The Trump Cabal

Petralicious Profile Photo
#50The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 10:24am

Ok enough with the personal attacks. Back to Bizniz.

It is not only The Right who slams Obama over Israel. Add famous Leftist Alan Dershowitz 


Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz slammed President Obama for "stabbing Israel in the back" 

"[History will see President Obama] as one of the worst foreign policy presidents ever," Dershowitz said.

"He called me into the Oval Office before the inauguration -- he said he wanted my support, and he told me he would always have Israel's back," Dershowitz said. "I didn't realize what he meant: That he would have Israel's back so he could stab them in the back."

He continued: "What he did was so nasty, he pulled a bait and switch. He told the American public this is all about the settlements deep in the West Bank. And yet, he allowed he representative to the U.N. to abstain --which is really a vote for-- a resolution that says the Jews can't pray at the Western Wall, Jews can't live in the Jewish Quarter [of Jerusalem] where they have lived for thousands of years. And he's going to say, 'Whoops! I didn't mean that!' Well read the resolution! You're a lawyer, you went to Harvard Law School."

He also said: "This will make peace much more difficult to achieve because the Palestinians will now say 'we can get a state through the UN'."

When They Go Low, I Go High

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#51The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 11:27am

adamgreer, you don't tell me what I "get" to do. It's quite funny how you get all flustered and in a big huff about Trump's alleged intolerance—and then continue to go around policing other people. It's rich.

kdogg36, that's fair, and please know that I consider your posts to usually be quite interesting, since you seem to come from a place more of impartiality than partisanship. For the record, I supported other (more moderate) Republicans during the primaries for a year and a half—I honestly only joined Trump's camp when push came to shove this past spring. But that said and with respect for your opinion, I do personally feel safer under the policies of Trump than the rhetoric of Obama. I won't go on with sentence after sentence explaining why I feel this way since it seems like we just fundamentally disagree on this, but just didn't want to seem as if I was reading over you! The Trump Cabal 

Mister Matt, meanwhile, I'm reading over you. I can't with the denseness. 

A Director, did I ever once claim to have had personal firsthand experience during the Cold War? No. I stated the objective fact that the threats we face between then and now have changed, and the viewpoint I've acquired from scholarship that today's threats are greater to or equal to the ones then. 

If ageism is actually the argument some of you elect to sling at me, then I'll consider my case to be rested. Moreover, I think it's quite telling that I popped into this thread to condemn Obama's actions on Israel—nobody could really quite defend him on this. I also don't really care to spend any further time defending myself and my opinions against four different users at the same time—but rest assured I'll take solace in the maxim, "If you're pissing people off, you know you're doing something right." The Trump Cabal

Updated On: 12/28/16 at 11:27 AM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#52The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 11:58am

Mister Matt, meanwhile, I'm reading over you. I can't with the denseness.

Of course you can!  You exhibit denseness as consistently and constantly as you do condescension.  

I think you can!  I think you can!  I think you can!  I think you can!

Keep it up!  Keep it up!  Keep it up!  Keep it up!


Well according to his own maxim of solace, if we're pissing off BroadwayConcierge, then we're doing something right.  winkie-face cuz it makes me seem so cute and harmless!  smilie-face!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

ljay889 Profile Photo
#53The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 12:56pm

Concierge must not be past high school, right? I don't think he knows who or what he is about. It's like arguing with a child who plagiarizes his " knowledge" from Wikipedia and conservative blogs. 

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#54The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 1:52pm

Concierge, nobody defended Obama?! Maybe you just can't see the other side of the argument. Israel  has brutally murdered thousands of innocent Palestinians and have stripped them of all their human rights, this is why Obama has realigned the United States position on Israel. Israel is not the good guy in this case. 

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

Petralicious Profile Photo
#55The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 2:14pm

Call_me_jorge said: "Concierge, nobody defended Obama?! Maybe you just can't see the other side of the argument. Israel  has brutally murdered thousands of innocent Palestinians and have stripped them of all their human rights, this is why Obama has realigned the United States position on Israel. Israel is not the good guy in this case. 


"You cant be serious. Israel is our only reliable friend in the Middle Easr. It was until Obama betrayed them (their words) 

The only democracy. The only one btw that doesnt give the death penalty for being gay. Our only reliable ally against terrorism.


When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 12/28/16 at 02:14 PM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#56The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 2:19pm

Jorge, you've got to be kidding me. Hamas and Fatah still, today, call for Israel's total and utter destruction. Palestine wants to utterly liquidate and decimate the Jewish state. There has never been a Palestinian state—they moved in on Israeli territory and they are the ones issuing demands. Why does Israel have to answer to the world when it defends itself? We should have been standing by our ally this entire time, and the fact that Obama has set conditions for our defense of Israel is reprehensible and sickening. 

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#57The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 3:07pm

You forgot...winkie-face!  Keep it up!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#58The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 3:10pm

Call_me_jorge said: "Israel  has brutally murdered thousands of innocent Palestinians and have stripped them of all their human rights, this is why Obama has realigned the United States position on Israel. Israel is not the good guy in this case."

Well, as far as US policy is concerned, I believe that we should be officially neutral - as we should be in all conflicts that don't directly imperil American lives. We shouldn't be arming, funding, or threatening either side. (I know that's just part of my libertarian fantasy-land.) That neutrality is probably enough for pro-Israel folks to label me as anti-Zionist (or worse).

However, I'm inclined, based on my limited knowledge of the situation, to conclude that Israel is more sinned against than sinning. I don't want to over-romanticize things, but Israeli leaders seem to generally value democracy and human rights - even for Palestinian citizens in Israel - and, well, I just don't get that vibe from Palestinian political leaders.

Understandably, many Israeli Arabs feel like they are not full citizens of an explicitly Jewish state. However, they can participate fully in government and are not persecuted. The government in fact goes to great lengths to protect the rights of Muslims to access holy sites under Israeli control.

None of this applies to Palestinians outside of Israel, of course. Israel has killed many innocent Palestinians, just as American drones have killed many innocent people in that part of the world. I can't defend this in either case, though it seems clear to me that Israel faces a far bigger threat from its Middle Eastern neighbors than the United States does. I also can't defend the building of Jewish settlements on Palestinian lands. I think the Israeli government is pretty wishy-washy about it too - settlements can only be built in the middle of nowhere, and settlers are offered an extremely limited level of security protection.

But, you know, Israel faces constant security threats from its neighbors. I am quite certain that American leaders would not show any more restraint than Israel has under these circumstances. Once again, though, the killing of innocent civilians can never be defended.

I think Israel should officially secularize itself. I don't think any nation should be dedicated to one religion over others. Creating a second state dedicated to another religion does not seem like a positive step to me - which is why I think the international community should insist that a new Palestinian nation be a liberal democracy rather than an Islamic state.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#59The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 5:20pm

Bless your little cotton socks.


#60The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 5:53pm

Call_me_jorge said: "Concierge, nobody defended Obama?! Maybe you just can't see the other side of the argument. Israel  has brutally murdered thousands of innocent Palestinians and have stripped them of all their human rights, this is why Obama has realigned the United States position on Israel. Israel is not the good guy in this case. 



Not true.  When you graduate high school, then maybe you will make intelligent statements.  Just so you know, I don't plan to debate this point with a teenager.  So respond accordingly.  I've been thinking about Jorge's post .  This is really an offensive post and needs to be removed from this thread by the moderators.

Updated On: 12/29/16 at 05:53 PM

#61The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 5:53pm

double post 


Updated On: 12/28/16 at 05:53 PM

#62The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 5:57pm

Call_me_jorge said: "Concierge, nobody defended Obama?! Maybe you just can't see the other side of the argument. Israel  has brutally murdered thousands of innocent Palestinians and have stripped them of all their human rights, this is why Obama has realigned the United States position on Israel. Israel is not the good guy in this case. 

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You're way out of your depth here.


Updated On: 12/28/16 at 05:57 PM

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#63The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 10:20pm

South Florida said: "Bless your little cotton socks."

Having never heard that expression before, I looked it up, and I'm still not sure whether it's a compliment or an insult. :)


#64The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/28/16 at 10:54pm

Call_me_jorge said: "Concierge, nobody defended Obama?! Maybe you just can't see the other side of the argument. Israel  has brutally murdered thousands of innocent Palestinians and have stripped them of all their human rights, this is why Obama has realigned the United States position on Israel. Israel is not the good guy in this case. 




DUMBEST POST EVER WRITTEN ON HERE OR AT LEAST IN 2016.... AND I DONT EVEN LIKE ISRAEL! LOL   who is this person??? what are they even saying and HOW OLD are they????? shiat. 

Petralicious Profile Photo
#65The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/29/16 at 8:50am

Democrats and Republicans agree on something. Obama action on Israel and Kerry lecture to Israel being bashed by both Parties


I fear Secretary Kerry, in his speech and action at the U.N., has emboldened extremists on both sides,” said Senator Chuck Schumer, the incoming Senate Democratic leader.

A bipartisan chorus of lawmakers, upset with President Obama’s decision last week to allow the passage of a United Nations resolution condemning Israel’s construction of settlements in disputed territory, made clear that they were looking past the departing administration.

When They Go Low, I Go High

javero Profile Photo
#66The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/29/16 at 11:22am

I have two questions as Palestinian-Israeli relations are not my strong suit.  Why have key European allies like France, Germany and Great Britain come out in support of both Kerry and the UN?  Have Netanyahu and his Likud party been a help or hindrance to a workable two-state solution during the Obama administration?

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 12/29/16 at 11:22 AM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#67The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/29/16 at 2:22pm

Kdogg, your last paragraph read like a dream sequence.  It was my way of saying you're being naive.



Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#68The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/29/16 at 3:44pm

DUMBEST POST EVER WRITTEN ON HERE OR AT LEAST IN 2016.... AND I DONT EVEN LIKE ISRAEL! LOL   who is this person??? what are they even saying and HOW OLD are they????? shiat. 


"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

ukpuppetboy Profile Photo
#69The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/29/16 at 5:30pm

This thread really does highlight how insular and self-serving American media reporting on world affairs is. Outside of that bubble Israel's role in the conflict is often judged far more critically - which should go some way to explaining your question Javero. 

adamgreer Profile Photo
#70The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/29/16 at 5:43pm

ukpuppetboy said: "This thread really does highlight how insular and self-serving American media reporting on world affairs is. Outside of that bubble Israel's role in the conflict is often judged far more critically - which should go some way to explaining your question Javero. 


The Republican Party's love of Israel has always been amusing to me, given how anti-Semitic most of its members and voters are. 


Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#71The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/29/16 at 5:49pm

UncleCharlie said: "Call_me_jorge said: "Concierge, nobody defended Obama?! Maybe you just can't see the other side of the argument. Israel  has brutally murdered thousands of innocent Palestinians and have stripped them of all their human rights, this is why Obama has realigned the United States position on Israel. Israel is not the good guy in this case. 

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You're way out of your depth here.





In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

ukpuppetboy Profile Photo
#72The Trump Cabal
Posted: 12/29/16 at 6:10pm

Call_me_jorge : perhaps you were basing that view on the numerous reports from the BBC, The Guardian or the UN regarding Israelie offensives such as Operation Protective Edge (2014) and Operation Cast Lead (2009).

"The number of civilians killed during Israel's Operation Protective Edge offensive has raised international concern and condemnation.

Between 8 July and 27 August, more than 2,100 Palestinians were killed in the Gaza Strip, along with 66 Israeli soldiers and seven civilians in Israel. 

The UN says the vast majority of Palestinian deaths are civilian. But figures from previous operations over the past six years in the densely populated Gaza Strip show it is not the first time civilians have paid a heavy price."

Source: BBC News 1/9/14


Petralicious Profile Photo
#73Trump will save Israel
Posted: 12/29/16 at 6:23pm

Of course the UN is well known to be anti Israeli and to lesser degree United States.

They have had 24 condemnations of countries this year. 20 were against Israel. 0 against China. O against Russia. 0 against Cuba. 1 against Syria.1 against Iran 0 against North Korea 0 against Saudi Arabia 0 against Venezuela. All countries that have horrible human rights . Especially LGBT where it is legal to kill a gay person, unlike Israel

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 12/29/16 at 06:23 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#74Trump will save Israel
Posted: 12/30/16 at 6:07pm

Because of Obama!  He is personally responsible!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
