Number of costumes

jczelyph Profile Photo
#0Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 1:05am

I heard somewhere that actors in a Broadway show have a set of costumes for each show of the week. So for DRS there are 8 of all of John Lithgow's suits? 8 of all of Elphaba's clothes? 8 of all Sara Ramirez's outfits? It's an Equity rule or something?

Is this true?

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#1re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 1:10am

OMG i hope not...they also have to have one for each actor that could possibly play that role..that would just get crazy!

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

jczelyph Profile Photo
#2re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 1:12am

Well, that was my next question. Who can tell us the answer?!

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#3re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 2:43am

i don't knwo the aswer but i imagine they would have two sets.... because you don't want to wear soemthign that was sweaty from the mattine!

Bret Profile Photo
#4re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 2:47am

I am FAIRLY certain that there are 2 sets of costumes for the full trime cast members, so that they do not have to re-wear sweaty clothes from the matinee at the evening performance. As for understudies, I have no clue.

"Wherever you go... I'll be right there. When you get your own private kick in the ass, just remember: it's a present from me to you." Rose's dying words to Louise

#5re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 3:07am

Actually It is equity rules that costumes must be cleaned only once a week. hence why there is a day and a half off, you know besides rest for the actors. Usually this day beginning with sunday after the matinee and all through monday off and shows starting again on tuesday night, the costumes are sent for dry cleaning.
Typically there are two sets of costumes for shows... however this does vary. Seussical actually only had 1 set of costumes. A spare set is usually only used if something has gone wrong with the first one. So say a dress ripped during the show but needs to go back on later. The extra would make an appearance while the other is being fixed.
Wicked actually only has one set of costumes for each actor... however the understudy has their copy and so on. From what I've heard there are now 4 copies of the wicked witches outfits. Typically meaning a new copy is made for each time there has been a new cast member. Remember though that alterations are also done on existing costumes to make them fit someone else. The main reason that costumes stereotypically do not get a 2nd set unless a cast change is due to the fact that costs can get out of control. For instance the dress that Idina wore in Wicked in the second act cost an upwards of 25-30 thousand dollars to purchase materials and build. The average dress costume on broadway costs about 10,000. Mainly due to Labor. Oh and typically mens outfit are built not rented or bought, though that has happened.
Also Outfits also typically have undergarments that are washed every couple of shows. Almost all broadway theatres have Washers and Dryers somewhere on site.
Any items in a show that either get wet or soiled during a show like in a scene when water is thrown or blood dripping usually have several copies so as to have one readily available for another showing/matinee when one is off getting cleaned.

Hope this is informative.
If you have any questions I might be able to answer them.

#6re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 3:10am

But believe it or not.... They do rewear sweaty costumes. Think about it you're only wearing it for a few minutes at a time.

.LittleWing. 0224 Profile Photo
.LittleWing. 0224
#7re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 7:17am

but if there's a lingering smell of B.O., wouldn't that be distracting for the rest of the cast? esp in shows where there is a lot of dancing?

this costume talk just fascinates me.

#8re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 10:08am

That's what fabreeze is for.

morosco Profile Photo
#9re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:09pm

"Skin parts", costume pieces that come into contact with the skin, must be clean for each performance. (T-shirts, leotards, etc.)

jczelyph Profile Photo
#10re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:15pm

Wow, this is so cool. I love this board. Tell us more, costume experts!

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#11re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:29pm

From the Production Contract (Know that an actor's contract can specify stricter rules if Producer agrees):

(A) Costumes, Producer Must Provide. The Producer shall furnish all
Actors engaged hereunder with all costumes and clothes (period or modern),
including wigs, hats, beards, hairpieces, tights, hose, stockings and properly
fitted footwear.
(B) Costumes, Rental of. Actor shall not rent or lend any wardrobe to a
Producer for use in any production unless the terms of the rental or loan are
stated in the contract of employment by rider and approved by Equity. If the
Actor wishes to wear Actor's own clothes (including shoes) instead of those
supplied by the Producer, Actor may do so only with the consent of the
Producer and under terms expressed in the employment contract. Any
approval required by this paragraph shall not be unreasonably withheld or
delayed. Any rental approved by Equity shall be paid by the Producer to the
Actor weekly with salary.
(C) Cleaning and Upkeep of. Costumes or clothing, including hats,
furnished by the Producer shall be freshly cleaned when delivered to the
Actor and cleaned thereafter whenever necessary but at least once every
three weeks and in any case within one week before the production goes on
tour. Spot cleaning, when required, shall be completed in time to allow at
least four hours for drying and airing prior to the half-hour call. In order to
assure that costumes are cleaned as required, the Stage Manager shall
maintain a cleaning schedule. Clean and dry shirts, blouses, stockings and
other skin parts shall be furnished for every performance. Skin parts,
including undergarments, bodysuits, stockings, dress shields, bathing suits,
dance trunks and slips, shall be individually assigned and shall not be
switched from one Actor to another. After cleaning, every effort shall be
made to dry and air costumes prior to their issue to the Actor. All skin parts,
including dance belts not provided by the Producer, must be laundered and
thoroughly rinsed and dried.
(D) Kneepads and Protective Clothing. Prior to any activity that requires
knee and elbow pads and protective clothing, the Producer shall furnish new
and properly fitted (i.e., small, medium, or large) items for the exclusive use
of the Actor for all rehearsals and performances.
(E) Costumes for Understudies and Swings. Swings and Understudies
must be assigned properly fitted shoes and skin parts for their sole and
exclusive use in performance except, however, that special leotards or
unitards need not be exclusively assigned, provided that they are washed,
thoroughly dried and properly fitted prior to use by each Actor. Producer agrees to make available undergarment liners to any Actor who is not
exclusively assigned special leotards or unitards.
A Swing or Understudy shall be provided with a properly fitted costume
whenever the Swing or Understudy is required to perform. Producer shall
use best efforts to provide full Swings with their own basic costumes no later
than eight ( 8 ) weeks after the official opening. Any costume worn by another
Actor shall be cleaned prior to its use by any Swing or Understudy and again
prior to its further use by any other Actor, including the Actor to whom it is
regularly assigned. However, if a Swing or Understudy who does not have a
full set of costumes is required to appear, costumes worn by said Swing or
Understudy must be cleaned not later than the first business day on which no
matinee performance occurs following the Swing or Understudy's
Understudies and Swings shall be advised by contract rider at the time their
original employment contracts are executed whether or not the Producer will
provide said Actors with their own set of costumes. It is understood that
there is no requirement for individual costumes for Understudies.
(F) Shoes.
(1) All footwear shall be clean, sanitary, properly fitted and in good
repair and, if modern and conventional or for dancing, shall be new. No
Actor shall be required to perform in shoes which are unsafe, unsanitary,
or in poor repair.
(2) The Producer shall provide properly fitted professional dance shoes
for all members of the company who are required to dance. Dance
shoes may represent the period of a production or nature of a specific
character (e.g., sneakers in WEST SIDE STORY; athletic shoes in
DAMN YANKEES) which must conform to the appropriate style of the
movement. All footwear shall be of suitable construction for dancing
when used for theater dance movement and shall be rubbered and
braced when necessary. Professional dance shoes are not required for
normal ballroom dancing or where there are minimal choreographed
movements. Producer agrees to use best efforts to supply professional
dance shoes by the third week of rehearsals, but in no event later than
one week prior to dress rehearsal. During rehearsals, the Producer shall
furnish at least one pair of toe shoes for each member of the Chorus
called upon to dance in toe shoes.
(3) Shoes for dancing shall be replaced in accordance with Paragraph
(1) above or when the Dance Captain, authorized Producer's
representative, Stage Manager and Deputy agree by majority secret
ballot vote that the shoes are either in unfit condition for the safety of the
performer or are deemed unsafe or unsanitary. Meetings of the
committee shall occur at least monthly. If the committee votes that the
shoes be replaced immediately, the order for new shoes shall be placed
by telephone no later than the next business day.
(G) Make-up. The Producer shall furnish all make-up except ordinary
and conventional make-up. If the Actor is required to use body make-up, the
Producer shall furnish a regular towel service for the removal of such makeup.
The Producer shall also provide body make-up remover.
(H) Hairstyle and Hair Color.
(1) The Actor may not be required to change the color of Actor's hair
unless Actor agrees in writing at the time of signing the contract to such
a change. The Producer shall pay for the original expense of such
change, its upkeep during the run of the engagement and its restoration
to the original color when the Actor leaves the production.
(2) The Actor may not be required to cut or change the style of Actor's
hair in any way or to shave Actor's head unless Actor agrees in writing at
the time of signing the contract. The Producer shall pay the original
expenses of such change and the expense of the upkeep of said hair or
hairstyle during the run of the production. When the Actor leaves the
production, the Producer agrees to restore the length and shape/style of
hair when an Actor has been asked to grow Actor’s hair out for a role.
(I) Facial Masks, Hairpieces and Wigs.
(1) Beards and hairpieces furnished by the Producer shall be freshly
cleaned when delivered to the Actor and cleaned thereafter whenever
necessary but at least once every three weeks. Lace on all beards,
mustaches and hairpieces will be cleaned daily.
(2) No Actor shall be required to use a facial mask, wig or hairpiece
including a facial hairpiece (beard or mustache) which has been worn by
another Actor until the facial mask, hairpiece or wig has been thoroughly
cleaned and properly fitted. After cleaning, facial masks and hairpieces
must be dried and aired prior to issue to the Actor.
(3) Protective breathable liners must be inserted into facial masks
whenever a replacement or Understudy uses the facial mask of another
Actor. Liners shall be issued for the exclusive use of the replacement or
(J) No agreement to the contrary between the Producer and the Actor
shall relieve the Producer of the obligations under this Rule without the
written consent of Equity.

Updated On: 7/31/05 at 12:29 PM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#12re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:34pm

Is that why Gavin Creel didn't change his hair? Because he didn't say he would in his contract at the time of signing?

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#13re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 1:13pm

Wow. Thanks for posting that. That was fasinating.

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#14re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 1:24pm

JohnnyJune that was sooo helpful! thanks!

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#15re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 1:26pm

Also, Off-Broadway, Regional theatres, etc have different rules. There are many kinds of contracts for Equity actors.

And, Equity observes the technical aspects of a production and can rule that special circumstances must be observed--especially on shows like LION KING and BEAUTY AND THE BEAST.

CostumeGirl2 Profile Photo
#16re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 3:33pm

I also know that many of the "42nd Street" revival mens costumes were bought at GAP or Express. Also, shoes for every actor are built/made for that specific actor. Of course this is just on production contracts. Being a wardrobe sup for regional equity shows that kind of luxury is not in the budget. I also know that "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" had a budget of 1.5 million dollars. In the fun fair the balloon seller's (my dear friend Bret) jackets fabric cost near $500 a yard! CRAZY!

#17re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 5:38pm

I somehow doubt that the mens costumes from 42nd street revival would be bought at gap or express. They would be tooo easily recognizable.

#18re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 6:01pm

morosco was absolutley correct...pieces taht touch the body in almost any production are the items that are cleaned most often...the other garments are saved for the miracle of for costumes for 42nd street revival...i shall ask a friend who was in the original revival cast

hear the beat...

RustyJusty830 Profile Photo
#19re: Number of costumes
Posted: 7/31/05 at 6:04pm

I know for a fact that a good friend of mine who understudied Phaedra in the La Cage revival had to share the pink dress with the full time actor who played Phaedra. He was also a swing so perhaps that affected equity rules and such.

"I need to know that someone out there cares...Are you there?"

#20re: Number of costumes
Posted: 8/1/05 at 4:52pm

This is a fascinating thread. Wouldn't it be interesting to know what some of the special contracts are?

CostumeGirl2 Profile Photo
#21re: Number of costumes
Posted: 8/1/05 at 5:06pm

JohnnyJune---I kid you not. A good friend of mine who was in the show all four years told me this. I don't just make this stuff up. And when Dodgers had the "42nd St" costumes the theatre I was working at rented them and many of the men's costumes had store tags in them, including Express and many of the lines Macy's carries.
Updated On: 8/2/05 at 05:06 PM
