
Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED- Page 14


#325Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 6/25/06 at 7:42pm

Ok, I have laid out my opinions before and after reading the last couple of pages since I posted, I am behind FOA 100%. Personally USTheater, at the moment, I wouldn't give you any business and I would make sure that no body I knew would give you any business either. If you insist on releasing the video's of Broadway shows when the show is still running, I want nothing to do with it.

TomMonster Profile Photo
#326Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 6/25/06 at 7:49pm

What if it has the support of the cast and crew? Nobody is talking about releasing a video UNLESS this has been worked out. Many shows have aired on TV during the run. PIAZZA anyone?

"It's not so much do what you like, as it is that you like what you do." SS

"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana." GMarx

#327Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 6/25/06 at 8:58pm

But PIAZZA will never be released on DVD, so the whole issue of residual payments to the actors and creative team does not exist. No one is making any money off of the one time broadcast on PBS.

#328Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 6/25/06 at 9:40pm

After reading through some of these posts, I realized something. The Subject is Why Musicals SHOULD be videotaped. No more negativity, people. This guy is trying his goddammed best to get something off the ground that isn't easy. If the naysayers are so passionate about this thing not happening, why don't you go to the producers, give them a sh** load of money and twist their arms untill they tour every single show that every single fan wants to see but can't. Unless you have the money, don't drop this guy's esteem. He's doing something. What are you doing? Being whiny and complaining about what he's doing? Not good enough for me.

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#329Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 6/26/06 at 2:22am

Ruprecht. Thanks. Many thanks. When I first posted it, I thought Americans will love this idea and as they are a nation who supports successful ideas, I thought I would get lots of constructive suggestions to build on the base idea. Boy was I wrong about America. But one learns. I'm from Glasgow, so I can assure you I'm as resilient as any of the people on this email thread, including people who don't know me in the slightest and say "I would never give you business". It's a strange old forum this, but every now and then I get someone who sees beyond what I call "noise". So thanks, it really DOES help me to keep going.

Despite the name, I am not a major organisation with massive funding. I have built the network from a blank piece of paper every day for 5 years, using my own time and own investment in web space. It's now a living breathing marketing and promotional tool for actors and producers. Many people said that it couldn't be done but it IS and I AM. Discussing it on this board was merely testing the water for 2007 when I WILL be in town talking to interested parties. I have already had several emails offline discussing the plans and would welcome more (editor at uktheatre.net).

In the meantime, UK is my focus for 2006 and I am getting fantastic support.
Here's the Itunes link again if you missed it

_________________ www.uktheatre.net

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#330Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 6/26/06 at 2:27am

Oh, and just as a point of note. I have always sat on the fence with the specifics of delivering this, including whether it will be filmed during a run and distributed afterwards. I see that as something that will not be my decision, but the decision of the producers, hence it is "semantics". If the producers think that is the best way for them, then that's what will happen. The customer is always king in my world.

Have a nice day today. I'm off to my 9-5 to earn some more money to fund this idea.

_________________ www.uktheatre.net

YankeeMate Profile Photo
#331Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/5/06 at 8:16pm

For anyone who wasn't alive or too young to see her, who wouldn't give their left arm to see an Ethel Merman performance in Gypsy or Audrey Hepburn in Coco? What about seeing the OB cast in Carrie? Wouldn't it have been amazing to have seen works by performers who've since passed on or watch now legendary shows that closed after only a few performances that live on only in script or, if lucky, cast albums? What if Rembrandt or Di Vinci only worked with colored chalk on cement or with sand? Those works of arts would now be lost due to rain and erosion. I think after an appropriate time, it's justifiable to have visual theatre recordings.

Arguably, the internet diminishes its value a little but if it helps bring a wider audience to the medium, then I think the trade-off is okay. Look at the ratings for the Tony awards. They're always facing the threat of cancellation or being cast off to the nether regions a remote Broadcast carrier. If more people were able to view a show, I don't think it would get such a shabby treatment from the public. If a Julia Roberts can lure an audience to Broadway, then allowing the masses to see her performance via the internet or video, would then in theory translate into audience ratings on the level of the Golden Globes, Emmys or Oscars.

#332Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/5/06 at 11:14pm

couldn't agree with you more, Yankeemate, and I fully support what you are doing USTheater and hope that your dream will really happen (those of us stuck in rural middle America don't have many opportunities to see shows). And if you are ever in need of help/partners, private message me, I may be interested. :)

WordedGrace Profile Photo
#333Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/6/06 at 12:52am

Broadway is based on brining people to the theatre. The idea of shows being taped could work in some respects but I think would overall hurt the community. Hollywood works because we all can go easily to go see a movie that's already made and completed. I love live theatre and the idea of it being around. Some performances cannot be saved forever, some things in have to recapture our imaginations in newer forms. I'm not bashing the idea of capturing things on film but there has to be an equitable solution for all involved not only the producers but the crew, actors, musicians, and the theatre itself. Why take away the money that comes in from nightly live performances. If I have Sweeney Todd in all it's incarnations on DVD, why would I really care to see a revival? I would already know the plot, the score, and the outcome..? Although, I have the original on DVD, and I enjoyed the new revival...it's the same premise. Look at Rent the movie versus the Rent the musical..one was complete crap and didn't seem to boost the musical. Would that be a safe bet? What if you mass marketed these shows on DVD and sales fell for the musicals on Broadway? Wouldn't seem to be a fair trade off unless the show was closing seems to be the only logical trade but again it has to profit all involved.

I'm not gonna hate you in the magazines, (I'm better than that) I'm not gonna compromise my Christianity, (I'm better than that) You know I'm not gonna diss you on the Internet Cause my momma taught me better than that.

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#334Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/6/06 at 2:24am

Hi folks

Thanks for your comments on this. The link below will take you to a current press release I have and it includes an interview on Podcast (links on the right). It would be good if you could spread it around wherever you are and help this idea REALLY GROW.

Some facts that I've become aware of in the last month. The growth of Social Networking sites and the idea of Web 2.0 are two major changes in the broadcasting and internet world and need to be looked at in this context.

Rupert Murdoch with his Fox Organisation and Newspapers around the world, including The Times in the UK, bought MYSPACE for $450m. YouTube has invest $8m in 6 months and has bandwidth costs of $1m/month. These sites have in excess of EIGHTY MILLION members. Have a look at the links and do a search for musicals or theatre and you will either find a cellphone movie from someone in the audience, or a local community group who had someone with a video camera. Do you think Rupert Murdoch's Fox material is going to look like that ? Nope.

So there are two things here:-

1. Theatre needs to start looking good online. Better quality filming, more active marketing.

2. Continue the debate and theatre will not get a look-in in the new world of broadcasting and will remain a tiny voice. In fact it may even DWINDLE audiences.

So there is a cost of NOT doing something about this. I've chosen to do something for what I see is the good of theatre everywhere. I hope you do to, and join me. It's people who make this happen. I run everything on a regional basis so that I don't become a bottleneck. The regional team pull together reviews, interviews, presenters, film crew. They call around, ask people on bulletin boards and I also get leads at the website. We get permission, agree a production schedule, ensure the rights are cleared and we film, edit and upload.

We then agree a cost based model for distribution and a percentage split with any additional advertising or marketing agreed.

It sounds simple, but it's taken me 5 years to get the model right, the formula right and the infrastructure in place.

Ready when you are Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later

Link to Press Release

_________________ www.uktheatre.net
Updated On: 7/6/06 at 02:24 AM

#335Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/6/06 at 8:55am

Audrey Hepburn was in Coco? Not when I saw it Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later

AshleyBrownFan123 Profile Photo
#336Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/6/06 at 12:37pm

They should musicals on iPod videos!

Let us milk the cow that is theatre-Monica Trausch

WickedToronto Profile Photo
#337Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/17/06 at 9:10am

I have never been to New York. I live in Toronto and one of the reasons I know so much about shows its because of musical videos. When a tour comes to Toronto and they release the names of the actors , I search for them on youtube or somewhere else to see who they are. I think its great for people who dream to visit a place like Broadway but can't at the moment. I became a fan of some broadway actors because of musical videos. Anyhow, I have no problem with them =)

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#338Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/30/06 at 9:41am

Thanks WickedToronto and others.

Since this posting was first put online there have been a number of developments in the industry. It was when NO-ONE had heard of something called YOUTUBE which is now spending tens of millions every year, and MYSPACE was really just starting to build its profile after being bought by Rupert Murdoch for $450m. So I guess those who didn't think it was going to happen are in for a little surprise. It's starting NOW in AUGUST 2006 at the Edinburgh Fringe. I will personally have a several film crews filming around 25 performances for uploading and distribution via the following:

ITUNES Video Podcast (check out podcast directory UK THEATRE NETWORK)

and many other Podcast Directories and Distribution Services.

I hope you enjoy them as we pioneer in this new technology and I welcome all your support in the coming weeks as we bring this to the US and around the world.

Find out more here

_________________ www.uktheatre.net

#339Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/30/06 at 9:48am

Do whatever you want at the Edinburgh.

Just stay away from Broadway.

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#340Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/30/06 at 10:08am

And who do you think you are that you can determine where I do business ? Perhaps America isn't as free a society as it appears to be. Your horrible attitude is not going to prevent me, if anything it will make me more resolute.

In case you haven't noticed, the owners of this bulletin board have been increasing their presence in this area since my first bulletin. Interesting.

Anyway, if you have anything constructive to add please do so.

_________________ www.uktheatre.net

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#341Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/30/06 at 11:10am

They should be but they will never be - barring a miracle

End of story

Poster Emeritus

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#342Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/30/06 at 11:11am

The owners are probably afraid you're gonna release some of those videos right now.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

Craig Profile Photo
#343Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/30/06 at 11:14am

Points of clarification since I do have something constructive to add to this discussion:

1) YouTube was wildly popular as of October of 2005 when this posting first appeared. It's also gotten a lot of press lately because of copyright infringements.

2) The USA and Actors Equity regarding taping and distribution is very different than in the UK. Can and will it change - perhaps. But as I've stated previously - right now it's extremely expensive to compensate the performers, musicians (another union), stage hands (another union), etc (other unions) and get them all to agree. I believe this to be one of the LARGEST reasons many shows aren't archived and made available to the public. Will it change? As I said - we'll see.. but it's definitely not going to happen anytime soon here in the states (my opinion of course)

3) This site has continued to grow exponentially and video was always in the mix since it's launch over 3 years ago. BroadwayWorld.com has always been updating and upgrading the site to provide the best user experience both in content and technologies. I say without hesitation, it has and had absolutely nothing to do with this thread or any other.

4) I think you might either not understand some of the posters here, or are being oversensitive about your projects. For example "FindYourGrail" wasn't determining where you can do business. He or She was expressing their opinion.

Hope that clears some things up for you...

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

Luscious Profile Photo
#344Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/30/06 at 12:01pm

I think it's a great idea! I just registered to your website. Best of luck! Can't wait for the day I can download an entire show (Broadway, West-End, Toronto, wherever) on the internet and watch from the comfort and privacy of my own home! I feel the same way about first-run movies. No more ringing cell-phones, crying babies, restless kids, inconsiderate bastards, heads in the way, back of seat kicking, etc., etc... Like it or not, it's going to happen. It's already happening! It's beyond your command. Your old road is rapidly agin'. Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand, for the times they are a-changin'.

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#345Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/30/06 at 12:33pm

Thanks again for your interest.

Craig, I find your comments are very one-sided and bias, you have been involved in this debate before and you sided with those who were clearly disruptive towards me and making personal attacks, and here you go again. FINDYOURGRAIL was just stating an opinion ? "Just stay away from Broadway." I would say that's a threat, not an opinion and you just condoned it as an editor/moderator of this site just like you did when someone was claiming "bootleg", you said WHERE LET ME AT EM I'LL REMOVE THEM NOW or words to that effect.

On your other point about last October, YOUTUBE was NOT known around the world. Perhaps in some parts of the US. A US colleague of mine only heard about YOUTUBE last week !! And he is a webmaster and its not currently as well known as MYSPACE. I only heard about a few months ago in the UK.

As for Equity/Union negotiations or anything to do with that, if you create a business plan that makes sense to everyone, then it will happen. Simple economics. But don't always think about MAJOR BROADWAY MUSICALS, there are more things happening in theatre around the world than a couple of streets in New York.

So, many thanks for your "constructive" points Craig, but they added no value whatsoever but merely sided with those who don't want to make it happen. And I can assure you, despite your hints that you don't think its a good idea, BWW will be amongst the first to wave the flag saying "SUPERSIZED MUSICALS LIVE" when it happens. Mark my words.

_________________ www.uktheatre.net

#346Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/30/06 at 12:43pm

When it happens. Mark my words.

I love how determined you are. You believe you're totally in the right and are leading this new revolution in theatre or something. Get off your high horse.

This WILL NEVER happen with shows that are currently running. Perhaps, one day, they'll release videos of shows that have closed for people to watch and appreciate. But they will never release entire productions of Broadway shows that are currently running.

Actors Equity will laugh in your face with this "proposal" and they'll chew you up and spit you out. I can't wait.

USTheater.TV Profile Photo
#347Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/30/06 at 12:50pm

It IS happening. I am filming this month. I am determined because it makes so much sense for theatre. I am getting support from BAFTA, Oscars, Equity, BECTU, SAG who are members of my growing website at UKTheatre.Net

The key thing however, and this gets lost in all the debate. I have NEVER said it HAS to be LIVE, and NEVER said it HAS to be when the run is happening. Those are parameters of a business deal and not something that needs any upfront debate. Amazingly enough, it is something that only this bulletin board makes a big deal of and nowhere else. In fact I would go so far as to say that everywhere else it is positively encouraged. Which makes me wonder what vested interest those who are saying this have. Producers ? Performers ? Or just opinionators ?

Oh, and for the record, I am a registered Actor, registered BAFTA member, registered Academy Press Member, registered Web Designer and registered Computer Society member. I currently run a non-profit website at www.uktheatre.net which has been growing for 5 years, before Internet TV was a twinkle in Youtube's eye. It's just taking me longer as I want to do it with the right support, the right payment structure and the right quality.

_________________ www.uktheatre.net
Updated On: 7/30/06 at 12:50 PM

#348Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/30/06 at 1:01pm

i'm glad some progress is getting done. Good luck.

ErinDillyFan Profile Photo
#349Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later
Posted: 7/30/06 at 1:03pm

This takes nothing away from Live theater. I will never have a chance to see Ethel Merman or Mary Martin on stage, but if they had been filmed or video taped, then we could all see these great performers in their prime. Even when I go to NYC I often can't get tickets for the the shows I want. I never got a chance to see the original cast of Wicked or The Producers.

If you can give someone an inkling of what a live performance is like for a $5 rental, they will be more likely to spend the $100 to see a live show. Even the $50 balcony seats are a high hurdle when they have no idea what to expect. Just like radio and CD sales only boost interest in seeing live concert performances by an artist, OCR and video performances whet the appetite for the live stage performances.
Updated On: 7/30/06 at 01:03 PM
