped is waapish!"
CHANDLER: "That's what I did. WAAPAA!"
JOEY: "You can't do anything!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
CHANDLER TO EDDIE: Hannibal Lector...better roommate than you.
Anyway, let's seriously try to, if we do get horrible off-topic, at least include something on-topic in out posts. So...the guy that plays David, Phoebe's science guy boyfriend, is Hank Azaria. Hank Azaria is in Spamalot, and that is what I am seeing January 21st, exactly one month away from Anthony's book-signing/the RENT dvd coming out.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/26/05
Sorry, duplicated post. Um...snaps for Anthony!
Ohh Friends is great...could I BE any more Chandler! lol
Anddd...yayy Anthony!
ha ha look at my icon if you can read it and the book signings in chicago are at Barbras book store in oak park
Broadway Star Joined: 12/1/05
Ohh Friends is great...could I BE any more Chandler! lol
I actually use the emphasis without meaning too. I get strange looks.
For example, in A.P. English, we were talking about the Crucible and we wanted to throw the book across the room because of their thick-headedness.
I go: "Could they BE anymore blind?!"
LMAO Rach....the entire rent movie in 4 minutes.....
I bet I'm not the only one here who could easily sing alot with the sped up LVB.
The Rent movie in 4 minutes is hilarious! I almost fell off my chair watching it. Especially when it gets to La Vie Boheme's too funny!
"I hope I don't do any...lunges!"
I love that episode. "I got the humus!"
So what's the list lookin' like for the NYC signing?
I love the icon, wanderingchild!
And that episode is soo funny, with the chair and all.
And NYC signing...I'm going, I'm going! Who else?
So that's boy named Sue. (Just kidding on the last one. It rhymed...and I think I heard it on Will & Grace)
Three! WAAPAA!
Ha ha yep thats from will and grace
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/05
...or better yet, it's from Johnny Cash