Moulin Rouge, Newsies

#0Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 12:49pm


StickToPriest Profile Photo
#1re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 12:50pm

Newsies. Too high a cost for all those child actors.

Same reason with Children of Eden. That, and it sucks. (Eden, not Newsies)

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.

#2re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 12:53pm

they can b.s. it i mean they did music man, and that has "kids" but i do get what you are saying. I think it would be a great show with great profitability (if that is a word) and a great way to get some young blood onto broadway

#3re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 12:54pm

Newsies: Doesn't seem like it would be the easiest thing to produce. However, I really like the music in the movie and the dance is kick butt. And some people would be really happy to see not only a Schwartz show, but also a Disney musical. Your question is an interesting one...

#4re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 12:59pm

I'm glad i perplexed you

Now I think Moulin Rouge would be much more difficult to produce

Aaron27 Profile Photo
#5re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 1:28pm

I'm not sure if this is correct or just a silly old rumor. But in the back of my mind, I think I remember hearing it had something to do with rights. Very similar to the whole Mary Poppins thing. I'm not sure about this though

#6re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 2:00pm

With Moulin Rouge, I believe that there was a little talk about the show going onto Broadway, but the potential producers wanted both Nicole and Ewan for an initial run. Ewan was interested, or so I'm told, but Nicole wasn't. So they put that idea aside.

I think it was also a matter of rights as well. They couldn't even put all the songs they used in the film on the soundtrack because they used so many different people's music. Madonna's people gave them the little Material Girl line, but not Like a Virgin.

Then again, this is all information I've been getting second hand. It could prove entirely inaccurate.

#7re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 2:12pm

I am just curious. Why do you think Children of Eden "sucks"?

#8re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 2:20pm

Why aren't they both on Broadway?

Because they're movies! And neither are very good ones at that.

If you want a good night's sleep, rent Newsies. Better than Ambien. Fess up, how many people actually saw the whole thing through at a first sitting?

Moulin Rouge is a derivative mess. It always felt like a Boheme leftover. Who cares about these people? I mean so she dies. We all will sooner or later. There is a lot of style there, but the substance is mild.

"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true. And that would be unacceptable." --Carrie Fisher

#9re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 2:23pm

Newsies was exciting and wonderful.
I watch intently each time.
And it makes me want to get up and dance.
HARDLY a cure for insomnia.

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#10re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 2:26pm

SarahHIYE, there is a second soundtrack to "Moulin Rouge" that includes "Like a Virgin." My guess is that they couldn't get the rights for the first soundtrack, but eventually got them for the second.

I have an intense dislike for "Newsies," but I'd love to see "Moulin Rouge" on Broadway. Updated On: 8/18/04 at 02:26 PM

#11re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 3:43pm

I LOVE Newsies. Not only does it make me want to get up & dance, but I do get up dance (bell kicks make me very excited). I think it is great!

#12re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 7:29pm

Hey this thread does not have any room for haters there WOSQ. I think they are both great shows that would do wonderful on broadway and bring a lot more people to new york

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#13re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 7:32pm

A company I work for quite a bit was in talks with Disney to do the premiere stage production of Newsies, but Disney was being ridiculous and was going to charge us a hell of a lot of money to fly in their director and stuff and in the end it just got too expensive. Too bad though because it would have been amazing. Our talent pool of teenage boys was impressive. I would have been either David or Racetrack, and my best friend was going to be Jack.


#14re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 7:33pm

Moulin Rouge had very little real substance- the strength of it was all in the frenetic direction and design. (And I liked the movie, by the way.) I guess you could have a big, lavish version of the show on Broadway, but it would just be another choreography-and-design spectacle. I'm not sure it would be much of a hit, and you could do a very similarly styled musical without having to deal with getting the rights to the movie.

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#15re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 7:44pm

i remember lots of talk about moulin rouge coming to broadway from the director..but i havent heard anything since.

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#16re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/18/04 at 11:30pm

I would love to see what the genious Catherine Martin could come up with for the Moulin Rouge set designs. No doubt it would be gorgeous and grand. Also I heard rumors of Strictly Ballroom being adapted for Broadway. Any news on this? I would also love to see Martin's sets and costumes for this on stage.


#17re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/19/04 at 10:04am

now i really think newsies could make it. It would really do well on broadway bringing in money and visitors (not like new york needs more) but also could get a lot of young talent that broadway has not seen

DBillyP Profile Photo
#18re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/19/04 at 11:06am

While the anachronistic choreography in NEWSIES is exciting and well executed, I would hope that it would be redone if it ever made it to the stage. It was out of step with 1899 and would now be out of step for today. It spoke very much to 1992 when the film was made.

For the record...I loved the movie.

"I am open, and I am willing, For to be hopeless would seem so strange. It dishonors those who go before us, So lift me up to the light of change." Holly Near

#19re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/19/04 at 11:11am

I love the Newsies, but'd be hard to do, but I'm sure someone could do it.

On another note, what about Nightmare Before Christmas? I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see this on stage. I would seriously come to every performance. Ever.


#20re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/19/04 at 11:27am

i think they already have one for that

#21re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/19/04 at 11:47am

Hello everyone, I remember reading that Moulin Rouge is going to be one of those shows to originate in Las Vegas. Mr. Luhrmann felt it might be too garrish for Broadway (as if anything could be). It seems they are trying to build a reputable theater community out there. What with bringing Avenue Q and keeping Chicago and Starlight for so long.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#22re: Moulin Rouge, Newsies
Posted: 8/19/04 at 11:51am

I loved Newsies the first time I saw in the theatre. I have the CD and DVD. It was a wonderful film that almost nobody saw when it was released. It was a summer film that should have waited to be released during the holidays.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
