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The True Blood Dumb Gossip-Head Weirdo Bitches thread- Page 12

The True Blood Dumb Gossip-Head Weirdo Bitches thread

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#275TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/18/14 at 4:53pm

Oh...THAT 7 pound Virginia ham!

BobbyBubbi  Profile Photo
#276TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/18/14 at 6:53pm

^^ LOL. Living for both of these comments.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#277TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/18/14 at 7:03pm

TRUE BLOOD - Season 7

Anna's acting atrocities - Exhibit A

Is she sad here? Happy here? Imagining jumping Eric's Hep-V-free bones?

BobbyBubbi  Profile Photo
#278TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/18/14 at 7:31pm

^ I noticed that as well. She's done the "smile cry" a couple of times this season.

Just speculating but I think when they were close to the end of shooting, Anna was probably over it.

#279TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/18/14 at 10:45pm

I'm kind of irked that they're literally just writing Sam off with a goodbye letter. A series regular who, for Sookie, has been such an important person, deserves a better send-off. (And yes, so did Tara, but her storyline has been twisty and turn-y the entire time. ) Sam's character has always been designed to be a rock of stability for Sookie.

(And yes, I suppose that argument could be made on Tara's behalf, too, but in a different way. Childhood girlfriends are a different kind of stability than adult male-female friendships, esp. when she and Sam tried to date, once. I'd make the argument then, that Sookie was more of a rock for Tara, considering Tara's abused childhood.)

But anyway...

As for Jess getting released, it was emotional, yes. But did anyone expect Pam to jump in with "...kinda like getting kicked in the cooch by a wallaby, idn't it," again? I kinda did.

They sure are playing up this "Bill is dying" thing. Kind of like the whole last season of "How I Met Your Mother" with the protracted wedding of Barney and Robin, with the twist at the end. So, there might be one, and he might not die. On the other hand, they sure are setting up Eric and Sookie getting all cozy in their platonic(ish) friendship. And on the other-other hand...I think that Sookie will end up with no one. Bill may die, but I don't see Eric pursuing her anymore; I feel like that ship has sailed, for him. Especially after hearing Bill explain to him that really as vampires, they have nothing but "void" to offer her. Eric's eyes seemed to really register that when Bill said it. Alexander Skarsgard is just so good.

I want more of James and Lafayette. One more episode, so I doubt it. It will be all about Bill/Sookie/Eric, and Jess/Hoyt. What of Arlene (and Keith--but whatever), and Andy and Holly? Indeed, I was hoping they'd do more with Holly this season, too. She didn't even marry Andy, yet. She's just been a grieving mom. She brought up how she was a wiccan to Andy, and I thought they'd give her some magic to do. Nope.

Oh-and did Bill ever get his will settled? How will he provide for Jess now that he's released her? So many questions won't get answered unless next week's is a 2-hr, and it's not.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland
Updated On: 8/18/14 at 10:45 PM

#280TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/19/14 at 1:38am

When soap operas end we are usually meant to believe that we are leaving the characters' stories, not that the stories have come to an end. Consequently, not every single thing is tied up in a nice bow.

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JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#281TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/20/14 at 1:12am

Why the f*ck do they insist on making my vampire-lover the damsel in distress over and over and over and over? Every other episode someone is threatening to kill her to get Eric to do something. And every single time she says, "Eric," in that same, helpless, "save me!" way.

I was totally shipping Pam/Jessica for a brief moment. Sigh. I am just not ready to say goodbye to them.

I do not think Anna Paquin is a good actress. Her skill absolutely pulls me out of the show at least once an episode. I think her personality is great and find her entertaining in interviews, but she needs to do something that's less focused on her acting.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Wynbish Profile Photo
#282TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 3:22pm

And now, the end is here. The show will face the final curtain.

darquegk Profile Photo
#283TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 5:07pm

People said they were made for this. Nothing else would they trade for this. And just think- they got paid for this!

javero Profile Photo
#284TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 8:25pm

"Why the f*ck do they insist on making my vampire-lover the damsel in distress over and over and over and over?"

I've suggested before that the female characters on the series apart from Sookie were mainly accessories.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#285TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 10:10pm

Well I just want to say that I thought it was a pretty perfect ending. I cried more than a couple of times (which is a MUST for me with a series finale) and when it ended, I had a big smile on my face.

As stupid as this show could be at times, I'm really going to miss it.

javero Profile Photo
#286TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 10:14pm

Can't believe they pulled it together at the end. I'll miss it as well which comes as a huge surprise. And thank ... for the levity at the end or it could have been too much of a downer. Only nit, no grown-up Tara!

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#287TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 10:25pm

It definitely ended decently. I loved the campiness of Eric and Pam's story, from him bobbing his head while driving a Fast and Furious car to their "New Blood" infomercial. I even liked how Sookie chose to give Bill his true death while still keeping her faerie-ness.

And hey! We found Willa! She was at the table at the end. Yay Willa!

#288TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 10:44pm

I thought it was great and soapy and great. And I think Anna's fine.

I sobbed when Gran was in the flashback. Lois Smith was in Kushner's adaptation of "The Illusion" at the Signature, the last show Iflit and I saw together. It seems like a million years ago, but it was four short years ago. And soooo much has happened.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#289TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 10:50pm

I will miss it too, that's for sure. But this season as a whole, while there were some good moments, lacked the "OH MY GAWD!" powerhouse actions and subsequent huge laughs, throughout. I really have felt like I've been this show's biggest supporter among my friends and social circle, and have forgiven a lot of the lame stuff that people complain about...simply because those gonzo moments throughout, were SO. GREAT.

But--Not pleased with the finale. I usually allow lots of leeway for finales because so many others go off and b*tch, there's enough going around without me. II even defended the HIMYM finale.) But this disappointed me. It should have been 90 mins or even two hours instead of the accelerated "nice neat little bow" they wrapped it in. There should have been much more Lafayette and James content, and definitely more Eric and Pam. These regulars deserved a bigger send-off, though Eric and Pam's infomercials were appropriate and funny. Haha--yep, I found myself wondering if Willa would be in a shot at the end, and there she was.

And yeah, I loved Eric bobbing his head and neck when listening to the music in the car. I never saw "Zoolander," but something made me think this corny moment was supposed to be a nod to that.

Well. With Bill staked and upsetting the original order of things, they sure gave up any speculation of a movie (as so many series on HBO seem to do), didn't they.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

#290TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 10:55pm

I never saw "Zoolander," but something made me think this corny moment was supposed to be a nod to that.



No, seriously. WHAT?



Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 8/24/14 at 10:55 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#291TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 11:15pm

I get it. I never saw LEPRECHAUN IN SPACE but I thought Sookie crying was a nod to that.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#292TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 11:23pm

Bill and Sookie both reaching for the stake could be a nod to Chicago

Updated On: 8/24/14 at 11:23 PM

#293TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 11:25pm


Guess you never saw "Zoolander" either, then? It's a movie about foreign models acting like dorks, and Alexander Skarsgard played one. So yeah, he acted like a dork in the car. To fill you in, there have been plenty of articles over the last 7 years addressing "will Alexander Skarsgard ever have a 'Zoolander' moment on TB?" So, he had one. Get it? Ok, good. I was beginning to think that "it's only ok to post if Namo agrees with it or is remotely aware of the topic at hand." Good thing I ignore s**t like that because I actually know what I'm talking about.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#294TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 11:27pm

Updated On: 8/24/14 at 11:27 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#295TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 11:27pm

"Bill and Sookie both reaching for the stake could be a nod to Chicago"

Bitch, I almost pissed myself at that.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#296TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 11:27pm

.... And you're sure you haven't seen it?

#297TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 11:32pm

I saw Zoolander the day it opened in theaters. In other words, I know what you're saying is wrong. And bizarre.

I don't even know how I saw your ridiculous reference to a movie you never saw, since I just skim over your overlong posts about this simple tv show. Kudos for no endnotes.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 8/24/14 at 11:32 PM

#298TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 11:34pm

Nope. Some things you don't need to see. As pop culture is my profession, you can pretty much watch a :30 promo from Entertainment Tonight and know what's happening.

Why the f**k would I see a movie about Ben Stiller and some then-unknown tall hotties playing foreign dorky models? But apparently it was oh-so-popular.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

#299TRUE BLOOD - Season 7
Posted: 8/24/14 at 11:36pm


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