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Member Name: dancindeeva
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re: re: re: re: For people who HAD wicked tickets tomorrow night...
 Oct 6 2003, 09:12:26 PM
HEY!!! Oct. 9th, ME TOO!! Rockin!! I will be the one hysterically laughing and crying, YES i can't wait. :)
re: re: re: How old is everyone?
 Aug 22 2003, 02:13:16 AM
WOW Robactorguy that is the oldest I have ever gotten!!!! YAY for you, very close, I am 24!!!
re: Children of Eden @ Ford's Theater
 Aug 21 2003, 03:12:52 PM
ooooooo Thanks! That is GGRRRRREAT!
re: How old is everyone?
 Aug 21 2003, 03:11:46 PM
How old do I look??? Take a guess
re: Children of Eden
 Aug 21 2003, 12:15:54 AM
WOW Children of Eden in DC??? WHERE??? I am sooo excited, I adore this show and have been dying to see it professionally done. Details please, if anyone has any. Thanks :)
re: re: re: re: whats your picture?
 Aug 20 2003, 11:56:59 PM
Mine is ME at my dance recital! I am a huge dork
re: re: re: Which Costume....
 Aug 16 2003, 12:12:01 AM
Thanks Broadwayguy2, you are toooo sweet
re: Which Costume....
 Aug 15 2003, 07:14:21 PM
ANY of Amneris's costumes would be amazing, especially the orange dress and parasol.

Peggy Sawyer's too, especially the red sequin and blue sequin.

Maureen's catsuit would ROCK if I could ever look as good in it as all those bway gals. HOT!

re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: 6 broadway stars in new movie marci x!!! 3 of them are jane krakowski and sherie rene scott and matthew morrison!!!!
 Aug 15 2003, 12:59:42 PM
I agree that this movie looks less than brilliant, but I would watch any piece of crap for Sherie Rene Scott! I am sure SHE will be funny, and for me that is worth the $$$
re: re: re: re: re: : re: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Really Happening!!!
 Jul 29 2003, 09:26:48 AM
I second that YES YES YES!!! I adore Ashley Judd, and think she is VERY underated. She is so talented not to mention GORGEOUS! This might have to be my first Broadway PLAY. I usually stick to the musicals, just call me a musical theatre whore
re: re: re: re: Your FIRST Broadway Show...
 Jul 29 2003, 08:54:40 AM
My first show was Peter Pan, age 8
First show on Broadway, Joseph....., age 14

First movie musical, A Chorus Line, age 7 (haha I totally didn't undersand half of it, all I knew was that I loved the dancing, I was singing Dance 10, Looks 3 in the 2nd grade, lol)

re: re: Little Shop Recording!
 Jul 16 2003, 08:26:35 PM
Do you mean to tell me that Zanna is postponed until OCT now!??? Where did you hear that? UGH, i hate waiting
re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: New York Virgin -- help!
 Jul 16 2003, 11:05:05 AM
Only 5 shows in 2 weeks. I must be a horrible tourist type, in March I did 6 shows in 6 days! But all for under $250 :) and that was with a $100 Hairspray ticket!
re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Anyone think Neil Patrick Harris is a good
 Jul 15 2003, 09:12:09 AM
I was shocked by how much I enjoyed him in Cabaret. He really brought something different to the role. He was not as dark and sinister as Raul, but he has a lovely voice and was really quite funny. I wasn't amazed by him, but I definately wasn't disappointed either. I think he's an above average performer that could really blow you away in the right role.
re: re: re: re: re: re: re: The worst person to ever play the part
 Jul 15 2003, 09:06:30 AM
{Listen to Lea Salonga for the only version of "On My Own" that is well sung.}

Sutton sings the hell out of "On My Own" as well.

re: re: re: Biggest Mishap Ever
 Jul 14 2003, 03:53:31 PM
When i saw the lion king, after mufasa's death, when the lionesses pull the white tears from their masks and they are supposed to come off, one of sarabi's didn't and she nearly pulled her whole mask off, she managed to adjust her head dress, but could not compose herself, in this particular scene she spends some time on the floor where she made adjustments to her costume, but she couldln't get a line out without giggling, it was very distracting considering it was a somber scene. I like to wat
re: re: Are they still doing DreamGirls Revival?
 Jul 14 2003, 03:41:39 PM
I believe you are correct, that is what i meant, little shop and boy from oz are definates and little mermaid is not. sorry if i was confusing
re: Are they still doing DreamGirls Revival?
 Jul 14 2003, 03:13:26 PM
I definately would not put Little Mermaid in the category of "coming out soon" They have only done workshops, and Little Shop and Boy from Oz are a def. go. I don't know anything about Camille so I won't comment. Dream Girls however would be amazing, but the recent concert could be cause for a delayed revival.
re: re: Working too hard
 Jul 11 2003, 01:35:32 PM
These are great, keep um coming, lol it's entertaining :)
How about the obvious, "Well it's been a long, been a long, been a long, been a long day"

Working too hard :)
 Jul 11 2003, 11:36:00 AM
Whenever I am at work I am always thinking "This is ridiculous, what am I doing here, I'm in the wrong story" from Into The Woods. (Boy I can't wait until Sept. when I will be teaching dance full time:)) What lyrics run through your head when you are stuck at work?
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