Posted: 6/29/14 at 9:05pm

Devin is a kook. They haven't been in the house a week and he already is a paranoid mess.

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
Posted: 6/30/14 at 12:02am

Paola on the swing was so damn funny. I need to watch it again on demand.

Has Devin never seen Big Brother before? He's a hot mess.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 6/30/14 at 12:33am

This is the first time I've ever watched it and I think it's just to look at Cody and Frankie. Right now I'm watching Big Brother After Dark. I'm not proud of myself.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 6/30/14 at 12:48pm

I liked Frankie until I saw him handle himself with Zach, then I REALLY liked Frankie. Donny surprised me and I kinda like him as well. If just for the fact that he seems to bewilder those who are conspiracy addicts.

Has Devin never seen Big Brother before?

That's EXACTLY what I said watching the episode! He is going to crash and burn so quickly. Did he forget that there are still months to go in the game? He's a spectacular moron.

Zach clearly chose a character to play and one that rarely wins the game. Sorta like that Prim Time 99 guy from Glass House who has been appearing on other reality competitions and losing every one of them quickly. I love his adaptation of Rachel's floaters quote.'s the first week! His ambition to be the notorious player is too transparent. Boring.

Paola tries to sound cunning, but only comes across as shallow and stupid. You can tell everything that comes out of her mouth is planned for a marketing sound byte. She speaks only in the drunk co-ed vernacular.

Originally, I liked the blue-haired girl, but her constant need to act as positive-reinforcement cheerleader to everyone is really annoying me. "Good job!" Yeah, you say that to EVERY SINGLE PLAYER. Some people just actually suck at stuff and don't need to be placated. Don't be the mom who shouts at her child who dropped the fly ball, "Nice hustle!" It's embarrassing.

This whole convoluted HOH twist could create some interesting strategies as they will have to call out nominees early on and decide if they want to reveal their true strategy or nominate those whom they believe will lose the challenge (hoping to nominate their true target after the POV). So basically, winning an HOH competition is just the first step in being HOH and it's up to the potential nominees to determine HOH. And whoever loses their HOH status in the battle could end up being a much bigger target because of the nominees they chose. Unless, of course, the two potential HOHs are in the same alliance. It's complicated and weird, but it's too early to see how effective it is. Personally, I just don't think it was necessary to add to the game. It seems more like CBS is trying to weed out floaters who win by pitting weak players in competition with each other.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 6/30/14 at 12:48 PM

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/30/14 at 1:11pm

Caleb is my friend's roommate. The way she and her parents are taking up for him against the comments he made is just hysterical. "HE IS A GOOD BOY!" "People are talking crap and don't KNOW him!" "Those comments were made TWO YEARS AGO!!!!" This is what happens when you put yourself on reality TV.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/30/14 at 1:12pm

Double post

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!
Updated On: 6/30/14 at 01:12 PM

matttaylorr021 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/30/14 at 4:54pm

I really like Nicole and Christine. I think they are going to go far in the competition.

Devin is a fool. Soon enough all his fake alliances are going to catch up to him and he will be out.

Paola is obnoxious.

Frankie tries too hard to get camera time if you ask me. All of his faces and reactions. And he name drops like crazy. He said he didn't want to reveal his sister is Ariana Grande, but according to LiveFeeds he already has.

I like Cody. But I have a feeling he will be out early.

I have a feeling Donny will win a lot of challenges. Which will keep him in the game.

I really like the cop too. I'm glad he didn't reveal his actual job. Good strategy.

Oh and I love how Jacosta (sp?) prayed to God to help her win that competition. And then she fell. I feel like that will happen to her a lot this season...
Updated On: 6/30/14 at 04:54 PM

finebydesign Profile Photo
Posted: 7/1/14 at 1:22pm

So #zankie is a thing...
From the feed.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 7/1/14 at 1:37pm

I wanna see some Cankie.

finebydesign Profile Photo
Posted: 7/1/14 at 1:40pm


finebydesign Profile Photo
Posted: 7/1/14 at 1:40pm


finebydesign Profile Photo
ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/3/14 at 9:59pm

That last 3 minutes? Producer manipulation at it's best.

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
Posted: 7/4/14 at 10:43am

Great job that on Team America twist, BB. Joey might actually be the worst player in the show's history.

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 7/7/14 at 2:45pm

Trying to form an all-girl alliance wasn't that stupid. It was how she went about it and what she did after that was stupid. Making her such an easy target was also pretty stupid considering Devin's behavior. I've seen many worse players end up staying in the game longer than Joey. Devin, for example.

That last 3 minutes? Producer manipulation at it's best.

I doubt it. Usually, it's the other way around. The producers let a violation slide because they prefer the outcome, regardless how many people catch it and post it online.

If Zach would drop the BS character he created for the show, he might actually be a fun guy. Every time Paola speaks, I get nauseous. Like when she saw the Have-Not room and said, "I don't got time for that!" She LITERALLY has time for it. Like, sooooooo much time. Sorta like anyone talking about getting rid of "floaters" in the first two weeks. These people are trying way too hard to be all super-duper Big-Brothery.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/7/14 at 2:55pm

From what I can tell, Big Brother is flipping the original script and making Devin the villain and in Zach more likable which Im okay with.

Luscious Profile Photo
Posted: 7/7/14 at 3:35pm

Devin is too much of a douchebag to be a villain.

finebydesign Profile Photo
Posted: 7/7/14 at 4:51pm

It is my understanding Joey was evicted because she revealed her secret Team America to Hayden. BB cut the show to make that female alliance to seem like the catalyst.

Luscious Profile Photo
Posted: 7/8/14 at 8:49am

The members of Team America have the option of telling the other house guests about it or not - whatever they feel is in the best interest of their game play. So, that wasn't the "real" reason Joey was evicted. These conspiracy theories are bit over-the-top.

Posted: 7/8/14 at 9:40am

I don't want to give away anything, but I regularly read the feed updates on the BIG Brother sites. Definitely watch this Wednesday and Thursday. Major popcorn eating drama has taken place.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
Posted: 7/8/14 at 11:22am

Devin is CRAZY! That house meeting was beyond hilarious. It was like a sister production to Dan's brilliant funeral, except Dan saved himself with his actions and Devin dug his grave. (Speaking of Dan, I want an update about Danielle and Shane. Danielle was always good for a laugh!)

I like Frankie a lot and think he and Zach are really cute.

Despite all the bad press Caleb was getting before the show started I really enjoy him in the house. Overall this group is WAY better than the hot mess that was last season.

Excited to hear that there will be some craziness during the Wednesday and Thursday shows.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

xxdrewboy85xx Profile Photo
Posted: 7/8/14 at 1:05pm

Soooooo much crazy in the house yesterday. This season is really shaping up to be great. Art, I agree, Wednesday and Thursday will make for some great Television! And minor SPOILER, but Zankie is no more.

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
Posted: 7/8/14 at 1:15pm

I asked this last season but can we make a separate thread for people discussing what happens on the live feeds?

I might have been a little premature in saying Joey was the worst player in the show's history. That distinction should be awarded to Devin. I despise these people who come on the show and then have some crisis of conscience when they're forced to lie. The ONLY thing I liked about him was saying that he would cuddle up with Caleb even though that wouldn't be as hot as I'd imagine.

Brittany really screwed herself in that Block competition. Nicole and Hayden were doing literally nothing to win. If she just took her time a bit more from the beginning then Devin could have been the loser.

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

finebydesign Profile Photo
Posted: 7/8/14 at 2:56pm

>Major popcorn eating drama has taken place.

Good luck the edit is so awful, they left out a bunch of drama last week.

Posted: 7/8/14 at 10:41pm

The Producers and CBS would be foolish not to broadcast the events that have occurred in the last few days. It's all about ratings and advertising dollars. I may be wrong. I hope not. Lately when watching, I am reading a magazine while it is on. For this stuff, they will have my full undivided attention.

Updated On: 7/10/14 at 10:41 PM
