re: Farewell to Tim Howar and Christopher Hanke (Rent) Jul 29
2007, 02:08:38 AM
Christopher Hanke was a great change from Matt Caplan and I really think he fit the role of Mark. He did a fantastic job while he was there. I am beyond glad to see Tim Howar leave. He never improved, always messed up on the guitar, and I couldnt stand his voice or his acting choices. Worst Roger I've seen. People would be like "oh but hes SUCH a nice guy" when I'd say I didnt like his Roger, but him as a person and his performance were two different things to me and I feel like with so
re: Constantine Maroulis Jul 20
2007, 11:22:24 AM
So by great you mean completely awful? This is the guy that ended up playing Sammy as if something was wrong with him then just being that dumb sweet guy. Oh and how his first weekend he'd thought he'd be really cool and make a inappropriate comment about priests in the catholic church. If he never sang again, I'd be happy.
re: show bloopers Jul 9
2007, 11:47:17 AM
Everytime I've seen RENT since Tim start he has messed up those chords. I just think he doesnt know how to play it. As sad as I think it is for Adam to come back after 10 years I'll be glad Tim is gone.
re: Did Anyone Go to the Spring Awakening Billboard Signing? Jun 27
2007, 04:10:31 PM
timote--the clapping after totally f*cked has been happening a bit before the Tony's happened. I saw it before the nominations were annouced and it happened. As for the third round of company bows? it's been happening since early Jan because it happened when I was there in Jan and it was really before the huge hype really started with the fangirls etc.
re: 61st Tony Awards Rehearsal Photos Jun 10
2007, 08:57:08 PM
did you have to by tickets for the rehearsal or be invited? great pictures though thanks!
Aaron Albano Jun 1
2007, 01:59:42 AM
I saw it for the first time tonight and I didnt know what to expect and I didnt know if I'd like it but I havent laughed that hard in a LONG time. One of the audience members was this kid with a big blonde afro and he was SOO into it. he kept blowing kisses and make gestures for the male cast members to call him when they would stare at him. It was so great. i cant wait to see it again.
re: Spelling Bee Question May 31
2007, 04:32:41 PM
oh okay thanks! at least they are padded not like the stage seats at SA. those hurt a lot after awhile.
re: I Miss 'The Wedding Singer' May 31
2007, 03:49:28 PM
i am so jealous you got to see Kevin Kern with Laura. I only saw him a few times with Tina. I saw it 12 including the closing performance. I really enjoyed it--made a lot of friend through it and its a show ill always keep dear to me. It wasnt the best but I never left there without a smile on my face.
re: Spelling Bee Question May 31
2007, 03:39:11 PM
my friend got myself and her tickets for tonight and they are the bleacher seats...are they ACTUALLY bleachers? like the type you would sit at at a ballgame with no back to them?
re: How is Hairspray - Lottery lately? May 22
2007, 10:51:23 PM
I was thinking of taking my friend to Hairspray next tuesday night by trying the lotto and I was just wondering what the crowd has been like since the hype for the movie is beginning. Also what time is the lotto? I know its earlier then other shows and I just wanted to double check. I dont know if its a 7 or 8 show with a 2 hour or 3 hour call time. Thanks for any infoo
re: Spring Awakening Stage Story May 17
2007, 02:09:52 PM
there is supposedly a fan promotion that will be going on with the new stage seats and thats why they arent on telecharge as of right now. Im not sure if any will be put on
re: Spring Awakening Seating Apr 28
2007, 05:37:05 PM
I was just wondering if anyone knew if the seats in row A center in orchestra are regular $111 or would they be considered Premium Seating which are more expensive?
re: To anyone who has seen RENT lately... Feb 27
2007, 02:15:04 PM
She is an AMAZING Maureen. One of the best I have seen and I have seen quite a few
re: What I Thought About The New HAIRSPRAY CAST!!!! Feb 19
2007, 05:39:40 PM
I saw the show on Saturday as well (matinee won lotto). It was my second time seeing it and I enjoyed it immensely. I thought Brynn was a perfect Amber. The character of Amber actually stuck out for me this time because when I saw it for the first time I saw Haylie and disliked her. Alexa has a great voice and I was shocked by it but Diana was a better Penny imo. I enjoyed Jere and thought him and Paul worked well together and their Timeless to Me was hysertical. I was
re: Alexa Vega in Hairspray 02/16 Feb 17
2007, 11:04:08 PM
I saw the show this afternoon and I thought Alexa did extremely well--I didnt expect her to have a good voice and she left me surprsied in a good way but she didnt come CLOSE to Diana. I loved Diana so so much and I didnt laugh as much with Alexa. I did fall in love with Ashley's Link. He was perfect and boy can he dance! I also enjoyed Jere Burns so much. I remember him from Something So Right one of my favorite shows. This cast is extremely talented and I will go again soon t
Hairspray Lotto Feb 16
2007, 07:03:38 PM
Hey-- I know I posted abotu the Ave Q lotto and I thank all who answered but I was just wondering if Hairspray lotto was the same time. Cause I know for Ave Q names are called at 12. I was just wondering if my friend and I loose that if there was a chance hairspray was called 90 mins before the show we could do both. Thanks for any info!!
Ave Q Lottery Feb 15
2007, 07:07:50 PM
My friend and I are going to try the Ave Q lottery for the first time this weekend and we've never done it and I was just wondering where the seats were located and if the lottery was normally really crowded? We don't feel like rushing in this cold and we never got the chance to see Ave Q. Thanks for any information!
re: Casualties Of Love! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread 2 Feb 3
2007, 01:34:56 PM
Eric was in a shot right after Constantine in what looked to be his tina turner wig. Also I believe one of the guys was Colin Halon (i think i spelt that wrong)--Not a TWS alum but was in RENT and I love you because
re: Casualties Of Love! - THE WEDDING SINGER appreciation thread 2 Jan 30
2007, 02:04:52 PM
If the Danny and Sandy are good and can do 8 shows a week Grease will be around at least a year. You can't really compare TWS to Grease. Grease is a classic and people are going to go whether or not there was a lame tv show or not
re: Rent - current cast Jan 23
2007, 06:31:18 PM
In my opinion Tim being angry is the only good part of his performance. That isn't my reason for not liking him. My favorite Roger was Jeremy Kushnier and he use to throw the table. I just dont think Tim's voice fits the songs very well cause I've heard his band stuff and enjoyed his voice there but it sometimes pains me to listen to him during the show