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re: LSOH on Family Guy
 Dec 2 2005, 02:17:30 AM
The life of the wife was ended by the knife...
re: Jesus vs. Jesus
 Mar 9 2005, 01:04:59 PM
I'm with Angel in wondering how Godspell was offensive to you, john travoltas.., and I also want to know why Elphaba's comment made you think she was a "culturally intolerant" and like people who are "perpetuating fear and attacking freedom of expression in the world today". All she said was that she liked Godspell better, and JCS was too emotional. Why was that offensive? I'm not saying you shouldn't be offended, I'd just like to know why. Am I perhaps missing something? Has Elphaba edited h
re: Worst Broadway Lyric ever?
 Mar 8 2005, 01:32:36 PM
To those who said RENT, I agree.

Why do writers feel it's necessary to force rhymes? ("I'll call/I hate the fall" or from Wicked Nessa and confess-a? Stop..)

"hello disease" makes me laugh everytime. The end of that song could be so poignant..but it fails. I can't help it. It's made even more absurd by that note Mimi tries to hit. oh no.

and all of Cats.

re: Disney sequels, will they ever end?
 Mar 8 2005, 01:21:58 PM
I loved Toy Story 2..and Lion King 1 1/2 was really cute.

Aladdin and the King of Thieves was also fun..mostly because of Robin Williams, i think. It has a lot of adult humor, which is true with most of the originals. Alot of Disney sequels don't have that, which I think is why they are less enjoyable.

ABC's The Music Man was all right, but I have to agree that Matthew Broderick was way below par. Kristin was, as always, adorable.

I think it would be fun to see ABC

re: I Am My Own Wife
 Feb 18 2005, 05:24:02 PM
i agree. great show. great actor. cant say enough about it.
re: Daily Show with Jon Stewart
 Feb 16 2005, 01:56:49 PM
alan cumming was on conan last night. twas tres exciting. and lol to his new fragrance "Cumming". "Would you like to try Cumming?"
the vampire lestat
 Feb 14 2005, 06:47:18 PM
ive done some searching but so far all i can find is people offering their opinions...what id like to know is if the musical is still happening, and if so, when? any more info would be wonderful..
 Jan 27 2005, 01:18:32 PM
okay i saw it last saturday at the masonic temple and here are some of my thoughts

i loved andy. he had boundless energy and he looked like he was having so much fun. his acting was perfect, funny, cute the whole package. he was so much fun to watch.. i couldnt imagine anyone else. better than mark i saw on broadway. he was also happy to talk and sign autographs outside in the snow and freezing air. (we had 13 inches of snow...and it was 7 degrees and still he did not stop smiling)

re: HELP!!
 Jan 26 2005, 01:31:05 PM
"Had they not, the rest of the country would have been destroyed within weeks (the US had more bombs ready to go)."

actually we only had 3 atomic bombs. so we couldnt have used more until we made more. which i guess would have happened if japan didnt surrender...but well they did. i think that rewriting history is a little bit ridiculous...there are so many good stories from actual history that you probably dont need to create an alternate one.

re: Haven't seen this one in a while.....
 Jan 26 2005, 12:51:12 PM
the phantom of the opera. i was in 7th grade.
re: Rent The Tour
 Jan 25 2005, 01:07:35 PM
okay i just saw this and heres my thoughts..they seem to mostly refect adamisgod

i loved andy. he had boundless energy and he looked like he was having so much fun. his acting was perfect, funny, cute the whole package..but sometimes i thought his singing was only decent. he was so much fun to watch, however, i couldnt imagine anyone else. better than mark i saw on broadway. he was also happy to talk and sign autographs outside in the snow and freezing air. (we had 13 inches of snow...a

re: Thank you all--Andy Meeks-Rent tour 04-05
 Jan 17 2005, 02:53:54 PM
"Please don't sing along. For the sake of everyone around you. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen shows (specifically Rent, I don't know what it is about that particular show...perhaps the target audience) that makes people want to sing along. I pay money to see the paid actors perform, not to hear a bunch of obnoxious highschoolers ruining the songs."

oh, dont worry, we wont. i was merely being, i suppose. and i promise you, we're not obnoxious. i wasnt serious whe

re: Thank you all--Andy Meeks-Rent tour 04-05
 Jan 14 2005, 12:24:55 PM
Me and five of my dearest friends are going next Saturday, and I can't wait! (You'll probably see/hear us..a bunch of really ridiculous high school seniors singing along..mostly off the front row of the balcony)I saw Rent on Broadway and it was wonderful, and I've heard the touring cast is even better so I'm very excited! And if you're looking for something fun to do while you're in Michigan (umm..there has to be something..) you just give me a call... :) I'm interested to see how it's
 Jan 14 2005, 12:07:44 PM
you really are wonderfully sweet to spend so much time responding to everyone's questions like that.

im very sorry about your mom.

Questions about filming location and script detail
 Jan 10 2005, 12:03:51 AM
"I will actually get to change my clothes"

as long as you still have the glasses and the scarf im happy. :)

re: I Am My Own Wife
 Jan 9 2005, 04:32:08 PM
i saw this show when i went to nyc over the summer. i went by myself bc my parents wanted to see sly fox and i refused. it was our last day and i wasnt going to miss i am my own wife. it was brilliant and jefferson was incred. it must have taken him forever to get all those characters right and i was very impressed. sometimes id forget there was only one actor out there..his characters were so good. still the best play ive seen.
re: 'Wicked' and George W. Bush
 Jan 8 2005, 11:20:23 PM
"I think you meant that farenheit was edited in certain ways - very cleverly (word?) i must say..."

i did actually..sry my wording was a bit ridiculous.

and i believe you that farenhype is true, it just didnt concentrate on any of the big questions posed in fahrenheit.

and i suppose ill have to deal.

i didnt particularly like either of candidates either. if i was old enough i would have voted kerry simply because he wasnt bush. which isnt the best reason

re: 'Wicked' and George W. Bush
 Jan 8 2005, 11:02:35 PM
i know that the book alludes to nazi germany (the Animals arent like us, we're better than they are, they shouldnt hold important jobs, etc) but most of that is lost in the musical which is much more lighthearted. i mean, compare the endings...but whatever i liked them both for very different reasons. i dont, however, see the bush connection (or Fahrenheit 9/11) but if you then go for it.

and speaking of F911... we all know that everything michael moore says has to be taken with a gra

re: Rent Vs The Producers
 Jan 8 2005, 06:59:09 PM
i love rent..i really do. but i think the critics might be split (like they were when the musical first premiered)...especially if they havent seen the musical or understand jonathans background. and although rent is my favorite musical ever, i can see it being seen as a bit outdated. or it could ride the successful coattails of angels in america..who knows? i could see it winning like best song...although id like to take over tyhe world
the producers on the other hand may charm the critic

re: Who Would You Meet?
 Jan 7 2005, 09:51:52 PM
im really jealous of all of you who have met some of these people...i did meet jeremy kushnier after rent..unfortunatley (well, maybe not because he was really sweet) thats it. it really cant be from michigan (*has a mean girls moment and cracks up*) so its not like i really have the opportunity. anyway...

Anthony Rapp (theres a reason hes first on this list.)
Kristin Chenoweth
Jonathan Larson
Roger Bart
Nathan Lane
Matthew Broderick
Sutton Foster
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