ART as you can see by the nonsense going on in this very thread, youre almost damned if you do and if you dont
FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ......................................................................................................................................
The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW.....................................................................................................................
...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................
Gamification. Its not as bad as is being written about here. Yes, the points that are being made here are good ones, but they are far from the whole story. Gamification is also the little things we do for ourselves to motivate us. Reward ourselves when we achieve an accomplishment. There are many applications of gamification that work and work extremely well.
Continuing with my personal experience, gamification has made a huge difference in the lives of many people with neurological issues similar to my partner (he has Aspergers). As a tool to motivate, it can be amazingly fun and effective. Please understand that only one very small sliver of the "game" was previously discussed here in this thread.
ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.
"But when you PM me and tell me you know my name and use it like a weapon, then you ask for what's coming"
Gee, that almost sounds like a threat, Diva.
"And I still have those PMs from you. Should I post them to show people how your tried to make this whole thing MY fault.
By all means, Diva, but do post them unedited, in a screen shot, so everyone can see how I abjectly I begged you, over a 24 hour period, to delete the names you were so "outraged" that I had posted. I literally said I didn't care if you made me "look like the biggest a$$hole on the planet - but please remove their names". For their sakes. You refused. To spite me.
I lowered myself to begging and pleading with you to try to correct my wrong, and when that didn't work, the only "weapon" I had in my arsenal was letting you know I would give that life coach your name if the subject came up. The life coach is an acquaintance of mine and a former performer who reads these boards. If the subject came up, I would first admit my culpability, ask forgiveness - and then tell that person (and that person alone) that [Diva's real name] was the one refused to delete their name - but only IF that person asked me about it.
"How you think that I have any power to be able to ruin your career is beyond me."
Don't be ridiculous. Our business is a small world. It is very easy to start rumors and do a lot of damage - and you threatened to do just that. Anyone who wishes to see Diva's threats to me can private message me for them - unedited, in a screen shot. I will not post them here.
"I never would have called you out if you hadn't done something vile."
The thread was about two life coaches who committed double suicide. I observed that most life coaches seemed to have issues, and mentioned, thoughtlessly, two life coaches that I knew (and are fairly well known in this community) whose personal lives were train wrecks. While this was true and fairly common knowledge, it was nevertheless indiscrete for me to say. It was a thoughtless mistake - and I owned up to it and corrected it the moment Diva pointed it out, within an hour of posting it. There was no malice involved. Just stupidity. I posted before I thought it through. Too many of our regulars here did see that thread and my exchange with Diva before the thread was deleted. They know I didn't do anything "vile" or "very rude."
"See... You have turned this whole thing around and tried to make it my fault. You posted something very rude about someone and I called you out on it. Then you wanted me to help cover your mistake.
That's not my job. I owe you nothing."
You sure don't - but what about those people who were named, one of whom you claimed to care about? If you're going to pretend to get upset on behalf the the people I named in order to fuel your vendetta against me, it's ridiculous for you to express your faux outrage while leaving their names public -after I deleted them - for the sole purpose of showing me in a bad light. You know what IS vile? Having the ability to remove the names and protect their reputations, but actively choosing not to because making me look bad was more important to you.
Back off. Leave me alone. Stop the personal attacks and nasty comments - or keep them up if you can't help yourself. Each unprovoked attack only makes you appear that much more unstable.
It is my hope that the moderators are reading this thread and will step in and arbitrate TheatreDiva90016 and ghostlight2's differences. Nobody should come here and feel so abused. From their posts it seems clear to me that a third party reviewing all of the offending material needs to step in and straighten this out.
ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.
Sorry for beating a dead horse (what a horrible expression), but your post, Kad, is even more reason why a reputational system is needed here. At the very least the ability to flag posts to elevate them in a queue that can be moderated.
People are getting their feelings hurt here. That is so not cool.
ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.
Ghostlight I'm so sorry yiu had to go thru this viscous psycho behaviour
FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ......................................................................................................................................
The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW.....................................................................................................................
...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................
Again, a reputation system, I think, is out of the question technically and, in the end, is simply crowdsourcing moderating. That's why the largest of social sites use it, but not standard forums.
"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Threatening someone isn't going to be solved with an "Ignore" button. There are potentially serious legal consequences involved. This site has an ethical obligation to take any threat seriously.
ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.
A "flag post" button certainly wouldn't be unwelcome, and is typically standard on forums like this, which could be used to alert moderators to a specific instance of objectionable content. At which point, the post and poster can be dealt with.
"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Liza's Headband... Cyber bullying is a part of my professional career. "Crusade" Hmm. Interesting choice of words. Perhaps, I will do just that. It really does pain me to see so many people getting attacked and in some cases their feelings hurt. (I know this, because this thread has inspired a few private correspondences.)
I love the theater. That is why I'm here. I would love for this site to be a safer place where people could come without being attacked.
Kad... one of the key components of what I've been typing about is a "flag" button. I wish I had been clearer and made that more apparent earlier on.
ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.
Well, here I do it for my love of the theater. In my professional career, I get paid quite well as an Experience / Information Architect. A sizable component of my paid job is to understand the very things we've been discussing here. In fact, I see this as sort of research. There have been some amazing posts with some excellent ideas.
ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.
Maybe you can split your time between admitting you don't know the story but have an opinion about the story's antagonist (informed by her private correspondence) and, I dunno, fighting the shamboiling epidemic?
This place has always had the occasional troll who doesn't give an eff, thinks the place and people here are just dots on a screen, who come out with guns blazing, and attack and troll because the people and place are of no importance to them. They continue to do it because it gives them a thrill but then the actual existing community (the most familiar of whom are the troll's first targets) pushes back and the troll realizes what she has set herself apart from and then she begins to CRAVE acceptance and membership.
It takes a very special blind spot to look at somebody offering amnesty and see a person who "didn't start it."
My initial opinion about suestorm was curiosity. I genuinely wanted to know what I had missed and why all the vitriol. This was before the Off-Topic thread. I rarely go to the Off-Topic board. I did in search for a lead regarding when the "Ignore" button was going to be implemented. I saw suestorm's thread and started reading.
What I immediately noticed was that she didn't start the nasty. That it was several other posters who attacked first. I am aware enough to know that there had to be a huge history here for that kind of reaction, so I wrote my initial post and PM'd suestorm to ask her thoughts. I actually sort of expected a nasty reply, if any at all.
What I got was someone who felt bad that she was being so misunderstood. She believes much of the reaction is based on some rather unpopular political and religious beliefs. I don't know if that is or isn't true.
As for my "blind spot". I was very clear to not say who did or didn't start it. If you read back, I stated that suestorm didn't start it in that specific thread. I think I repeated that on several occasions over several posts.
I think there is more than the occasional troll here. And, I'm not so sure I agree with who is the victim and who is the perpetrator. (This is not about suestorm, but some personal experiences here.) I do know that both the, Dear Rob…, and this thread wouldn't be so popular if there wasn't so much negativity and hurt feelings here.
ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.
ArtC. You are quickly becoming obsessed with trying to vindicate or defend a poster who clearly has multiple accounts on here and has appeared only to inflame, provoke, and troll. If you do not actually follow the Off-Topic board, you probably shouldn't try to comment on the situation... since you have absolutely no context or understanding. The only reason "suestorm" (broadway guy / mikey / etc.) is responding so nicely to you is because it is absolutely petrified of what the future has in store; ie. the IGNORE button. That poster thrives on attention and on chaos -- it realizes its jig is up and that it will have to move on to a new site for attention. Since you have never been provoked or insulted by this troll, I'm really not sure what kind of perspective you can bring to the situation. It's not your fight and, more importantly, not your place to tell others how they should treat trolls.
And I'm telling you, the word Amnesty is a continuation of the trolling she has done for eight months on the off topic board.
Maybe you'll see a picture of Putin kissing a baby today and you can wonder why all the vitriol, you certainly couldn't see anything negative when he kissed the baby.
"Maybe you can split your time between admitting you don't know the story but have an opinion about the story's antagonist (informed by her private correspondence) and, I dunno, fighting the shamboiling epidemic? "
"What I got was someone who felt bad that she was being so misunderstood." In her words. Which you apparently took at face value. And no one who has read her threads believes that the reaction is based on unpopular political and religious beliefs. But you have not read her threads from the beginning. And yes, we all read that you immediately noticed ON THAT ONE THREAD that she didn't start the nasty so you had to jump in. Not getting that.
I love the board and some of these posters that you seem to feel are perpetrating "hurt feelings" I enjoy quite a lot.
Feel free to continue to be hall monitor. But not everyone has voted you in.
And please note the number of people who have told you about this and who have responded negatively to her trolling are not the "vocal few" she tries to isolate. She is almost, to coin a phrase, out of ports in the storm. Sucking up to Rob didn't do anything for her. Telling papa she likes him and thinks he's funny didn't do anything for her. Pretty much all she has is your positive commentary based on one thread and not the entirety of he last 8 months. It's a shame she did everything she could to position herself an outsider before realizing how much she's dying to be part of the community here.
If this is all about her alleged love of theatre, stay on the main board and post about that, never come to the off topic board and never ever troll there. Seems simple, no?
I don't disagree with anything anyone has just typed, except the implied "message" that I am a suestorm supporter. I'm not. I don't know enough to be a supporter or detractor. I was honest when I typed that. I am uninformed. I simply made a comment that she didn't start the "nasty" in that specific thread.
I should add, that I believe we are all responsible for people's perceptions of us. That includes suestorm. It is clear to me that she has pissed many people off. I just wish to always maintain an open mind, especially regarding those things I know little about.
I don't want to be the hall monitor. I did want to discuss the "negativity" on this board and I believe that has been accomplished. I wish to thank and credit Jordan for his, Dear Rob…, thread. This one is an offshoot, but I don't even consider myself the person responsible for starting the bigger issue of negativity here on this board that we all love.
ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.