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#1CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 10:56am

WOW.... Just saw this show last night agian and what a difference two weeks make! It is a musical to be reckoned with now! Go see this show. Even if you saw it before. You have to see it again. It is a completely different show. Exciting, Fast, Funny, and Sexy.

I saw the show two weeks ago and although I was one of its few fans, I recognized it had some things to work on. But who knew what would happen. Nowadays how often do creative teams really do an old school fix up job? Well if you want to see what a good old fashion broadway salvage job is go see this show. They have really whipped it into shape. They have created a big bouncy energentic musical comedy that has a real chance to be something great.

From two weeks ago to now this is a completely different show. Now it is the kind of musical comedy Broadway has been waiting for and deserves. The energy is through the roof. The actors have really discovered their roles, James Synder & Elizabeth Stanley are worlds better in their roles now, the show moves much quicker. Act 1 is now much more on par with Act 2 and the actual character development of the two leads has been greatly defined.

For those who saw it in the begining, CRY-BABY is now more obviously the leader of the gang. He let's on a bit more as to why he is the way he is. Talks a little more about his parents and such. ALLISON's character is much stronger and it is much clearer about how she longs to be a bad girl and discover herself.

What are the changes you may ask?....from what I gather and could tell they have cut a lot of the dead air jokes. They rearraged a song, cut a song, and added a song. And had numerous dialouge changes. Harriet Harris also seems to have adjusted more to her song. Delivering a wonderful 11 o'clock number. And James & Elizabeth have just risen to the challange of their roles.

The strongest aspect of the show continues to be the choreography, Which is truly the sexiest, funniest, most orginal musical comedy choreo to be on the stage in years. Ali Mauzey continues to bring down the house. And the rest of the supporting cast are still the strong suit.

For those who were unclear this is what previews are for! And what they should be for. This creative team has clearly worked hard and managed to really bring something up to the next level. What was a B grade show is now an A! They have used their time wisely and seeing what they have done I have no doubt it will only get better. So I advise all the musical comedy lovers out there to go see this show. Give it your support, They dont work/fix shows like this anymore. And it should be supported when they do. This is the way Broadway used to work on stuff. GREAT MUSICAL ARE NOT WRITTEN, THEY ARE REWRITTEN. For those that were so nasty to it orginally, I encourage you to give it a 2nd chance. They have worked on the issues!

And since there are those on this board that like to say any postive review is written by a shill, I will once again say, I am not a shill. Just a fan of this show and someone who is delighted to see something that had potential be helped to realize it. For those who see the show from now on, I look forward to hearing the new thoughts on what they have done.
Updated On: 4/4/08 at 10:56 AM

#2re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 11:09am

Imagine! A show changing during the previews! I have never heard of such a thing.

Steve2 Profile Photo
#2re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 11:10am

Thanks for the update. I am glad I saw it two weeks ago but now I wish I could see it with the changes. I guess this is what the preview process is supposed to be for!

#3re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 11:43am

while I don't doubt what you have said, I am extremely weary of thinking the writers actually did enough to make this is a "good" musical... I think the plot, in general, is pretty weak. they can't really change that

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#4re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 11:46am

Even if you're not actually a shill, it's still kind of hard to put much stock in this, being that you liked the show in the first place.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

withoutlovewithoutU Profile Photo
#5re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 11:50am

Well, at least they're TRYING to fix it....

"If we don't live happily ever after at least we survive until the end of the week!" -Kermit the frog "I need the money... it costs a lot to look this cheap!" -Dolly P. "Oh please, Over at 'Gypsy' Patti LuPone hasn't even alienated her first daughter yet!" Mary Testa in "Xanadu" "...Like a drunk Chita Rivera!" Robin de Jesus in "In the Heights"

"B*tch, I don't know your life." -Xanadu After that if he still doesn't understand why you were uncomfortable and are now infuriated, kick him again but this time with Jazz Hands!!! -KillerTofu

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#6re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 11:52am

I completely agree with Emcee's statement. Noel&Cole has absolutely no credibility when it comes to Cry-Baby.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#7re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 11:56am

Exactly how much do you have invested in this show?

LittleSally Profile Photo
#8re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 11:58am

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I believe everyone has a right to their opinion, but I don't think it's right to doubt your credibility just because you liked a show.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#9re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 12:03pm

It's not doubting credibility because he or she LIKED the show. That's simplifying it far too much. Plenty of people here make evident their affections for shows without losing credibility regarding them. If someone thought a show was good in the beginning, when the vast majority felt that it was a mess, how is that person's judgment of how much better it's gotten supposed to be credible? He or she already thought it was good when it was a mess, so how are we supposed to trust him or her when she says it's better? It'd be good no matter what to this person.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

jpbran Profile Photo
#10re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 12:13pm

This may be 100% legit, but I just get a little wary when I read things that sound like they're from small-town movie critics desperately trying to get their quote in the ads:

"Go see this show. Even if you saw it before. You have to see it again."

"Exciting, Fast, Funny, and Sexy"

"...a big bouncy energentic musical comedy!"

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#11re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 12:13pm

Unless the two leads have been replaced, and they have not, I don't see this show being able to improve that much.
There were plenty of rumours around this week that they are packing it up before the critics descend and rip it to shreds.

jpbran Profile Photo
#12re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 12:14pm

Oh, and I have tix for next week and am remaining VERY optimistic. This is just setting of my BS meter a little.

chrysler99 Profile Photo
#13re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 12:21pm

I saw it two weeks back and enjoyed it even though I saw a lot of flaws. I was very entertained (as most of the constantly laughing audience seemed to be) even with the problems that many of have noted in these threads (the first act seemed endless in points and took way too long time to get in gear and some of the songs just imploded). But, despite that (and some less than stellar performances), the show was still enjoyable. the dancing was amazing and many of the sets were very clever if not very cool (especially the Turkey Point and Kiss You With Tongue sets). very few people left at intermission(except for the person right in front of me, yay!) and the closing applause was sustained and respectable. thankfully, almost no one stood.

anyway, my point is that I and others with me had a good time at an okay show. I hope what Noel&Cole says is correct (and why shouldn't it be?). If so, good for the creatives on the show for recognizing some serious flaws and working to correct them. There's a place on Broadway for shows that are just fun and entertaining and do not try and break any barriers.

WestVillage Profile Photo
#14re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 12:30pm

"There's a place on Broadway for shows that are just fun and entertaining".

But they have to be good also. Fun and entertaining doesn't mean its good.

Jonny boy Profile Photo
Jonny boy
#15re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 12:33pm

To me "Fun and Entertaining" is good.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#16re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 12:38pm

Was Carly Jibson in last night? Adamgreer and I stopped by the Marquis Theater last night before The Country Girl and noticed that there was no understudy board up on the wall. Could you (or anyone else who was there last night) comment on Carly's performance? Thanks.

WestVillage Profile Photo
#17re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 12:44pm

"To me "Fun and Entertaining" is good."

Then you are the perfect audience for Cry Baby, since you obviously don't care if it has a good bock, good score, good leads.

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#18re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 12:54pm

I don't think the leads were necessarily the problem. I more kind of got the feeling that Snyder just hadn't settled in his role yet. I saw potential there and I thought Stanley was quite good, although a little older looking than the rest of the cast, which struck me as odd. I kind of felt like they just needed time to gel. But I agree with LuvtheEmcee...if you were such a big fan before, your credibility about how much better the show has gotten kind of falls flat. Would love to see someone who really didn't like it, show a change of heart.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

Jonny boy Profile Photo
Jonny boy
#19re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 1:00pm

"Then you are the perfect audience for Cry Baby, since you obviously don't care if it has a good bock, good score, good leads. "

Who said that I didnt care about the book, score, or the actors? Of course I do.
The show wouldnt be " fun and Entertaining" if any of those The three things you mentioned were bad.

#20re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 1:02pm

Carly is Back and with full force! She adds a lot to the show and understands the Waters style perfectly. Definatly a stand out in the show. The changes are welcome and add necessary development for Cry Baby and Allison. I hear the new song is going in tonight. Can't wait to go back and see it again!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#21re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 1:03pm

Jonny boy: the book, score and leads for Cry-Baby ARE all bad...painful in fact.

Glad to hear Carly is back in...looking forward to seeing her in the show this Saturday evening.
Updated On: 4/4/08 at 01:03 PM

Jonny boy Profile Photo
Jonny boy
#22re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 1:04pm

It looks like I will have to waist my money and go see for myself=-)

Jonny boy Profile Photo
Jonny boy
#23re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 1:04pm

It looks like I will have to waist my money and go see for myself=-)

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#24re: CRY-BABY: They have really fixed it. Now it is a show to see!
Posted: 4/4/08 at 1:14pm

" The show wouldnt be " fun and Entertaining" if any of those The three things you mentioned were bad..."

Well Mamma Mia has a weak book but I found it fun and entertaining. Of course the actors at the time and the music were good.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
