I thought it would be appropriate to make a little appreciation post for GROUNDHOG DAY on Groundhog Day itself. What a show! Why it received a bad wrap, I'll never understand. GROUNDHOG DAY didn't try to be more than it was, and it had no pretensions of what it was not - but what it waswas meaningful (to me and many others).
It was my favorite show of last season. I love what Tim Minchin was able to do and say with this score - not to mention the lyrics! This is a show I'll carry with me for a long time. Here's to GROUNDHOG DAY - may it have a good life in community and college theatre.
Happy Groundhog Day! Here's to 6 more weeks of winter!!
I really enjoyed this show and even though it didn't make it into my overall favorites, it was definitely one of my favorites of the season and I definitely wanted to see it again/ take others/ recommend it to more people.
"Hope" is one of my favorite numbers ever, the song and the sequence are/were just so brilliant.
Other than the false rhyme crimes (the melodies are gorgeous), I really enjoyed Groundhog Day. The staging was endlessly inventive and Karl was superb. I’m sure it will have a healthy regional life. Though I doubt any future staging will equal what was on Broadway.
I didn’t know yesterday was Groundhog Day, but I woke up with One Day stuck in my head, so I listened to the entire soundtrack for the first time in months. And that was without realizing it was actually GHD! I don’t know, maybe my subconscious knew or something. But I really really love that album, top to bottom. The staging was also phenomenal. I was such a fan.