
Side Show previews in LaJolla- Page 2

Side Show previews in LaJolla

cardamon Profile Photo
#25Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/9/13 at 1:51am

Here's a link to a slideshow with 6 production shots.

(I wish I was in Southern California right now...)

"Side Show" Slide Show!

#26Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/9/13 at 11:14am

Ray is a singer/dancer in the girls act. It is also inferred that he and Buddy might have a relationship.

I saw the show last night (Friday, 11/Side Show previews in LaJolla and I have to say I wasn't as impressed as some of the others who have seen the show.

I did not find Manoel Felciano a good fit for the role of Terry, and for me, Private Conversation was the least enjoyable moment in the show.

As reported above, the Jake was in serious vocal duress, at least I hope he was. Even so, I felt like he was a weak link in the cast.

I thought the songs were fine, most of them forgettable, although I agree with the above poster who said Sideshow was very well constructed and performed. Also agree that the Houdini song was entirely pointless although sung exquisitely.

I also have to put out there I really hated the staging of 1+1=3.


Buddy comes out and performs the beginning as a song a dance routine, then a bed unit and the ensemble dressed in gold shining cherub/cupid costumes come out and dance while Buddy disappears into the bed unit. The two girls and Buddy then appear topless popping up from behind the bed insinuating sexual innuendo that seemed more apropos for the middle of "Two Ladies" from Cabaret. Towards the end of the song Ray, who I mentioned above, pops out and says some line about well if you like 3, why not four and they continue the song in popping up and down behind the unit in various positions including a suggestive one with Ray and Buddy.

I know they were trying to play up the whole Buddy is gay subplot in this revival, but like so much of Side Show they to strongly hit the nail on the head when trying to hammer home the point.

In the final scene Daisy actually tells Buddy that he can't fool her and she knows and "that at least he can hide what makes him different"

During the curtain speech it was said that changes were implemented earlier in the day so I hope changes will continue to be made. I'm going to try to get back down from LA sometime before it closes in December to see how the actors have sat into the roles and what other changes may have been made.

it'sjustshowbiz Profile Photo
#27Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/10/13 at 11:40pm

I saw it on Saturday night. I really enjoyed seeing it because I have never seen a production of Side Show.

I loved the costumes and the overall look of the show.

Some of the new numbers worked to explain the twins' back story, but I did not care for the new vaudeville numbers.

There were quite a few lyric tweaks in the old songs.

******Potential Spoilers***********

There was a montage where the twins talk about their troubled childhood. It is unsettling, but emotional and fit the show. I agree with the poster above that the Houdini song was unnecessary and ran long.

I missed Tunnel of Love. That song is very powerful. And, I also think that the staging for 1+1=3 was awkward.


As I was leaving the theater, I heard someone who worked for either the show or the playhouse tell someone, "The show will be completely changed in six weeks".

#28Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/16/13 at 3:31am

Saw it tonight. Overwhelmingly enjoyed it. The gentleman playing Jake sounds like he either never had the voice for the part or he's in a very bad place vocally right now. Keala Settle is wasted, but such are the breaks. I thought the four principal leads plus the guy playing Sir were all phenomenal, especially in the acting (more acting is required in this show than many musicals). Thought "Who Will Love Me As I Am?" went way too long for the last song before intermission. My mind started drifting during that number. But I would highly recommend the show...

Younger Brother Profile Photo
Younger Brother
#29Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/17/13 at 2:16pm


Is there more on the twins film career in the show now? Anything about their work on "Freaks"?

Also, does the show end the same way with the wedding?

#30Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/17/13 at 4:47pm

"Tunnel of Love" is gone?? Well, sh*t.

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#31Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/17/13 at 5:11pm

I played 'The Boss' in a production some 6, 7 years ago. I take it this 'Sir' is more along the lines of the girls' original manager. That makes me happy.

#32Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/19/13 at 1:03am

The show opened last night. Here's the U-T San Diego review. I generally find Mr. Hebert incredibly insightful and agree with the vast majority of his reviews, although I will say when I saw it Friday night I did not feel David St. Louis was "huge-voiced", in fact, I was worried we were all gonna see what it looks like when someone blows out their vocal chords onstage.

U-T San Diego review Updated On: 11/19/13 at 01:03 AM

#33Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/20/13 at 11:00am

I saw the show last night. I didn't love it. Sadly, I didn't even really like it all that much. Unlike a lot of people here, I was completely new to the show and the music. But I was excited.

In short, there were some wonderful performances and costumes, but I kept waiting for that song or moment that I loved or even really liked, and it never came. The show never caught that spark. A big part is that I didn't care for any of the music. None of it was memorable or wonderful or progressed the story. Often, I found myself waiting for the songs to end so the story could continue. The story itself is interesting! The themes are interesting. I'd see this again as a play. But as a musical? No thanks.

Younger Brother Profile Photo
Younger Brother
#34Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/20/13 at 5:46pm

Can someone talk about who the new characters are? Auntie/Loretta in particular

#35Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/20/13 at 7:13pm

What's with all the love for "Tunnel of Love"? I didn't think the song was that special.

#36Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/20/13 at 11:58pm

I never saw the original show. Was it implied then that Buddy was gay? I never got that impression from the cast recording, but I might have been missing something.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

adam.peterson44 Profile Photo
#37Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/21/13 at 12:04am

I certainly did not get any implication that Buddy was gay either from the Broadway production or from the cast recording. It seemed to be more implied that he really loved Violet but could not get over her attachment to her sister, so could never quite follow through on his feelings for Violet.

#38Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/23/13 at 5:23am

Younger Brother, re Auntie

She is used to explain how the girls ended up the "property" of Sir (she becomes their legal guardian so she can exploit them, meets and falls in love with Sir and they marry, shortly thereafter she dies and he goes to court and is granted full guardianship, which in this case is akin to indentured servitude)

#39Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/23/13 at 5:28am

For those who have mentioned the costuming and special effects, James Hebert of U-T San Diego (our daily rag here) gives us this wonderful piece
Bringing life, humanity to 'freaks'

ggersten Profile Photo
#40Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 11/28/13 at 2:11am

Saw the evening performance on Wednesday, November 27. This was the first time I have seen the show - although like many others - I have listened to the OCR many many many times and I have the script.

Erin Davie was out (as she was apparently yesterday and for the matinee). Emily Pladgettt seemed very unhappy as the curtain call ended and she walked off the stage.

So, I didn't love it. Partly because it was hard to get the OCR out of my head - but also partly because of the staging. The set - especially in Act II - seemed cheap. There is a magic costume change - which I didn't see coming, buy my daughter did.

I suspect that Bill Condon is not a stage director. In film, he can focus and show you things. But, it seemed like many scenes were set with a tableaux - and then the movement was very static. A lot of people stepping forward and singing. He may have been afraid to have too much extra movement to take attention off the main characters - or afraid that movement by the main characters would block the tableaux.

The new montage of the history of the Hilton sisters is ok. The Houdini song is really well done. But, it was mostly surplusage to me. Indeed, as I think about the show, it seemed like Condon wants to tell the story of the Hilton sisters. But, the OCR wanted to ask the question "who are the real freaks". This version doesn't really ask that question.
Jake does not refer to his "affliction"
The Sisters are upset when Tod Browning informs them the name of the movie will be "Freaks". The rest of the show they are trying to be "normal" - they don't want to be unique or freaks. But, the point is made earlier in the New Years Eve scene when the guests treat them as unique/different/freaks. So, the Browning comment loses its potential power


Emily Pladgett was quite good - She sounded good - she looked great - and she has a sense of Daisy as fame seeker. Her hurt when the Buddy-Violet romance becomes center stage was evident and convincing.
Erin Davie's understudy for Violet - Michele London - was pretty good - but was not on the save level as Ms. Pladgett. Something also seemed to happen during "I Will Never Leave You" in Act II. (The song appears slightly in Act I). I think Ms. London may have missed or skipped a lyric. There was something off. Pladgett sang the "One though we're two" echo rather quickly - and it didn't seem like it was supposed to be her line.
David St. Louis as Jake was really really good as an actor - and his "You Should Be Loved" in Act II was excellent. "Devil You Know" didn't have the impact or excitement that I thought it should have had. The exit music was "Devil You Know" and I liked it much more there!
I didn't like Manoel Feliciano. "Private Conversation" was kind of weak. They probably could replace him. Also, his character doesn't really seem to have much of an arc. He is "off" the entire show - and not really involved.
I did like Matthew Hydzik as Buddy. I didn't care for the gay subplot with him. It didn't add anything to the plot - and actually distracted from the show.

I thought the new vaudeville numbers were more fun than the ones on the OCR

Two other notes:
I did not like the blood on Violet's costume during Private Conversation when Terry imagines being just with Daisy. it was just....odd.

I did enjoy and appreciated the physical separation during "I Will Never Leave You" in Act 2. It made the song stronger - even if there was that strange musical moment I noted earlier.

I asked several staff people if there have been changes - but most had not seen the show before tonite and so were not helpful. Act I drags a bit - and felt flat. I felt more like I was watching the Hilton Sisters' story but not connecting to it or feeling invested in it. That may be the effect of the montage. While lots of writing went into the montage - it probably could be cut. The first act is 1 hour 10 minutes according to the lobby information. I also would get a new Terry before the move to D.C. He got very little response from the audience during the bows.

I guess in conclusion - I was disappointed because I had such high hopes/expectations. I have a feeling since so many fans of the show never actually got to see it that the actual show will not measure up for them.

The audience was receptive - but held the obligatory standing ovation for Ms. Pladgett and Ms. London although Mr. St. Louis did get quite a good yell of support from the audience. So, I'm not sure how well the show is connecting with audiences.

#41Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 12/8/13 at 4:03am

Saw the show tonight for the third time during this run (although I do like the show, the second time was a work event I didn't know about when I bought tix for perfs 1 &3)

Overall, I think the show works more than it doesn't. I was more impressed with Emily Padgett and Erin Davie each time I saw the show. Their movements together and harmonizations are magical. Conversely, I like Manoel Feliciano less and less every time I see it. Just doesn't have the charisma of a con man. He and David St. Louis (just doesn't have the voice for the role) are the weak links in a very good cast. Wouldn't be surprised if one or both are replaced before this plays the Kennedy Center in DC in June.

Tom 2 Profile Photo
Tom 2
#42Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 12/8/13 at 5:16pm

The one show I regret not seeing when it was on Broadway. Is there a chance this production my come to Broadway?

Tom McGovern Jr

it'sjustshowbiz Profile Photo
#43Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 12/8/13 at 10:02pm

grumpyoptimist, did you notice any changes throughout the run? I saw it early on.

#44Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 12/8/13 at 11:50pm

Tom 2, the show is already booked for a Kennedy Center run next June (they are co-producers). It has been said in a lot of places the hope is to take it to Broadway after that. I have heard there are already changes planned (not sure if it's cast, content or both) based on this run.

****Semi-spoiler alert****

it'sjustshowbiz, The first time I saw it was the day before lockdown (and two days before opening). It's hard to definitively say whether these observations are the result of just knowing the show better, but I would almost swear they've quickened the pace on the press conference and cocktail party scenes since the first time I saw it. Also, the homosexual innuendo in 1+1 seemed to not be quite as over the top in the second two versions I saw. But my first time I saw it so late in previews they probably didn't make any major changes

Oh, and David St. Louis (Jake) was in far better voice last night than the first time I saw it, but he just doesn't quite get you to where he should be able to given the numbers he has.

Dean Profile Photo
#45Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 12/15/13 at 10:22am

I'm headed to tonight's final performance in La Jolla. Very anxious and excited to see how the production has evolved over the run, especially the performances. I'll get to see the Kennedy Center version too.


Tom 2 Profile Photo
Tom 2
#46Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 12/15/13 at 12:33pm

I'm hoping that it will come to Broadway. This is one show I regret not seeing and I am hoping to catch it sometime.

Tom McGovern Jr

#47Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 12/15/13 at 3:56pm

I hope it gets there as well. I think it could have a solid run, especially with full scale Broadway production quality

Dean Profile Photo
#48Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 12/16/13 at 9:34am

I'm really happy I attended the final performance at La Jolla Playhouse last night. I had gone to the first preview. There were no curtain speeches or any acknowledgement that it was the end of the run. I found the show much tighter and infinitely better performed than at the preview (I know, duh...) Erin and Emily were simply excellent, truly bringing to mind (though still not touching) the iconic performance of Emily and Alice. I hope these two continue with the production to Washington and Broadway. Jake (David St Louis) was more assured vocally and in his acting. Jake is a tough role to sing well every night, I would think, and last night he sung it well. Not brilliantly, but well. I don't get the Houdini number and wonder if it will be cut prior to the Kennedy Center. I understand the message in the song Houdini delivers, however, the entire number sticks out as odd in an otherwise much more understandable overall book (than I saw at the preview). They've toned down the references to Buddy being gay and that storyline now lands better while still allowing the audience to understand that Buddy has this 'hidden' within him. They've also toned down 1+1=3 a bit, however, I truly still miss Tunnel of Love. The cast was in top form last night. I was impressed and pleased for the show and future audiences, because it is a score that needs to be heard again in a big production. Here's to onward success for Side Show 2.0 in Washington and (hopefully) on Broadway.

Updated On: 12/16/13 at 09:34 AM

Younger Brother Profile Photo
Younger Brother
#49Side Show previews in LaJolla
Posted: 12/17/13 at 4:09pm

Can someone tell me: how does the new production end? Is it still with the wedding?
