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Xanadu now closing this Sunday, Sept. 28th- Page 7

Xanadu now closing this Sunday, Sept. 28th

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#150Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 6:52am

50's?? You ARE kidding me, right?---- the diehards would have comprised 50% on our own !!! There is no way that the number would have dropped from the previous weeks. Not a chance !

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#151Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 6:56am

<< It's sad it's leaving, and even more sad for the cast and crew. But they'll rebound, because they're all fabulous. >>

Yes, they are... even MORE reason why they should not have been treated this way.. And I am NOT just talking about the show simply closing.

Esparzafan Profile Photo
#152Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 11:08am

It was sad to see the theatre so empty for the Wednesday matinee. I picked up an onstage seat the day before at the box office. The orchestra / onstage seats were full but the mezzanine had maybe 15 people in it.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#153Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 11:11am

LePetiteFromage - Glad to see I wasn't the only one who decided to save a bit of that thread. I just saved the beginning bit that kicked off the whole anti-American sentiment. I had a feeling it might come up again. I suppose WickedBoy2 didn't want people to find out how nasty he can truly get, taking things to personal levels for no other reason than to be cruel. The thing is, it's really not original. I've been seeing posts like that for almost 10 years now.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

EddieGoing Profile Photo
#154Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 2:28pm

drama RAMA >:)

"Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an allusion of philosophers and fools." :) -William Faulkner

WickedBoy2 Profile Photo
#155Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 2:35pm

Matt Grow up and go wipe your arse in it!
Did you both save it for a rainy day? lol

A young actress with Noel coward after a dreadful opening night performance said to him 'Well, i knew my lines backwards this morning!'' Noels fast reply was ''Yes dear, and thats exactly how you said them tonight'!'
Updated On: 9/25/08 at 02:35 PM

pharmer2000 Profile Photo
#156Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 2:38pm

Wednesday night appeared to be PACKED!!! the audiance was VERY responsive and that may have been one of the best Xanadu performances that I have seen, and I have seen the show many times. I really just wish the cast and crew all the best and I know that we will see them in other theatrical projects real soon!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#157Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 2:51pm

There it is! The "really nice guy".

Grow up? LOL

Physician, heal thyself! Honestly, do you read your own posts or do you just block yourself so you don't have to remember anything you post?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#158Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/25/08 at 3:00pm

<< Wednesday night appeared to be PACKED!!! >>

Packed???!!! But it couldn't have been... I mean, with the economy the way it is !!!

(pls insert sarcasm)

Glad you enjoyed !!!

NewYorkYankee2006 Profile Photo
#159Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/27/08 at 2:06pm

so sad this show is closing. its awsum! (from what i saw on youtube and on does anybody know what the cast is up to after xanadu? if they are appearing in any other shows?

SillySara Profile Photo
#160Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/27/08 at 2:31pm

Curtis Holbrook will be Action in West Side Story (I know he left the show a few weeks ago, but it's so exciting that it's worth mentioning).

Patti Murin will be doing a production of Tarzan.

I believe that's all that has been confirmed.

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#161Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/27/08 at 4:27pm

Does anyone with more insider info than me know whether they'd release unsold premium tickets to student rush on Sunday? It's my only hope to see it.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

BornToRun Profile Photo
#162Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/27/08 at 4:59pm

Ugh! I'm going to NY in November, I was excited to see it.

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#163Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/27/08 at 5:46pm

Show was packed today, and there is a sign at the Box Office stating the show is sold out for the rest of the run.

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#164Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/27/08 at 6:11pm

Well, damn. Guess I'm not seeing it one more time.

Oh, well. I didn't realize I was saying goodbye last time I saw it, but so be it.

Everyone who is going tomorrow, have fun! Shake those glowsticks!

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

NGD2225 Profile Photo
#165Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/27/08 at 6:22pm

I would love to see Mary as Morrible in Wicked. Or Ursula.
Updated On: 9/27/08 at 06:22 PM

#166Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/27/08 at 6:39pm

if u are in NYC and want to see the show tomorrow, i would go to the B.O. bc tickets that arent claimed will be sold by curtain

bundy5000 Profile Photo
#167Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/27/08 at 7:08pm

Not to happy with the weather tomorrow, but beggers can't be choosers. I am gonna wear a custom Mamma Mia Movie shirt tomorrow while attending Xanadu's last performance. I always like to meet fellow theater goers in person than online. But if you spot me and think I might be younger than I actually am please............DON'T WALK AWAY, :)

Herbie: "Honey, Don't you know there's a depression?"
Rose: "Of Course I know, I Watch Fox News"
Broadway Schedule
December 5th- Hamilton, On Your Feet
December 19th- Noises Off, Edith Piaf Concert at Town Hall

#168Xanadu Closing Video
Posted: 9/28/08 at 12:04am

I saw this last Wed night, and it was sold-out. It was SUCH a great show. Ugh, I wish I could see it a couple more times. It's such a tech heavy show - I wasn't expecting that. It was wonderful and everyone was on, and the vocals were out of this world!
