Swing Joined: 12/30/24
Hi Dale,
So, I would recommend Hells Kitchen and Gatsby (both so much fun) if the original cast was still going to be performing in May. Since they won't be, if Maybe Happy Ending is still open, I strongly recommend buying tickets. It's such a lovely, sweet show that I sincerely hope makes it all the way to the Tonys and beyond. Enjoy!
Dale Sherman said: "I have one open day in May for my semi-annual trip to see Broadway shows. I prefer a musical and I need to choose between Hells Kitchen, The Great Gatsby, Maybe happy ending and Gypsy . Any opinions would be greatly appreciated."
No need to book tickets so far in advance. I would wait until end of April and see if MHE is still running and decide then between that and GYPSY! Tony noms will be announced on May 1. When is the one day in May?
Swing Joined: 12/30/24
Broadway Star Joined: 1/24/14
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/14/04
I just saw MHE and Gypsy. I adored MHE, but seeing Audra in Gypsy felt like an event. I wouldn't miss it if you have the chance. Hopefully MHE will have a long life and a tour (i.e., you'll have other chances to experience the show - you can never see this Gypsy again).
Stand-by Joined: 10/8/18
I’d prioritize Gypsy because of Audra’s performance. It is astonishing despite the fact that her voice and the music aren’t an ideal fit. It’s not the best production of Gypsy but I’d be willing to bet that you will never see a performance as Rose that comes close to the emotional depths that Audra achieves.
i am in the minority on MHE. I thought it was just ok. To say the score is forgettable is generous. But kudos to the staging and sets which are extraordinary.
I have not seen (and have no interest in seeing HK or GG.
Stand-by Joined: 5/23/21
Swing Joined: 5/11/12
Leading Actor Joined: 12/17/15
Looks like totally reasonable choices. I would recommend you see Gypsy if you have (a) never seen a Gypsy on Broadway or (b) if you have never seen Audra on stage in person. Whether you totally agree with the Director's approach to the work, she is giving an extraordinary performance -- which frankly would be amazing, except noone is surprised because, well, because she's Audra.
IMO, Gatsby and Hell's Kitchen are clear runner ups on your list. I don't get the buzz about Gatsby frankly, and HK is getting a bit old in the tooth and no longer has all of the original cast.
MHE is the most beloved musical of the year on these boards, and it may very much win one or more Tonys -- but my thought is that given that you can only do one of these, MHE can wait...
Hope you enjoy whichever one you pick.