
THE LIFE - did anyone see it? - Page 2

THE LIFE - did anyone see it?

isntitromantic Profile Photo
#25THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/9/10 at 8:55am

wonderful, exciting evening of the theater. great performances and a moving book. it was especially thrilling for those of us who remember the old 42nd street before disney.

Luscious Profile Photo
#26THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/9/10 at 9:05am

I loved it. Saw it twice. Still listen to the OCR. I recommended it to a theatre-loving friend. He took his parents. They all hated it. There you go.

Updated On: 6/9/10 at 09:05 AM

#27THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/9/10 at 11:32am

I could never get over it being so similar to SWEET CHARITY, instead of dance hall girls trying to get out, you had hookers trying to get out of that life and work.

jpbran Profile Photo
#28THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:01pm

Saw it back in spring 1998 I believe, and my old high school friend and I left at intermission following the "is this really as bad as it seems?" "Hookers' Ball."

The whole thing felt like a broad SNL/In Living Color skit set to music... We figured we could go out for drinks somewhere instead and have more fun.

(only other show I walked out of at intermission was the supposedly "improved" "Jeckyll & Hyde" tour that came through Chicago in perhaps (?) 2000)

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#29THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/9/10 at 12:30pm

How to describe the Hooker's Ball? Think the Jellicle Ball with more tits.

I thought the show had a hard time reconciling the grittiness with the gloss of musical theatre. The reason SWEET CHARITY works better (well...there are alot of reasons, but...) is because it's about taxi dancers. It's easier to root for them than it is to root for hookers (said by someone who supports sex workers and their right to work legally and safely!). During 'My Body', I just wanted to scream, 'But your HOOKERS!!'

Amneris Profile Photo
#30THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/9/10 at 1:18pm

I saw this when I was about 11 or 12. People were shocked that my school took us to see this at that age. I remember loving it but, being pissed that I had the understudy for Pam. I was a real theater geek even at that age and knew exactly who everyone was. I clearly remember "My Body" and the chick with the big pom pom puffs on the sides of her head as well as "Easy Money" and cash being thrown all over the stage. I even have my keychain still!

#31THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/9/10 at 1:28pm

I liked it Sam Harris and the cast were great
I didnt understand how Chuck Cooper deserved a Tony for this
He is a great performer ..just though Sam Harris' part was better and more entertaining

#32THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/9/10 at 1:35pm

I did see it. Don't remember much but I did get the CD
Was on a one date date.

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

#33THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/9/10 at 5:28pm

As others pointed out, there were major inconsistencies.

For example, they sing the "It's my body" song, but then there was a big fight between the pimp and Lillias White's character when she wanted to sit in the bar and drink, and he poured her drink in her purse and told her to get back on the street. So it really wasn't her body to do with what she wanted.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#34THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/11/10 at 2:10pm

chellie,pls email me or send me a message


FrontRowCenter2 Profile Photo
#35THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/11/10 at 2:44pm

I remember watching the Tony's that year and when Chuck Cooper was announced for Best Featured Actor in a Musical, the camera panned to Sam Harris and he looked shocked, then PISSED!

AC126748 Profile Photo
#36THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/11/10 at 2:52pm

Cooper definitely deserved the Tony--he was TERRIFYING as Memphis. Harris was hammy, schticky, and his character just didn't fit that well into the larger fabric of the show.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#37THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/11/10 at 4:49pm

I've always liked THE LIFE. As has been said already, what was great was great...what was awful was definitely awful. Though I seemed to walk away remembering only the good, namely the performances and some of the score.

I love TITANIC, and I really like STEEL PIER as well...but TITANIC deserved the Tony that year.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#38THE LIFE - did anyone see it?
Posted: 6/11/10 at 4:56pm

I thought it was pretty atrocious. But Lilias White rocked it. but it was a ridiculous show...
