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Xanadu now closing this Sunday, Sept. 28th- Page 6

Xanadu now closing this Sunday, Sept. 28th

EddieGoing Profile Photo
#125Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/24/08 at 2:42pm

drama RAMA


"Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an allusion of philosophers and fools." :) -William Faulkner

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#126Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/24/08 at 2:55pm

Oh comparatively speaking, this is nothing. Although I did have the sense the spirit of HamletWasBipolar was invoked last night.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

bundy5000 Profile Photo
#127Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/24/08 at 2:56pm

SO....... Xanadu is closing....

PLEASE XANADU, Don't walk away, All you got to do is stay...

it is very interesting how there has been an increase in message board arguments and less verbal ones today in our society. Technology is getting the better of us

Herbie: "Honey, Don't you know there's a depression?"
Rose: "Of Course I know, I Watch Fox News"
Broadway Schedule
December 5th- Hamilton, On Your Feet
December 19th- Noises Off, Edith Piaf Concert at Town Hall

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#128Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/24/08 at 3:41pm

Well i refuse to look at things as British/American, we are all theatre fans.

Now adults and kids is a whole other story lol

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#129Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/24/08 at 3:51pm

Well, on that we agree. I think childish remarks have been made on both sides of the issue.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

jeffrey1dog Profile Photo
#130Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/24/08 at 5:04pm

Testing - You're 100% right. Somebody else was ready to jump into the HH & the pressure was on... probably an ultimatum from the producers of "SLAVA'S SNOWSHOW" of 'now or never.' Here's the story...

< Patty Duke (the original Neely O'Hara) & me (March 8, 2010)

#131Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/24/08 at 5:21pm

As far as I'm concerned, they can stick Slava up where the sun don't shine.


#132Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 12:43am

Testing, I'd love to know how you know for a fact that the shows were nearly sold out.

And, no, searching for tickets on telecharge is not a reliable way to guesstimate that information.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#133Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 12:50am

<< Testing, I'd love to know how you know for a fact that the shows were nearly sold out.

And, no, searching for tickets on telecharge is not a reliable way to guesstimate that information. >>

Because I was at the box office a number of times within the last few days, and I asked. (I have much better things to do than search Telecharge)

Being at the show so many times, I doubt they would lie to me.

And the stage seats were sold out for just about every show with the exception of the Weds mat.

Why... you dont have a problem with the way this whole thing was handled? It was not fair to the staff of the HH, or the cast. The fans, myself included, should not be upset half as much as the cast should be.

The public found out before they did !!

The closing date was not moved up because of the poor economy.

Simple as that.

#134Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 12:56am

Per Variety:

'Early shuttering of "Xanadu" was prodded by impending losses that would have been incurred in keeping the musical running. Last week, when nearly every production on the boards saw weekly sale rise, "Xanadu" was one of the few to dip slightly, slipping to $162,616."

Stage seats selling out isn't a big deal. They're not expensive, and in the grand scheme of things it's not 40 dollar seats that matter, its all those 100.00 seats that matter, and those weren't selling. Look at the grosses and see for yourself.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#135Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 1:10am


Out of curiosity--- how full (in terms of percentage) do you think the theatre would have been for the last two weeks of performances (had the showed closed on Oct 12th)?

50-60%, 60-70%, lower? Higher? My guess is around 70-80% each week.

If they were losing so much money (and I am not doubting the figures), then why didnt they just announce a 9/28 closing first?

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#136Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 1:17am

Maybe all of these shows closing is a sign that ticket prices rose too fast? What if shows at least went back to $100 max. ticket price?

#137Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 1:34am

What was the average high ticket price for shows...say... 5 years ago? Was it 100? How much is it now? like 120 er 130? (Not talking about premium costs)

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#138Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 1:38am

yeah i think thats right Parks...I'll bet someone on here can digg up some factual numbers on the increase in price....but I do believe ticket prices have risen dramatically in the past 10-15 years.

#139Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 1:46am

I'd say in the 50% range... maybe 60's. They probably thought annoucing a closing on Oct 12 would boost sales and it didn't, so they had to change the date. Simple as that.

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#140Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 1:47am

What really kills me now besides a lot of people losing their jobs is Kerry Butler's new understudy losing her job so quickly. Basically, because Kate Loprest was in last week, this girl didn't start until this week. Granted, I should be glad that Kerry will be at all the closing performances, but this girl will not get to perform at all now, unless something happens to someone between now and Sunday. And I will stop talking because I probably just cursed it even more now.

Oh yeah, and Kerry Butler's understudy is Veronica Kuehn, who played Ali in Mamma Mia. (The stage version.) I liked her, so I hope she and everyone else involved in the show can get another gig soon.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

#141Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 1:53am


"Sing out Louise!" Need I say more.

jeffrey1dog Profile Photo
#142Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 3:50am

tourboi - STFU already... you don't know what you're talking about. The show was selling in the 50% range for months, and they didn't close then. So why, all of a sudden is 50.. 60.. or 70% so low they couldn't finish out the next 2 - 3 weeks? Because somebody else wanted the theater... that's why!!!

< Patty Duke (the original Neely O'Hara) & me (March 8, 2010)

#143Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 3:53am

My point is... if that's true, why close so suddenly and not proceed to the originally announced date of Oct 12 (which was presumably set because of a new show coming in)? Because sales couldn't merit it, and they had already (as you said) had enough weeks of losing money.

Look, to get nasty over this and fight is pointless.

I keep saying: let's look at the positives (the future of the show beyond broadway and the audiences that will get to see it all over the place!) and be thankful we were all able to enjoy it in NY.

It's sad it's leaving, and even more sad for the cast and crew. But they'll rebound, because they're all fabulous.

Posted: 9/25/08 at 4:00am

Updated On: 5/1/09 at 04:00 AM

jeffrey1dog Profile Photo
#145Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 4:01am

tourboi - The whole point we're trying to make is that there are a lot of fans that wanted to be there for the last performances, and now they won't have the chance. That't the sad part!

PS: I've been to the show 26 times! Insane as that may sound... I really wanted to be there for the final show, but because of the the date being moved up again I won't be... that's all!

Wickedboy2 - If you don't like your job then quit! With a nasty attitude like that who the f@*k needs you to be here & make those snide comments about us. I'm a native New Yorker & love this city and the people in it. Just stay in England, you pompous ass!!!

< Patty Duke (the original Neely O'Hara) & me (March 8, 2010)
Updated On: 9/25/08 at 04:01 AM

#146Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 4:19am

Jeff, I get that. I can't be there either, and it bums be out. I guess really what I meant by all that is this: This wasn't done intentionally to upset the fans, as some posts have seemed to insinuate. The show just was running out of financial steam.

Now I've produced shows, myself. If were in the same shoes, and I'd announced a closing, only to find that the sales increase I'd (in theory) counted on coming with a closing notice didn't come afterall, I'd pull the plug early. Unfortunately, in that situation, the fans wouldn't be the first thing I'd think of. Minimizing losses for my investors would. It's business, and nothing personal towards the fans.

I feel like the producers have been villified in this process, and I just don't think it's called for. Thats all.

Believe me, as a fan of the show, it kills me a lil' inside to see it close, and that I can't be there. But I understand why.

We got heated there, man. WHEW! I've many times enjoyed our conversations (all of us fanadus!) and the closing of the show shouldn't bring about such lashing out.

I apologize for my part, perhaps I wasn't clear. :) A truce!

"...don't Bogart that joint!"

jeffrey1dog Profile Photo
#147Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 4:29am

Word! I'm all for peace and love. I never expected any special consideration as a fan/fanadu, but the way it's ending feels like a slap in the face to all of us who have been so loyal.
I'm sorry, I have feelings too.

< Patty Duke (the original Neely O'Hara) & me (March 8, 2010)
Updated On: 9/25/08 at 04:29 AM

#148Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 4:31am

I understand that, but I really don't think they meant it to be a slap in the face. :)

jeffrey1dog Profile Photo
#149Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 4:33am

Well, that's the way it felt. Not for just me, but for many others that I've come to know and love.

< Patty Duke (the original Neely O'Hara) & me (March 8, 2010)
