I wasn't going to comment but the idea that people who can't afford to sit in the first eight rows somehow don't know how to behave in a theater has enraged me to the point I can't think straight.
Why do you think rude behavior is more prone to the balcony? In my experiences, rudeness in theatre can happen anywhere.
"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D
"I wasn't going to comment but the idea that people who can't afford to sit in the first eight rows somehow don't know how to behave in a theater has enraged me to the point I can't think straight."
I never said that those who can't afford to sit within the first 8 rows don't know how to behave in a theatre.
However, I did say that in my experience, it seems the farther I have sat, the worse audience behavior is. It's like some people (not all, obviously) feel they can speak louder and get up more often when they are further back. It has nothing to do with not being able to afford better seats.
Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.
I'd just like to come to the defense of the house manager, who I feel got slandered by the poster. He was a real sweetheart to me when I left my merch in the theatre. He canvassed the front mezz with me and then brought me down to the orchestra to ask the cleaning people if they'd picked anything up. He was very kind and understanding, and extremely courteous to the old folks (Wed. mat, haha) who were having trouble getting down the stairs.
Either your emotions are clouding your judgment of the man or YOUR lack of civility contributed to his. Ironic, perhaps?
Imagine what Ethel Merman would have said??: "Sit your F_ _ _ _ _ G asses down!" Or something like that. from RC in Austin, Texas
"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)
Not exactly the same thing, but my experience seeing Juno was ruined because of a bunch of thirteen-year-old assholes in front of me who would not shut the hell up. I regret now not smacking them all upside the head and telling them to do so. (Before anyone jumps on me, I wouldn't have actually hit them.) But I consoled myself with a Mrs. Krabapple quote from The Simpsons: "It will be one of their few pleasant memories when they're all pumping gas for a living."
And yes, it's a shame that people are not taught proper theatre etiquette. But really it's just plain damn common sense.
But if it's any consolation jazzicat, maybe those women got bitch-slapped by Patti at the stage door.
The OP made a point to say that the house manager was nice. I didn't read any ill will towards him in the post.
Jazzicat, I'm sorry that you were put out by some of your fellow audience members. It's not always easy to say something because it can, at times, escalate the situation. How often have many of asked someone to stop doing something only to have them do it more often once they realize it bothers you? Of course, that is not always the case but it a risk. And I would have to guess by the jazzicat is a very sensitive person and is rather unlikely to be confrontational. Simply asking someone to stop doing something can be a very daunting task to some people. It's not as simple as saying "Sit your butt down".
"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney
We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".
Sadly, we live in a time when theater-going is beginning to resemble going to the circus. There is no respect anymore - whether it's teens acting like goofballs and not shutting up and then rushing to the stage door to drool and scream, or tourists AND New Yorkers dressing like cretins or people acting like they were in their local multiplex or worse, their living room - but, you know, it's the 2000s - everyone is entitled to behave however they feel.
Theater used to be a classy thing - now it's been overrun by thirteen-year-olds (and producers pandering to same) and rude cretins who text message during shows, who don't shut off their cells, who don't CARE about anything but their own selfish selves.
The original poster was perfectly within her rights to be upset. It is NOT her job to shut these people up or make them behave like human beings, and it IS the job of the theater staff. That said, doing it during a performance is just about impossible.
I will say, I haven't had that many bad experiences but I have learned exactly what to do if someone won't stop after I've gently asked them to. Be they male or female, and their rude behavior continues, I simply call them a f****ing c**t - I'm here to tell you - it never fails to shut people up.
One of the worst was at a preview of the current A Chorus Line. The announcement was made, people were doing the mass cell shut off - except for the woman next to me, who was merrily texting someone with a very brightly-lit phone. The house went to half and still she was texting - I leaned over and said, "Please shut that off, they need darkness for the opening." She told me to shut up. I said to her quite clearly, "Listen to me, you f****ing c**t, shut that thing off NOW or I will shove it up your rectal cavity. She shut it off - glaring at me - but she shut it off, although not quite in time that the opening dancers weren't illuminated by her stupid phone (2nd row orchestra). We had no more incidents after that.
Harsh? Sure. Did she deserve it? Absolutely. When civility fails, go for the jugular.
Why not carry a tazer for moments such as this? I am not kidding. Sure, some overzealous prosecutor might file battery charges on you, but do you really think a jury of 12 New Yorkers would convict you?
i can almost understand rude behavior from teens or younger because they don't know any better. sadly, about 99% of the rude behavior i've experienced at the theatre has been from adults who should know better. kids are usually very quiet even when they're bored.
I find bad behavior in all sorts of places. I think the first step would have been to say "sit down!" to the crazy people...or just refuse to move. Next step would be the manager.
Unfortunately, I think for some people, the more they paid for their seats, the more entitled they feel....and honestly, people who don't live in the close confines of NYC don't always realize that they are being disruptive.
Just curious- not meant to be offensive or snide or anything like that. I think your advice is golden, im just wondering how old you are to have the guts to say something like that.
Im 21, and I am afraid i would be booted from the theatre or something.
As Sheila in ACL would say: Old. It takes a lot to get me to that point, but once there I'm afraid I'm quite a bad boy. I've been going to the theater since 1960 and I knew then that it was a wonderful, magical thing, and I knew without anyone telling me that respect and good behavior were the order of the day. People dressed nicely, behaved nicely, and incidents of rudeness pre-cell phones was a very rare thing. In fact, the only one I can really remember was when I saw Prelude To A Kiss at the Helen Hayes with Timothy Hutton and Mary Louise Parker. There was an elderly couple in the back who just decided to have a spat while watching the play. And they were LOUD. People shushed them, to no avail. Mr. Hutton glared at them, to no avail. Finally, he just stepped forward and asked them to take their rude behavior to the lobby. Ushers came in and removed the couple and the play resumed after a thunderous applause.
BK, do you think you displayed civility? You met rudeness with vulgar crudeness and somehow you rationalized that you behaved properly.
My question to someone calling anyone a f****** c***, for any reason, would be to ask if their need for a vulgar misogynistic comment is because they want to feel superior or just need to compensate for a small penis.
Now take a deep breath because irritations will pass. Focus on the stage, not your immediate surroundings. If you can't, then perhaps those so sensitive may want to consider some therapy.
Lol, yes, Franz darling. And I'm sorry if you have to use rudeness to deal with rudeness in the theatre, then do it, you are paying a lot of money, some annoying idiots have no right to ruin the experience for you.
"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"
"Thankfully, I've yet to experience a rude text messenger at a show. I can only imagine how infuriating that'd be."
I haven't experienced that either but I did have the person next to me read her playbill by the light of her cellphone at ACA. It was only slightly distracting so I resisted the urge to reach over, cover the screen of her cellphone and quietly remind her that she could take the playbill home with her and could read it later.
"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney
We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".
I HAAAAAAATED the txters I had to deal with at CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF. I hated the damn cell phone that rang during the most poignant moment between la Murphy and Michael Cerveris in LOVEMUSIK. I wanted to bitch-slap the two bitches (they were in their late 50s/early 60s and they should have known better) who not only sang the lyrics to each tune during the GYPSY overture but who thought it was okay to sing along with Patti freaking LuPone. Rude audience members are just intolerable.
"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"