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What happened last night???

#0What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 11:10am

I'm extremely happy with Idina and Assasins winning but Wicked loosing to Avenue Q??? Get real! Don't get me wrong it's a great musical but seriously...again, Hugh Jackman - great guy but can someone give Hunter Foster a break???

Albin Profile Photo
#1re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 11:17am

Updated On: 6/7/04 at 11:17 AM

Albin Profile Photo
#2re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 11:17am

It's simple in the case of best musical. Substance won out over spectacle. 'Nuff said.

#3re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 11:26am

Something has changed on Broadway
Something is not the same
Big and overblown is no longer
The winner of every Tony game
Too late to mount a megamusical
Too late to go back now

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Zola Q. LaPlaya Profile Photo
Zola Q. LaPlaya
#4re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 11:30am

Is Wicked loose? I don't complete understand what you meant. I know a lot of loose people around here, but don't know any Wickeds.

Stop worrying about what I'm doing -- focus instead on what you're eating.

wendy72 Profile Photo
#5re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 11:33am

Hunter Foster is great and I'm sure he'll have his award time with another role..but not this one. He was good, but did not put a stamp on his role the way Jackman or Tartaglia did in their roles.
Avenue Q was better than Wicked, IMHO.

#6re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 11:38am

Yeah, I guess most people were too blinded by the costumes and the flying witch that they really failed to see it's substance. I pity them, someday they'll realize the muppets isn't as great as they really think. Wickeds' legacy will continue.

#7re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 11:42am

Thank god you joined today!

But anyway, not really. Wicked is just a piffle. Nothing wrong with piffles. But piffles don't have substance.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Zola Q. LaPlaya Profile Photo
Zola Q. LaPlaya
#8re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 11:43am

I told you -- this is one of the names Kristin has assumed. Go, Kristin, keep typing.

Wait. Who's this? Oh, Joel Grey just showed up with a handful of icons he's gonna use, too! Go Joel!

Stop worrying about what I'm doing -- focus instead on what you're eating.

#9re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 11:46am

Wicked24601, what is Wicked's substance? Having seen it, I certainly can't pinpoint it. Enlighten me. Do a MARGOCHANNING (a member here who posts informative, thought-provoking, and highly readable reviews) and tell me why WICKED is so great.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#10re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 12:43pm

Actually, Wicked has TONS of substance, but it was all removed for the musical.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

ckeaton Profile Photo
#11re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 12:47pm

I agree Matt.

Hamlet's father.

lc1965 Profile Photo
#12re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 5:58pm

lol! Wicked246021, that was a good one. Ohmigod - you're serious. Oh, dear. What can I say? Um, the better show won? It depends on how you define "better", of course, but since the Tony voters are voting for the Tony, their definition wins out.

Murder By Music at Dillons 9/9, 16, 23, 30

#13re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 6:00pm

Avenue Q is wittier.... original... HILARIOUS.... maybe if Elphaba had been a puppet and Idina was pulling the strings......


Avenue Q won. Simple enough. Get over it. Drop it. On to next year's race now.

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#14re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 6:02pm

"Yeah, I guess most people were too blinded by the costumes and the flying witch that they really failed to see it's substance."

Flying witch...hahaha you kidder. She's an elevating witch silly!

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

#15re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 6:04pm

no no no.. by "flying witch", he meant Fran Weissler.

secret-soul Profile Photo
#16re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 6:04pm

I agree with Albin 100,000%:

"It's simple in the case of best musical. Substance won out over spectacle. 'Nuff said. "

Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#17re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 6:31pm

The sad thing is, is that i really like WICKED. And with all these people who think its the only show out there and nothing can top it are really turning me off to it. I rarely want to compliment it because i dont want to be associated with them. o well.

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

#18re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 7:12pm

in wicked's defense, it is doing much better monitarily wise. and if the show was so horrible, then why is it impossible to get seats, and why are people going again and again? it's obvious that wicked will be around much longer than avenue q. it does have substance. good v. evil. friend v. foe. right v. wrong. so far, wicked has never preformed to anything less than a full house. can avenue q say that?


bythesword84 Profile Photo
#19re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 7:13pm

When it comes to Wicked its really not that hard to figure out. I am more bothered by the people who feel Wicked is the end all of the world and that no other show could ever even compare to it than I am by the show itself.

I attended Wicked on opening night and I found it enjoyable. I still say its too long so there are always parts where I wish I could fast forward it. I remember coming home from it and telling my friends that I thought it was a good evening full of so many visuals that your eyes can't take it all in. I also told them that there were some good songs but overall I thought the score was weak but the actors performances were excellent.

At the time no one cared what I said about it.

Within a month or so everyone wanted to see Wicked, everyone was so obsessed with seeing it. I think the biggest problem for me came when my cousin who never saw the show was singing all the songs to me and telling me how its the best show "EVER." Its things like that which ruined the show for me. I don't understand it. Yes, the show is good, but the people who jump the conclusion that its the greatest thing in the world aren't being objective.

Again, I enjoy Wicked, but its not the only thing out there and what has made me like the show less is the insane amount of people who are convinced it is the only show ever worth seeing. Of course, like it by all means, but don't think that there's never anything else which can compare to it. See other things too.

No matter how much you love a given show, there will always come a time when you will see something worse and you will see something better. Nothing is the end all of the world when it comes to theater because theater is always reworking itself.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#20re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 8:03pm

Well put.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

Broadway Matt Profile Photo
Broadway Matt
#21re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 8:38pm

there are SO MANY Wicked vs. Avenue Q threads going on right now, I need to get involved even though I swore I wouldn't provoke the Wicked groupies anymore.

seriously, Wicked is a fun show and I had mainly good things to say about it after seeing it pre-Broadway in SF. beautiful design, some fun music, and a few amazing performances make for an enjoyable evening but it just is NOT God's gift to Broadway, and Idina is NOT the greatest Broadway singer of the all time, the century, the year, or even the evening. hearing people online and at school constantly making these wild statements about the greatness and the legacy of Wicked has left me with a horrible taste in my mouth about what the Disney-ification of Broadway has brought us to.

Wicked does not deserve all of the scrutiny it's getting from some of us "snobs" but neither does it deserve to be listed among the truly great musicals. there are many GOOD things about the show and i'm happy for Idina's win and happy that Stephen Scwartz finally has a show that can make some money, but there simply isn't anything really GREAT about it.

So I say good for Broadway for recognizing a small, original show like Avenue Q rather than voting for the show that the media expected them to. they definitely proved to be one industry that occassionally chooses substance over generic spectacle. Wicked is fun, it knows how to market itself and make money, and it fills a niche. The same is true of a Britney Spears concert, but that doesn't give her substance.

And as for a legacy? I'd say, in 10 years, it'll rank somewhere between Scarlet Pimpernel and Aida.

"The last train out of any station will not be full of nice guys." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

"I wash my face, then drink beer, then I weep. Say a prayer and induce insincere self-abuse, till I'm fast asleep"- In Trousers

#22re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/7/04 at 8:39pm

Wicked is benefiting from the younger theatre-goers who attach to one show and see it over and over and over (Taboo had a similar audience, before that it was Rocky Horror, before that Rent, Bare is getting a boost from return viewers who dismiss what the critics say and like a show anyway, oblivious to it's faults.) But that's part of the beauty of theatre, we get to see it more than once, and unlike a movie, it's different every time. I saw The Full Monty 9 times, it was sort of my post-Rent addiction... and no, not just for the naked men... although...

Look, enjoy your show. I'm happy you're spending your money on theatre. But, just because you like one show, doesn't discount the others. I've had some great nights and afternoons in a rather bland season, and no, not all at the Golden Theatre, though admitedly not really at the Gershwin.

I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it. -Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

secret-soul Profile Photo
#23re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/8/04 at 7:43pm

DefyGravity, those things you're claiming for Wicked...? that's not substance: that's melodrama.

Plince! Plince! Nein! T-Rex!!

michaelm730 Profile Photo
#24re: What happened last night???
Posted: 6/9/04 at 10:34am

Don't get me wrong... I LOVED Wicked. Enjoyed it VERY much. BUT, Avenue Q has got it all over Wicked. Subtle, understated, clever, hysterical...

Bigger doesn't always mean better. Minds out of the gutter now...
