
american crime vs American crime story

american crime vs American crime story

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#1american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/11/16 at 8:04am

Which one is going to outlive the other? My bet is on American crime story since the cast and the people behind the show are more familiar to the masses.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/11/16 at 9:27am

American Crime proved itself last season as One of the best shows on all of television and judging by the season premiere last week, it's going to remain as such.


And the other is a Ryan Murphy joint. 

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#3american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/11/16 at 9:34am

The American Crime Story commercials make me laugh, because every time they show David Schwimmer he has to mention something about "Kimmy."

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#4american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/11/16 at 10:30am

I'll watch ACS just to give a chance to the phenomenal cast. American Crime however gripped me within the first episode. I love Felicity Huffman and Regina King. Almost makes me sad I missed the first season. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#5american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/11/16 at 11:20am

If you haven't seen the first season, go back and watch it! It was on Hulu and ABC online and a few other places, I think. I was really pissed last night that Regina King didn't win the GG, because she was phenomenal. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#6american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/13/16 at 2:10am

Wanted to but couldn't watch season 1. Now that I have On Demand I decided to give it a look. Did not know Felicity Huffman and Lili Taylor are in it. Taylor alone will make me watch.

Just give the world Love.

uncageg Profile Photo
#7american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/13/16 at 2:11am

Double post

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 1/13/16 at 02:11 AM

BobbyBubbi  Profile Photo
#8american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/13/16 at 4:44pm

The first episode of American Crime was great. Regina plays the bitch, as per usual, while felicity huffman is in full-blown c*** mode (but I'm hoping we get a little more rounded out characters as the season progresses). 

Honestly, the material is a little beneath Lily Taylor's capabilities, but she's giving it her all and its always a gift to watch her work. 


As for American Crime Story....what a delicious mess. I can't wait! 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#9american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/13/16 at 4:49pm

1. In what way does Regina play "the bitch, as per usual"? 

2. Lili Taylor was teriffic in the first episode. What in the world did she do that was "beneath her"?

BobbyBubbi  Profile Photo
#10american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/13/16 at 5:19pm

1. I suppose I'm still not over season 2 of 'The Leftovers.' And the character seems similar. 

2. I didn't say it was anything Taylor /did/ I said it was the /material/. It's good cliche crime drama, and she (along with the rest of the strong cast) is helping it rise to the occasion, but it's still cliche none the less. 

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#11american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/17/16 at 4:26pm

I didn't watch American Crime last year because I was so busy--and the thought of watching a critically acclaimed yet hard to watch show had no appeal to me at the time.  But Regina King was so spectacular on this season of The Leftovers that I decided to watch this year--and have been won over.  I think, despite a few moments of heavy handedness, it's rather brilliant.  The rape kit scene on episode two was devastating but also felt real (maybe that made it seem more devastating).

American Crime Story, despite the fact that Murphy/Falchuk are only exec producers and not writers, feels like a continuation of Freak Show.  I really don't expect anything revelatory or even compelling to come from it, except for, I suppose, a few moments of "look at these good actors impersonating people we have all seen on tv!"

I expect ACS to have a longer shelf life though.  As witnessed from the renewal of Scream Queens, Fox/FX wants to keep the Murphy/Falchuk machine close.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#12american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/17/16 at 7:28pm

BobbyBubbi said: "

2. I didn't say it was anything Taylor /did/ I said it was the /material/. It's good cliche crime drama, and she (along with the rest of the strong cast) is helping it rise to the occasion, but it's still cliche none the less. 



I suppose I haven't seen a lot of Lifetime movies--but is the mother pushing for her child to be taken seriously as a victim of rape a cliche??  Let aside the point that the child is a guy.  Or the fact that she's an undervalued citizen because of her class and so not taken as seriously?

kadu335 Profile Photo
#13american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/19/16 at 11:30am

EricMontreal22, you mentioned the the rape kit scene and I agree, it was such a haunting sequence .. I was actually surprised to see such a scene on a network show!

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

Tag Profile Photo
#14american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/19/16 at 12:36pm

I expect ACS to have a longer shelf life though.  As witnessed from the renewal of Scream Queens, Fox/FX wants to keep the Murphy/Falchuk machine close.

They've already announced that season 2 will deal with Hurricane Katrina.

uncageg Profile Photo
#15american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/19/16 at 5:14pm

BobbyBubbi, I kind of feel the same way about Taylor and the material. Watched the second episode yesterday and was thinking, they have to be slowly leading up to letting Taylor loose!

Just give the world Love.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#16american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/19/16 at 10:27pm

Tag said: "I expect ACS to have a longer shelf life though.  As witnessed from the renewal of Scream Queens, Fox/FX wants to keep the Murphy/Falchuk machine close.

They've already announced that season 2 will deal with Hurricane Katrina.


Can we get George h w bush to play George w bush?

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#17american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/28/16 at 3:37pm

The plot twist this week seems to have divided people, but people who are upset seem to think it just means that the rape was a lie (which I admit could be  adangerous precedent to focus a show on) but I think it's pretty obvious there's a lot more going on (and we have 6 more episodes).  I found the episode itself riveting--and really they hinted at this before (Taylor was briefly shown in episode one looking at a photo of Eric on his phone, after the encounter Eric seemed upset when he hooked up with that guy who got aggressive and insisted on just making out, etc...)

hork Profile Photo
#18american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 1/29/16 at 2:12am

I gave American Crime Season 2 one and a half episodes, but I was bored out of my mind. The story line was all over the map, and nothing interesting was going on at all. I mean, the rape bit was sort of interesting, but it would jump from that to something about basketball, and then from there to something about school administrative issues, and from there to Regina King saying something bitchy and horrible, and then more basketball, and then we have to check in with the basketball coach and his family, and then zzzzzz ...


But I have no interest in American Crime Story at all, so I guess AC wins.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#19american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 2/8/16 at 7:43am

Just caught up on all 5 of the first episodes of American Crime's second season and I honestly can't believe something so emotionally complex, so nuanced, so insightful and sensitively crafted is airing on network tv. When I saw the preview for the show, I thought it was going to focus on hazing - a sort of ripped-from-the-headlines approach so popular with shows like Law & Order.


I was not prepared for a show that dealt with such thorny subjects so frankly and intelligently. It's kind of astonishing that Disney's broadcast network is airing a show that so candidly explores not just sexual assault, but young gay men's sexuality and the very nature of desire. All the while interweaving themes on gender politics, generational divides, class warfare and racial dynamics without getting overly preachy. I hope they're able to sustain this quality over all 10 eps. I also hope that a subject matter that probably makes a lot of broadcast tv viewers uncomfortable doesn't lead to a diminishing audience. Even though I've yet to catch up with season 1, I really hope we get more seasons from this creative team. I honestly can't think of another show that has had the ambition to cover so many different aspects of a community, from so many different angles other than The Wire. I'm not suggesting this show is the next The Wire. But it's easily the best thing to air on network tv since Friday Night Lights.


Gotta check out season 1 now.  

Updated On: 2/8/16 at 07:43 AM

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#20american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 2/10/16 at 7:23pm

I found season one more... muddled (it did deal with many of the same themes--class/race etc--but more blatantly) but I only watched two episodes and then life got in the way.  When Season 2 is over I do plan to go back to it.

And I'm glad Horsey that you and I are back on the same TV show page american crime vs American crime story  As wrenching as I find watching the episodes, it's also the show I anticipate the most each week.  I have been scared to even look or worry about the ratings (but at least there's no chance of it being canceled mid-season).  ABC is holding on to it for now, I suspect, because of all the prestigious acting awards/nominations it got--it's also a remnant of the brief period where Networks were fully trying to compete with cable (I mean I find the black outs for swear words ridiculous but apparently the creator refused to film alternate scenes with softer language), they had the prestige of saying it was from the Oscar winning screenwriter of 12 Years a Slave and now they want to hold on to him since he has a, much more conventional sounding at least on paper, cop show from him next season that they seem to have a lot of hopes for.  (And while utterly different in tone, with ABC's Shondaland success they seem to be very keen--thankfully--on shows that feature a wide range of race).

And the way it echoes reality is kinda scary.  Right now in Canada is the Gian Ghomeshi court case and it has hit a snag (at least for the accusers) because it's been revealed that they all (so far) did have text/email contact with Ghomeshi after the fact.  (Even my mom commented how that was just like the episode we watched).  And then today I just read that a local high school basketball team--my old high school in fact--was completely suspended because of an indecent photo taken of a player while they were at a party that was then circulated on social media and led to him being bullied (of course no more details were given, but still...)  Ugh.

Updated On: 2/10/16 at 07:23 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#21american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 2/11/16 at 1:59am

American Crime this season is riveting.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#22american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 2/12/16 at 5:03am

Eric, ratings have not been hot.  TV By The Numbers seems to think the show's on the bubble.  Though, a few weeks ago they made a case, aside from the one you raised, for why ABC might stick it out.  Unfortunately, the ratings have gone down further since that article.  Maybe they'll split the difference and order a shortened 8-ep 3rd season.  Hmmm.  



Well, damn, that last one was quite an episode. So much to unpack.


******Spoilers ahead with random, unsolicited thoughts on s2, ep6 (from Feb 10th)******



When Taylor showed up at his unofficial foster dad's, I thought he was going to reveal some sexual abuse at his hands. I'm kind of relieved that he instead confronted him about his liberal use of gay slurs. Hurtful, of course, but a bit more manageable. I feel like if they'd gone down the 'Taylor was molested' route, it would be typical tv shortcutting. A way for the audience to say, "oh, that explains all of Taylor's behavior.." when it's far more interesting to have some mystery behind a character's motivations and desires. 

I got chills at both Kevin and Andre 3000's machiavellian moves - Kevin not-so-subtly suggesting his teammates beat up Taylor with his philosophizing on putting "bitches" in their place and A3000 using his family's connections to dig up dirt on Taylor's family. 


And damn this show for making me feel sympathetic toward a possible rapist. Overall, this felt more like Eric's episode, than Taylor's. Obviously, nothing's black & white in this world. 


My mind is racing wondering what role our new character, the devoted single dad and computer repairman (and possible digital vigilante?) is going to play. Hoping they don't go too Mr. Robot on us and keep things fairly believable. But, it does seem like this is pointing to at least one of our central character's having sensitive information hacked, leaked or exploited in some way. 

As wonderful as I think the show remains, there are two things that I'm not quite sold on yet:

  • Felicity Huffman's hair coloring. It's almost distractingly 'off'. It's a bit like when Nicole Kidman has dark hair in a film. if we're supposed to believe that's her natural hair color, it isn't working. And if it's supposed to be a chosen color job, I feel like a woman with that much self-awareness would know that she's not pulling it off.
  • The public school side plot pitting the black administrators against the latino student community. I admire the producers' ambition, but thus far this little c-storyline feels very tacked on. And I say that as someone who is generally very interested in social justice issues. So far, this whole side plot feels like a well intentioned David Simon imitation.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#23american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 2/12/16 at 6:01am


When Taylor showed up at his unofficial foster dad's, I thought he was going to reveal some sexual abuse at his hands. I'm kind of relieved that he instead confronted him about his liberal use of gay slurs. Hurtful, of course, but a bit more manageable. I feel like if they'd gone down the 'Taylor was molested' route, it would be typical tv shortcutting. A way for the audience to say, "oh, that explains all of Taylor's behavior.." when it's far more interesting to have some mystery behind a character's motivations and desires. "


I had the same initial thought--I thought that was so well done.  I actually tensed up when Taylor mentioned how he (Pat?) had called the players when they went to games' queer.  In many ways that kind of... abuse for lack of a better word is what really affects us. 

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#24american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 2/12/16 at 6:19am


In how does this happen?" news, my high old high school here in Victoria Canada just suspended the team because of some photos that were released from a "hazing" event and that one of the players felt bullied.  No more details, (but I am glad they were sidelined)

And the Jian Ghomeshi case goes on but, much like the show, it will amount to nothing because of the revelation that the accusers were i contact with him after the attacks.  Cuz, you know, the way the brain works means you would never ever try to get a hold of someone who did you harm.  Ever.

In HorseTears said: "Eric, ratings have not been hot.  TV By The Numbers seems to think the show's on the bubble.  Though, a few weeks ago they made a case, aside from the one you raised, for why ABC might stick it out.  Unfortunately, the ratings have gone down further since that article.  Maybe they'll split the difference and order a shortened 8-ep 3rd season.  Hmmm.  

I'm not too surprised--but disappointed.  It is so much better--even as a provocative discussion starter than so many shows.  I am still pretty amazed that it is on network TV...


And damn this show for making me feel sympathetic toward a possible rapist. Overall, this felt more like Eric's episode, than Taylor's. Obviously, nothing's black & white in this world. 


My mind is racing wondering what role our new character, the devoted single dad and computer repairman (and possible digital vigilante?) is going to play. Hoping they don't go too Mr. Robot on us and keep things fairly believable. But, it does seem like this is pointing to at least one of our central character's having sensitive information hacked, leaked or exploited in some way. 



That was kinda a great bait and switch, because I'm sure I wasn't alone in thinking the same


I had the same reaction--partly because, though I never listened to hip hop, I lived close to my brother and used to tell him about my sex encounters--and he called me out on being a liar.  Ugh.


Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#25american crime vs American crime story
Posted: 2/17/16 at 11:01pm

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This was the episode I think everyone was waiting for. It was bound to happen at some point. 

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement
