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Porgy And Bess 1st Preview
 Dec 25 2011, 02:00:13 PM
does anyone know about a rush of some sort for this show? Or even just cheap tickets. Trying to see it this Wednesday. thanks!
MEMPHIS - What A Difference a Pascal Makes!
 Dec 24 2011, 12:18:50 AM
I won't even go into my feelings re Adam but I will say that commenting about how Montego is "cheating" high notes is utterly ridiculous to me. I saw the show a fair amount of times and, yes she doesn't always go for the high notes in Colored Woman, but I never once heard her falter on the even higher notes she hits in Undeground and Stand Up. Her singing voice when she's sick is better than most people's healthy singing voice. You try hitting those notes 8 times a week and then get back to me.
Adam's contract
 Oct 25 2011, 08:46:49 PM
Out of curiosity, does anyone know how long Adam's contract is for?

I know Chad has expressed serious interest in coming back to the show once he's healed in a few months and, as a huge fan of both the show and of Chad, I'd love to see that happen. I don't really care for Adam or his voice, to be honest.

Chad Kimball replacement in Memphis still TBD? Stunt Casting?
 Sep 4 2011, 05:34:01 PM
Please let it not be Adam Pascal. I like the show a lot (and Chad in the role) and Adam's voice is grating. It sounds like dying cats.
MEMPHIS Row AA Center Orchestra. Partial View
 Jan 4 2011, 06:50:10 PM
The trunk really doesn't obstruct anything major unless you're sitting way on the left though. Center is fabulous, go for it!
Chad Kimball and MEMPHIS Attendance
 Jan 2 2011, 11:36:33 PM
He hasn't been fired. According to Chad himself his voice can't handle 8 shows a week and he was told to only do a certain number a week by doctors. This was over the summer so it may have changed since then. His attendance, save the past few days, has been better than it was the past few months. I saw the Wednesday matinee as well and he was straining at times but, to me, he sounded better than he has since the beginning of the year, to be honest. I think he's figuring out how to sing the score
Update...Memphis rush
 Aug 19 2010, 10:42:10 PM
6pm, most likely not. Apparently their matinee was sold out yesterday, including standing room.
Is Chad Kimball ever in MEMPHIS?
 Aug 13 2010, 01:34:50 PM
I find his chemistry with Montego one of the things that makes the show interesting and worthwhile. I've seen the show without him and without both of them and in both cases, the chemistry was nowhere near the same.
Update...Memphis rush
 Aug 4 2010, 09:44:53 PM
They are. I'd recommend getting there at least an hour and a half to two hours before the BO opens though if you want a good seat. They also sell the boxes as rush occasionally (the view from the boxes is iffy though) and I've seen them sell the sides of the orchestra too.
re: re: 'Memphis' Lives in Us: The Official Love Thread
 Aug 3 2010, 10:08:35 PM
I saw Bryan and Dan'yelle go on together on Sunday and loved both their performances. I'd seen Bryan before but never Dan'yelle and she was fabulous. Her voice is absolutely beautiful and she's a different but great Felicia. I love Chad and Montego but you won't be disappointed by Bryan and/or Dan'yelle.
re: Whoopi Goldberg raves about 'Memphis'
 Nov 18 2009, 09:27:37 PM
I think if you go in having no expectations you'll enjoy it a hell of a lot more than if you go in thinking it's the new best show on Broadway. I'm not denying that it has flaws because it definitely does but the talent and passion on that stage is undeniable. I went in knowing nothing about it (I thought it was a play for a while) and I have since gone back multiple times and will be going back again. It's a great time in the theatre, the music is a lot of fun, the cast (esp the 2 leads) is ama
re: rOcKS @ 'Memphis'
 Oct 19 2009, 05:03:34 PM
I am very well aware that I'm in the tiny minority but I absolutely loved the show. I went in knowing absolutely nothing about it and therefore had somewhat low expectations which might be why I had so much fun. I realize it is not perfect. I know it has flaws and I know its not going to be loved by the critics but it's a good time. Like I said, it is not perfect and probably far from it but I had so much fun that I really didn't care. And still don't care.

I'm also aware that it mig

re: Next To Normal Rush question
 May 19 2009, 11:37:33 PM
Its the same time no matter what show you're seeing. The box office opens at 10 and it's a Saturday which means I'd get there closer to 7-7:15, if I were you.

Also does anyone know if they still sell the sides of the orchestra at rush price?

re: Next to Normal as a Dark Horse?
 May 6 2009, 12:35:04 AM
I'd be happy with either one winning, to be totally honest. I mean I'd be ecstatic if Next to Normal did, by some miracle, win but I've come to terms with the fact that it won't. I'll be happy with score and book for them.

Also they released tickets through September for NTN after the nominations today. Take that to mean what you will. I'm not under any delusions that this show is going to be a long running hit or that it'll make it through the winter season but if it can make it to the

re: N2N understudies at 'At this Performance'
 Apr 29 2009, 06:46:09 PM
To be fair this was a concert so I'm tentative to judge completely what they'd be like in the show. That being said, when I saw them do this live I was not impressed with Jessica OR Michael, but especially Jessica. She's too young and played it way too comical. I do think she's talented but just not right for this show. I saw Michael as the doctors in DC and loved him but he let me down a bit as Dan. He was vocally very weak. As for Tim, I think he's good but he's shorter than both Alice/Jessica
re: Everyday Rapture: First Preview
 Apr 8 2009, 01:43:15 AM
I'm slightly biased but I really enjoyed the show! I hadn't seen the show since December of 2006 when she did it in concert form so I'd only heard about it. Yes it had its weak moments...I think some of the songs could be cut or at least shortened but I thought it was very well done. I liked the set even though, looking back I'm not entirely sure what it was supposed to be if anything? I also loved the lighting. Aside from all that, Sherie is an absolute pro, ridiculously talented and you could
re: Next to Normal Coming to Broadway!!
 Feb 17 2009, 01:35:56 PM
From what I've heard and read the writers have done extensive research on mental illness/bipolar disease etc from talking to doctors and psychiatrists to researching on the internet. It's a difficult topic to write a musical about and given that, I think they've done a brilliant job handling it with the respect it deserves. The Arena Stage production dealt with the issue much better than Second Stage. They were still finding their footing at Second Stage so it's not entirely fair to judge it bas
re: Michael Arden @ Joe's Pub
 Oct 30 2008, 02:26:24 AM
I went last night and I'm going again tomorrow. It's a really great concert. Michael is superb!
re: Can You Tell Me Anything About John Cudia?
 Sep 27 2008, 08:23:24 PM
He was my first Phantom and he's great! He has a wonderful voice; that sounds like an awesome opportunity!
re: Broadway Flea Market
 Jun 26 2008, 03:54:22 PM
I went two years ago and had an AMAZING time! I was thoroughly depressed that I couldn't make it last September since I was at school 9 hours away but I'll be there this year and am really looking forward to spending loads of money
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