I have tickets to LSOH tonight and have two questions.
1) How are the seats in the theatre, as I am a larger person and I know off Broadway theatres can be much worse in terms of seat size for larger people.
2) Whats the stage door situation? Not necessarily who comes out, but where is it located.
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The seats are about average size and average leg room. I just got back from a show intensive trip a few weeks ago and the Westside seats were fine, relatively speaking. The ones I remember being especially tight were front row mez for Jagged Little Pill and center orchestra for Moulin Rouge.
haterobics said: "There is no stage door. The cast come out the same door onto the street. They set up a barricade on the sidewalk for people who want to wait."
When I saw the show on a Wed. matinee in Dec., I went in the main door right behind Jonathan Groff(!). who had just parked and locked his bicycle on the sidewalk railing. Assuming they had a 30-minute call, he was a few minutes late, which was just fine by me.