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re: Avenue Q Sex Scene
 Apr 30 2005, 09:32:31 PM
Wow Russell. Wow.
re: VCR ALERT...Ana G!, Fantasia!, Mariah?, and Hilary Duff????
 Apr 2 2005, 01:57:25 PM
Not before she finishes writing Million $ Baby.
re: Is Spamalot Worth Standing For?
 Apr 2 2005, 01:55:59 PM
Corine, is English your first language?
re: TONYS Aren't Everything
 Mar 31 2005, 12:03:02 PM
Oh my god, I really, really hope for your own sake that you're just a troll and you're doing an excellent job of it.
re: (Another) Rent Question
 Mar 31 2005, 11:55:59 AM
Yeah, Collins says "Amen" in Life Support, I got so used to it that I was kind of thrown when I first saw the show and it wasn't there.

I never noticed Maureen's giggle in Finale B... it was probably an unintentional mistake but they didn't want to re record it.

re: TONYS Aren't Everything
 Mar 31 2005, 11:46:45 AM
this board wasn't even about black/white anything. everyone else decided to turn it into that by coming down so hard on ms rashad.

1) We are not criticizing Rashad because she is black.
2) By criticizing an actress (just as dozens of others, regardless of race, are criticized on this board EVERY HOUR) we are not turning it into a racial issue.
re: TONYS Aren't Everything
 Mar 31 2005, 01:22:26 AM
If you'll try reading the rest of the thread too, you might find that Marilyn posted that tongue in cheek.
re: Wicked Tour Question...
 Mar 30 2005, 11:58:51 PM
I'd like to know how someone already won the lotto in Chicago if it doesn't even open there for another month?
re: as long as you're mine
 Mar 30 2005, 11:24:01 PM
Yeah, I agree 100% with Tiff.

And in any case, it's a retarded idea to go around offering boots on this board in public. Regardless of the principle, they ARE illegal, and Equity WILL have your ass.

re: TONYS Aren't Everything
 Mar 30 2005, 07:03:35 PM
Ugh, Rashad's acceptance speech last year was the most contrived and ostentatious thing I have ever heard.
re: Wicked Tour Photos! (Pics inside!)
 Mar 30 2005, 06:45:23 PM
Michael- I know the witch isn't supposed to be pretty, I just think it's interesting to see how something as seemingly simple as skin color can change someone's looks completely.
I also think it's a nice, though probably unintentional, statement that when you look at the situation through a different scope (i.e. one that's more sympathetic with Elphaba's story) you see everything differently, even whether or not she is ugly.

Chip- I knew someone would get their panties in a twist

re: Wicked Tour Photos! (Pics inside!)
 Mar 30 2005, 05:49:18 PM
Stephanie looks REALLY good in green! I might get crucified for this, but Shoshana looks terrible in the makeup, she's pretty without it on, but I just don't think she has the right bone structure or something to wear it and it makes her look chubby and homely. Idina was gorgeous both in and out of the green, but I think that Stephanie might actually look better in the makeup than out of it, from the thumbs she looks totally fierce.

re: Extra song in Wicked?
 Mar 30 2005, 03:01:08 PM
Yeah, I don't know how anyone can support the lyrics "Leave our books on the shelves/ take our bad selves/ down to the Ozdust Ballroom"
The first time I heard that line I could not stop laughing from the sheer absurdity.

Also, I think a big reason WWOTE was cut was not only spoilers but that it's very, very short. To include any clip longer than a few lines they would have needed to add the interspersed dialogue which would have given a lot away about what's supposed to be a secre

re: since daniel davis is out of la cage what else could he be in?
 Mar 29 2005, 12:15:59 PM
Someone should write a show called "I can't believe Daniel Davis is in this f*cking musical" and cast him.
re: BlueWizard sees the WICKED tour
 Mar 29 2005, 12:14:26 PM
I think one of the reasons I don't like the ending is that it completely disregards/undermines Elphaba's allergy to water. In the book Maguire makes a lot of references to how she avoids water, bundles up in the rain, bathes with oil etc. and in the show it's reduced to a rumor about how her soul is unclean, which isn't true at all. It even kind of negates the one (that I can think of) joke in the musical about Elphaba avoiding rain.
 Mar 29 2005, 12:11:27 PM
Just because some school wants to do it next season doesn't mean it's going to happn CapnHook, chances are the musical director there heard this rumor and promised something he won't be able to follow through on.
re: Your Dream Cast(s)
 Mar 29 2005, 12:08:07 PM
Oh man, Jason Mraz as Brad in RHS would SLAY me, that would be so cool.
re: Did Wicked ever preview in the U.K?
 Mar 29 2005, 12:00:02 PM
Four years ago the show would have been in its very, very first stages. There is no way that she saw anything even remotely close to the show as it is now.
re: Your Dream Cast(s)
 Mar 26 2005, 02:35:06 AM
Christian Bale is a genius, pure and simple. Even in that unspeakably terrible version of A Midsummer Night's Dream he's surprisingly decent. I have this theory that he's going to fix everything that's gone wrong with the Batman franchise singlehandly (well, maybe with some help from Gary Oldman) this summer. On top of that all, he's a stone fox.

I also love John C. Reilly, so I'd be all about that Streetcar.

re: URGENT: Show announced to fill the Hirschfeld
 Mar 26 2005, 02:28:45 AM
This thread made me giggle. Mostly at the thought of Hilary Duff thinking of rhymes for Jan.
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