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dissapointed idina @ stagedoor- Page 6

dissapointed idina @ stagedoor

belterboi Profile Photo
Posted: 12/28/04 at 4:18pm

I just wanna say that I think that some people here are rude and at times can be mean. I'm not saying anyone or anything in particular, but reading some of these messages makes me wonder why do we even have these boards if people are just gonna be mean and just shot down other people and their views. People need to just calm down and not attack someone for their views nor misspelling of someone's name or correct info. We are all here to express our feelings and love of musical theatre, pity little things shouldn't matter.That's all..i'm sure I'll get something about this....

Posted: 12/28/04 at 4:35pm

well said

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
Posted: 12/28/04 at 4:43pm

If slightly garbled, poorly written and using a childlike vocabulary with very little insight into the situation.

Other than that though, well done.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

belterboi Profile Photo
Posted: 12/28/04 at 5:02pm

See...there is the rudeness....nevermind

Posted: 12/28/04 at 5:07pm

I think that was sarcasm before, actually.

But you are right.

"Yesterday is done. See the pretty countryside. Merrily we roll along, roll along- catching at dreams."- Merrily we roll along "The living was the prize, the ending's not the story."- Elegies, a song cycle

MaTakeALookAtMe Profile Photo
Posted: 12/28/04 at 5:20pm

My whole point is not to be rude. I don't care too much about poor spelling or grammar. I would love to meet Idina. If I had the opporunity to go see Wicked, I would definitely wait outside to get her autograph. But I would wait politely. I would not scream. I would act like a rational person. And if, for whatever reason I din't get an autograph, I'd say, "Well damn" and go on about my life without thinking Idina had personally wronged me. Fans are great. Stalkers are not.

Posted: 12/28/04 at 5:36pm

i just want to add that idina is a person! if she is pissed about something before the show and goes on and does a great job - there's good acting (and that is what costs 100 dollars)! if she is still pissed after the show - then let her be, she's only human. From 8:07 - 10:47, Idina is Elphaba. Before that and after that, she is Idina. She owes nothing to the world and does give autogrpahs and takes photos because she is a nice person.

People seem to confuse the fact that, an actor can innatley (ummm?) be a b*tch. But when they are on the stage, they ARE the character.

With that said, i got an autograph from idina because some one yelled out her name as she was getting into her car (the group was kind of off to the side). She got out and signed the autographs.

Posted: 12/28/04 at 5:37pm

again well said

Posted: 12/28/04 at 6:14pm

I think my main point is that her life is in question and by subjecting herself to strangers on the street she is subjecting herself to her hypothetical murderer.

"Yesterday is done. See the pretty countryside. Merrily we roll along, roll along- catching at dreams."- Merrily we roll along "The living was the prize, the ending's not the story."- Elegies, a song cycle

N0tThatGirl213 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/28/04 at 7:12pm

belterboi-you've been here two days. Wait six months and see if that's still what you're saying.

"A little humility wouldn't hurt." --Ellie, Constantine-Hellblazer, "Dangerous Habits"

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
Posted: 12/28/04 at 7:14pm

Now that was well said! I've been here a year and a half and I must say I have seen a lot of your kind come and go.

If you want to stick around here you're going to have to learn to adjust to what the present climate is.

It isn't going to change due to the simple fact that people don't suddenly do a one eighty personality wise without medication.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

Posted: 12/28/04 at 8:07pm

sum, was that for me? - i did adjust!

(PS i have been here for a long time - and as soon as i can figure out my old email/password i can figure out when i originally signed up lol)

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
Posted: 12/29/04 at 12:37am

No dear that was not for you. That was basically open to anyone who fits the description.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

crazy smiles Profile Photo
crazy smiles
Posted: 12/29/04 at 12:41am

Sum! When did you return. Are you back to send holiday cheer? Or just for me?

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
Posted: 12/29/04 at 12:41am I know you? (no offense)

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

crazy smiles Profile Photo
crazy smiles
Posted: 12/29/04 at 12:43am

No, not really just you helped me out when I first came to boards with music. I was being silly, sorry.

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
Posted: 12/29/04 at 12:46am

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I remember now! Hey, sorry about that! Tell me in PM's how that worked out for ya.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

belterboi Profile Photo
Posted: 12/29/04 at 2:09pm

yes, I know I've only been here for a couple of days, but I was just saying what my one of my first impressions of some of the posts were, that's all

InTheMoney Profile Photo
Posted: 12/29/04 at 4:37pm

Belterboi, check out every post from every WICKED fan and you'll see where a lot of people are coming from. Actually, just look at the TO ALL NEW BWW MEMBERS thread - it explains a lot.

Mainly, people are just pissed off at the following:

1) WICKED fans' unquestioning adoration of the show and its stars, which in many cases is bordering on serious obsession.

2) Said fans' refusal to believe that anything else could POSSIBLY be as good as WICKED, despite never having seen/heard another show & being unable to give sane reasons as to WHY nothing can compare to WICKED (only reason given being along the lines of "Because it's the best!", which is swiftly followed with childish rantings when we point out that isn't actually a reason).

3) Linked to 2 - said fans' refusal to actually EXPERIENCE any other theatre, despite them claiming to now be huge musical theatre fans.

4) The fact that 90% of these questions and discussions (esp about Idina & stagedoors) have been posted 100 times before but no-one seems to know how to use the search function.

5) (And this is me being petty. but I think it's allowed as I know a number of dyslexic/partially-sighted people who are affected by things like this). The APPALLING grammar & spelling used by lots of WICKED posters (this is probably in direct corrolation to their ages), which in many cases is the result of either pure laziness or the refusal to use anything other than text language.

MaTakeALookAtMe Profile Photo
Posted: 12/29/04 at 5:56pm

You peple are all wrong.

Wicked IS the best show ever. All myfriends say that too. So maybe you just don't know. And why should I see anything else when Wikced is the best? Why mess ith rest when you have the best, right?

So w/e you all are just jealous

oh, yeah, and, like, when is Idina gonna start signing autographs? And who do you think should replace idina? and isn't Defying Gravity the best song ever> I like nominated it be my class song, but nobody else had ever heard it and they wanted something else, So I was all like w/e.. you guyz just don't know. And after the vote was taken we had picked Defying Gravity and I ws soo happy and all my friends said that it was because evrybody could see how much I loved theater (esp WICKED)!
So later losers..

belterboi Profile Photo
Posted: 12/29/04 at 6:15pm

Good point In the Money, thanks

idinaroxmysox6 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/29/04 at 6:22pm

u go matakealook.. i TOTALY agree!

Morrible: Yes, yes, of course! Oh, You must be Miss Nessarose, the governor's daughter. What a tragically beautiful face you have! Sees Elphaba, snorts...And you must be. Elphaba: I'm the other daughter. Elphaba. I'm beautifully tragic. Morrible: Yes, yes, I'm sure you're very bright. Galinda: Bright? She's phosphorescent. i love wicked!

MaTakeALookAtMe Profile Photo
Posted: 12/29/04 at 6:24pm

I love it when people do not recognize sarcasm...yet another sympton of the Wicked affliction...

Posted: 12/29/04 at 7:52pm

I waited for Idina when I went to NY and saw the fact I waited after the show TWICE and to no avail. I wrote a letter to her instead and yesterday received a nice 5x7 color signed picture of her in Defying Gravity. Yay!

I would have loved to meet her, but what's better, getting crushed with all the screaming fans and attempting to get a picture with her with a silver bar planted against your chest, along with a scribble of an auto, or getting a cool picture with her signature in the mail?

Well, some people would rather meet her, but I'll take the consolation prize anyday. :) Hopefully she'll be in another show soon where I can try again.repeat...again

idinaroxmysox6 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/29/04 at 7:55pm

Thats cool!

Morrible: Yes, yes, of course! Oh, You must be Miss Nessarose, the governor's daughter. What a tragically beautiful face you have! Sees Elphaba, snorts...And you must be. Elphaba: I'm the other daughter. Elphaba. I'm beautifully tragic. Morrible: Yes, yes, I'm sure you're very bright. Galinda: Bright? She's phosphorescent. i love wicked!
