
Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox- Page 3

Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox

#50Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 11:28am

What is it that causes you to dismiss them?

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PalJoey Profile Photo
#51Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 11:59am

So one side has The Boston Globe, Mother Jones and Talking Points Memo. The other side has Politifact, Fortune, the Washington Post, ABC News and the Columbia Journalism review.

But each side is making a different point and saying the other side has not refuted it.

It's like JoeKv asks if it's going to rain today.

FindingNamo says "The grass is green" and Romantico says "No, the sky is blue!"

So Namo retorts "But Romantico still has not admitted that the grass is green!" To which Romantico reptorts "Namo has yet to come up with evidence that the sky is NOT blue!"

And then they each gather experts who agree with them--but no one tells JoeKv if it's going to rain today. After a while, Joe gives up on his question and the issue of whether or not it's going to rain gets dropped.

Here's what Politifact is saying (boldface is mine):

None of the SEC filings show that Romney was anything but a passive, absentee owner during that time, as both Romney and Bain have long said. It should not surprise anyone that Romney retained certain titles while he was working out the final disposition of his ownership, for example.

The original is-it-going-to-rain question was actually NOT "When did Romney stop making operational decisions at Bain?"

The question was "Was Romney involved with Bain's outsoucing and forced-bankruptcy actions?" That question has gotten lost. But even as a passive and absentee owner, he was probably agreeing with them. He was certainly making a lot of money as absentee owner, and he certainly was NOT saying "Stop the outsourcing! Save American jobs!" (To be fair, neither was anyone else in the business world.)

So the question to everyone should be "With unemployment as bad as it is right now, would you vote for the passive absentee owner of a company that outsourced jobs and forced companies into bankruptcy?"

And the question to Romney should be "How much money did you make as a passive absentee owner during those years when Bain outsourced American jobs and forced American companies to go bankrupt?"

That's probably why he doesn't want us to see those tax returns.

Updated On: 7/15/12 at 11:59 AM

PalJoey Profile Photo
romantico Profile Photo
#53Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:37pm

I dismiss it because both have been proven to make false statements. People just assume if you throw the word "FACT" into your website that you are never wrong. Rachel Maddow has had issues with Politifact for months now. Republicans have mocked Maddow for this. That is until they themselves find something they disagree with from the same website.Here is Rachel making her case.


So, since Factcheck has said things that are untrue regarding both parties I can't trust them. Then again, there are those people who trust them ONLY WHEN IT SUITS THEM AND MAKES THEIR ARGUMENT. These people can not be taken seriously.


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 7/15/12 at 12:37 PM

#54Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:43pm

The effing grass WAS green.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

romantico Profile Photo
#55Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 1:35pm

"John McCain Looked At Romney's Tax Returns And Decided Palin Would Be A Better VP"

OUCH! The worst insult yet!


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#56Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 2:05pm

So a question -

If Romney is actually put on the ticket as the official Republican Presidential Nominee (which will of course happen) and it's found out he did in fact break the law and Federal charges are filed against him- What happens? Is he removed and a "runner up" put in his place?

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#57Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 2:07pm

No Miss Congeniality for him.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#58Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 2:11pm

What happens?

Everything would even, since Obama has always been ineligible for the presidency due to his foreign-born status.

Imagine if Obama had money in a Swiss bank account?!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#59Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 2:11pm

Mr. Romney - Please describe your idea of a perfect date.

romantico Profile Photo
#60Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 2:20pm

Romney and 'his kind' are above the law. I'm sure the politicians and billionaires do this all the time and probably can not figure out why this is such a big deal. No charges or anything will come of this.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

PalJoey Profile Photo
SNAFU Profile Photo
#62Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 3:22pm

Yeah Pal Joey, that is what I think as well. There has been a reason why W has been very, very quiet. I belive he is bound and gagged somewhere. Is America really going to vote for another Bush?

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
PalJoey Profile Photo
#64Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 5:14pm

Is America really going to vote for another Bush?

If Romney self-destructs in the 6 weeks before the Republican convention, there will be a very fractious brokered convention that will rip apart the GOP at the seams: fiscal conservatives vs. social conservatives vs. libertarian conservatives vs. pro-business Republicans.

One of those four will unite two of the other three and agree on a candidate they all can stomach, leaving the fourth group sputter on the side.

That "uniter" could be Jeb.

romantico Profile Photo
#65Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 6:04pm

So, I'm hearing Romney is going to be quick to name his VP as early as this week in hopes to take attention away from his scandal(s). Will it work?

Meanwhile, Conservative Pundits Wonder If Romney's Hiding Something In Unreleased Tax Returns. Gee, ya' think?


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 7/15/12 at 06:04 PM

romantico Profile Photo
#66Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/15/12 at 9:42pm

Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox  Read more: http:/

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

romantico Profile Photo
#67Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/16/12 at 10:23am

Romney Suggests Releasing Additional Tax Returns Could Be Politically Damaging

"ROMNEY: The Obama people keep on wanting more and more and more. More things to pick through, more things for their opposition research to try make a mountain out of and to distort and to be dishonest about. We're going to put out two years of tax returns."

AN HONEST Person would have NOTHING to hide.


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

#68Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/16/12 at 10:36am

The Obama campaign has put Romney in an excellent jam. I'm going to give Romney the best position: The scenario above where he stepped aside in 1999 and had "No operational control" and then retired retroactively in 2002. I'll assume that is the whole truth. How in the world does Romney explain that?

"I had nothing to do with that outsourcing in 2000- I had stepped aside." Obama" "You were still being paid $100,000. You were still CEO and president. But you had NOTHING to do with the operation of the company?" R: "YES! Stuff like this happens all the time in corporate America! It let me pull a paycheck for three years and helped my tax situation immensely!"

Obama: "Huh. Where I come from you don't get to retire at 52 "Retroactively." You don't get paid if you don't show up for work for three years. You say your business experience makes you qualified to be president. And if that is the kind of career you've had in "Business" I think you need to stay far far away from the white house."

#69Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/16/12 at 10:44am

Oh and if Romney makes it through the convention, he IS the nominee. I don't think there is any way to remove him. If he dies or steps aside, the RNC meets and appoints a replacement. Moving into the realm of total fantasy, Romney could ask to address the convention and tearfully say he cannot serve and release his delegates. That would allow the convention to pick anyone they liked to run on the Republican Ticket.

Realistically, Mitt is going to try to distract America with his big shiny VP pick- probably in the next week. He will make a surprise announcement and try to change the subject. If he manages to get Marco Rubio or some other Tea Bag, he might just do it. It'll be up to the DNC to keep asking about Bain.

(And isn't it funny- Bain is ALSO the name of the villain in the new Batman movie. Interesting.......coincidence?)

If however Mitt picks a "Game Changer" VP- like Condi Rice (No way) or a moderate that is insufficiently appealing to the Baggers- I think THEN you'll see the idea of a Tea Party candidate being floated by the rightwing gasbags. And if that happens, man, is this fall going to be fun!

madbrian Profile Photo
#70Bain-Gate: Romney to Speak on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox Read more: http:/
Posted: 7/16/12 at 11:22am

Conventional wisdom, based on the political shows I watch, says Romney is leaning toward a 'safe' VP, someone like Rob Portman or Tim Pawlenty. Personally, I don't see how Portman is safe, given his tenure as Director of the Office of Management and Budget under GWB. I don't see him choosing Condi, and if he did it would be viewed as a desperate choice.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

romantico Profile Photo
#71Mark My Words, We Will Never See Those Returns
Posted: 7/16/12 at 11:23am

Since Romney won't release his taxes, one can only speculate.Saw this and thought it was rather interesting. A very plausible scenario. Of course, theories like this will be repeated until Romney releases his taxes. The story won't go away til then.

"They will show that he was a legal resident of Utah when he voted as a Massachusetts resident. All of the other possibilities will be politically damaging for a short period of time but they are nothing he can't overcome. The possibility of being shown as a person who committed voter fraud is a killer."

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

Kad Profile Photo
#72Mark My Words, We Will Never See Those Returns
Posted: 7/16/12 at 11:46am

Part of me wonders if the Republican establishment hasn't already essentially abandoned Romney and 2012 and are now quietly preparing for 2016.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#73Mark My Words, We Will Never See Those Returns
Posted: 7/16/12 at 12:01pm


That's why you are seeing such tepid endorsements. The Republican convention is going to be all about Obama- that is something they can get passionate about.

#74Mark My Words, We Will Never See Those Returns
Posted: 7/16/12 at 12:08pm

If Romney goes with Pawlenty nobody will be distracted for even a minute.

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