
Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking

Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking

#1Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/12/15 at 2:07pm

Don't want to derail the thread that exists for that terrible awful HBO show's fans on this board, so I thought I'd create this one. I considered titling the thread "Bleccching" in the great tradition of Mad Magazine (#jeSuisAlfredE) but I was so put off by the completely fabricated slang of "He has a House In Virginia" in the awful premiere of season 2 I thought we could make up some more self loathing homophobic lingo the odious characters can say.

I'll go first.

Line: He's a total Cam4 no face.
Translation: He's not classically handsome and so therefore of no value.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 1/13/15 at 02:07 PM

haterobics Profile Photo
#2Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking
Posted: 1/12/15 at 2:14pm

I didn't watch the season two premiere yet, but House in Virginia does show up on urban dictionary dating back to 2005.

I lived in the Castro in SF for 16 years and never heard of it before, though. Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking

Then again, I also never met anyone who abandoned a sexual encounter over anticipated foreskin, either. And that happened last season, heh.

#2Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking
Posted: 1/12/15 at 2:20pm

Poor Jon Groff really needs an advocate at the table reads. He seems to be laughing as he tries to deliver these unbelievable faux-naif lines.

"No, let's not go to a big fun magical party in the woods, let's stay in and play board games. You know, like fun old fashioned board games!!"

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 1/12/15 at 02:20 PM

#3Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking
Posted: 1/12/15 at 2:57pm

Line: He's a total Fry.
Translation: Someone who Fetishes Really Young.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#4Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking
Posted: 1/12/15 at 3:02pm

"He's hot but I dunno, something about him. Those marks, like, suggest Kansas Steer, you know, meaning, maybe he's been Adrift In Delaware Suburbs for years, as far back as the days when Arkansas Zoo Tours were the only option for our team."

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

haterobics Profile Photo
#5Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking
Posted: 1/12/15 at 3:04pm

"Line: He's a total Fry.
Translation: Someone who Fetishes Really Young."

I don't think that is anything unique to Stephen Fry... not that I would know anything about that. Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking

#6Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking
Posted: 1/12/15 at 3:05pm

Namo and Haterobics, is House In Virginia a sneaky way to say that someone has HIV? You state that it is in the urban dictionary. If so, that is really sh**ty.

haterobics Profile Photo
#7Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking
Posted: 1/12/15 at 3:09pm

That is the supposed meaning, yes. You just say they have a House in Virginia...

#8Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking
Posted: 1/12/15 at 3:34pm

"I don't think that is anything unique to Stephen Fry... not that I would know anything about that."

It doesn't have to be specific to Fry, it's just that people have to get the culture reference.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#9Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking
Posted: 1/12/15 at 4:53pm

Except it's a stupid "reference" in the first place.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#10Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking
Posted: 1/12/15 at 5:24pm

"Except it's a stupid "reference" in the first place."

It's slang, not the Bible.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#11Let's make up fake gay slang to use on that awful show Looking
Posted: 1/12/15 at 10:07pm

Auggie's post would actually elevate the show a bit.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#12Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/13/15 at 10:14pm

Now that I've changed the thread title to a more general one, welcome to Namo's in Exile, the kingdom where we're free to talk about all the missteps and insulting crap in that show "Looking," which is neither the gay "Girls" nor the gay "Sex & The City."

This is not to say we can't still make up non-existent slang to help out the writers of the show, or praise Damian from Mean Girls for showing up with a little bit of grounded in reality-ness.

Line: He's Another Individual Desiring Sex.
Translation: He looks like he's been on the treatment cocktail a long time.

Oh, and another plus for the season premiere in addition to Damian from Mean Girls: No appearance by Mumbles McToken! Keep up the good work, Looking!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#13Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/13/15 at 10:34pm

I think he was in the preview for next week and has been bumped to regular. Wait--or am I thinking of a different Mumbles McToken?

#14Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/13/15 at 10:40pm

(low grumble) Oh Paddo, I don't think you're ready yet.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Frumious Bandersnatch Profile Photo
Frumious Bandersnatch
#15Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/14/15 at 12:26am

You know, it's like when we said he was "off to visit Danny DeVito's wife."

(Gone to Rhea)

"When you start looking at your watch--as I do at other people's shows--you know you're in trouble." -Hal Prince

#16Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/14/15 at 8:46am

That's awful. Therefore perfect for Looking.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#17Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/14/15 at 11:06am

Sort of WICKED-esque ("after the meltification") crossed with Laurent's faux gang slang in WEST SIDE STORY. Choose a metaphor, run with it. "Last time I saw him, I was like hit with CD (creamified denim) til I realized his cassette deck had been played by an Ate Tracker with a real dirty changer."

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

#18Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/14/15 at 5:12pm

Auggie, you should write a pilot called "Good Looking."

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#19Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/15/15 at 11:17pm

Line: "He's starring in a life-long run of Honeymoon In Vegas."

Translation: You know.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 1/16/15 at 11:17 PM

#20Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/17/15 at 12:13am

Bettyboy posted this in the other thread, but it should be here too. Reposted without his permission. Sorry betty boy, I had to because I COMPLETELY agree about Weedman! ("I'm going to gang rape you myself, Patrick! Molly! This used to be known as ecstasy, right?"

I feel the exact opposite about Lauren Weedman. I feel sorry for her and all the fag hag mugging she has to do. It's embarrassing. The series completely s@#t the bed in this one episode. Every gay cliche rolled up into a joint. Is there a way to create a show about LGBTQ that is engaging, heartfelt and humorous that doesn't have the characters doing drugs, having unsafe sex and constantly searching for the next penis and party? Maybe not.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#21Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/17/15 at 6:42pm

But they made a point to show the sex as safe--in fact many people complained that they made that too obvious. *confused*

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#22Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/20/15 at 12:20pm

Ugh...this show and it's heaping, teeming, stinking bag of bullsh*t.

I'm all very Michael in Boys in the Band (Harold: I'm turning on and you're just turning!')

Yes. I've turned. And quickly. I swear to all that is holy that they've given the reins to the three monkeys typing out Hamlet. What has happened to Groff??? Good LORD do I feel sympathy for him having to put over this wide-eyed naif. A 29-year-old who loves Solid Gold and Garbage Pail Kids but who is all golly-gee about his HIV test??? It's like that special lost fisting episode of Gomer Pyle.

Dom, who was the most interesting of them all due to the fact that the character was dealing with crossing the 40 mark and reassessing has now become a bit of a wet noodle who is stunned, STUNNED I TELL YOU, that his older lover wants to know details from his hook-up. Really, kween? REALLY?

Augustine should just die from the drugs cause he's too stupid to be allowed to live and suck air.

Lauren Weedman is fighting the fight, but Christ on the Cross, she's FURIOUS about being called a hag? She's a vulture away from actually turning into the sea hag from Popeye.

It's like they hired middle schoolers to staff the writers' room and then slipped them all a little molly. The show had some serious problems in season one, but this is just insane.

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#23Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/20/15 at 12:31pm

This thread makes me feel so much less alone. Thank you.

haterobics Profile Photo
#24Let's talk trash about HBO's Looking
Posted: 1/20/15 at 12:50pm

I wish I could contribute more to this thread, but I couldn't take anymore after the first episode of this season (after not knowing why I watched all of last season), so I'm done.
