Oh, right, no one reads the Monday papers.
It's still a little strange.
Updated On: 8/19/07 at 12:48 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/14/03
.....Why not? Laugh Whore opened on a Sunday night
If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...
Someone made the same comment when Xanadu chose Tues as an opening night
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/14/07
why is this so bad its not like this is going to curse the show
It's not like the reviews are going to matter -- people will flock no matter what the critics say.
Its not unusaul by any means! Years ago it was pretty much the norm. Most wont play a Monday show.
I believe that Legally Blonde opened on a Sunday night also.
My question is why is grease opening!? I'm still mad at grease for using a tv show to cast it.
LOL excactly!
GGRRRRRRR ease is not the word!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/06
Good god, get over the tv casting. There are so many things that contribute to the poor quality of this production, and most have to do with Kathleen and the design team - I'll be pissed if its failure is blamed on Max and Laura.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
Honestly, Max, Laura, Jenny Powers, Robyn Hurder are the standouts of this production.
Have any changes been made since the first preview? If so, I may go back to see if it has improved at all...
WAT, why would you do that to yourself?
I saw The Times They Are A Changin' three times and The Pirate Queen four times...I obviously like inflicting pain on myself.
Wow! with all that 'theare' going when do u have time to see your shrink?
in the morning before work...
aaah so plenty of time for a matinee
to be honest, i have never skipped work to see a Wednesday matinee...
I liked the pirate queen!!
And yet you won't see Xanadu again, this time with Cheyenne? Interesting. Totally kidding, I understand.
I saw Xanadu twice...once with James and once with Cheyenne!
I don't know why it's opening on a Sunday night. I'm still trying to figure out why it's opening at all!
To add yet another opening of a Broadway musical on my birthday.
Track record's not so good:
Other Musical August 19th openings:
Dracula The Musical opened on August 19th 2004.
Kat and the Kings opened on August 19th 1999.