
Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film- Page 2

Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film

ggersten Profile Photo
#25Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 5:35pm

I'm curious how Ms. Kendrick will look as a blonde - not that a shiksa goddess has to be blonde - but it does help - and it couldn't hoit.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#26Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 5:36pm

Yeah but I mean one of his big songs is "Shiska Goddess," Jordan....that's not exactly Anna Kendrick in the eyes of Jeremy Jordan....

ggersten Profile Photo
#27Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 5:37pm

I did find this picture of Ms. Kendrick which does look more shiksa-ish...
Kendrick - Shiksa Goddess?

best12bars Profile Photo
#28Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 5:40pm

I gotta say Jordan does nothing for me either. He looks kinda neanderthal. Great for thug roles, but not a romantic leading man, at least to me. Not even in the Clark Gable neanderthal way. More in the Mike Mazurki way.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, on the other hand ...

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 2/21/13 at 05:40 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#29Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 5:41pm

But they're casting people who CAN SING. Count your sweet baby jesus blessings it's not Amanda Seyfried and John C. Reilly!

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#30Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 5:44pm

They can sing- but outside of that, I don't think they are in any other way really well suited to the roles.

best12bars Profile Photo
#31Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 5:45pm

Jeremy Jordan in "The Last Whiny Years"

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#32Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 5:48pm

It's impossible to have a grown up conversation with people poopie heads who act like children.

best12bars Profile Photo
#33Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 6:02pm

No, YOU"RE the poopie-head!

I think your loins are doing the talking. He's not right for the part, and he poops his pants. He whines, and he looks like a thug. So there.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#34Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 6:19pm

You can't judge him based on Smash. Judge him based on his theatre work. All of which has been stellar.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#35Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 6:20pm

There's a difference between acting for camera and acting on stage

#36Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 6:26pm

Which is going to be a low-budget indie flick. Regardless, he is acting as being directed. Don't blame him for the train wreck known as Smash which will be ending soon.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#37Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 6:30pm

Let's also remember that this is the same director who gave us such cinematic gems as PS I LOVE YOU, FREEDOM WRITERS, and BEAUTIFUL CREATURES. I'll watch it because I love Kendrick and I love her even more when she sings, Jordan bores me, but regardless I don't expect much from this director if his recent work is any proof (he also wrote the screenplay for that awful movie WATER FOR ELEPHANTS).

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#38Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 6:40pm

I'm curious how they are going to film the timeframe in this show. One story goes forward, one story goes backward. Can you say awkward?

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

ggersten Profile Photo
#39Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 9:05pm

Maybe they'll do it like "500 Days of Summer" with little indicia. Or maybe it will be all date stamped hand held video or computer video blogs so you can see a date. So, each song - which is basically a monologue becomes a video diary entry. "Next 10 Minutes" may not fit within that motif exactly... But it lets you get the date when things are happening on the screen and staying on the screen.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#40Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 9:06pm

They'll probably start each song with one of them reading the newspaper so we know what date it is.

#41Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 10:16pm

I don't think Jordan is that different than Norbert Leo in type. Except better looking. But Norb was VERY sexy in the role and had a nice masculine air to him that I think Jordan will also bring. I'm not a huge, huge fan of his but I think he's pretty damned talented.

And you know, I really never heard a bad word about him on the these boards until he was on "Smash". Where he's doing a fine job. But you queens SOOOOOO love to hate on the show (admittedly somewhat deservedly) it seems to taint anyone on it who isn't named Megan Hilty.

And I too am a gay man thrilled to death Anna Kendrick is in this. Even though, I agree, she seems sorta wrong for the part. But I don't like "Last Five Years" that much anyway...

Updated On: 2/21/13 at 10:16 PM

#42Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 10:21pm

Why not Wesley Taylor or Matt Doyle?

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#43Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 10:22pm

Wesley Taylor and Matt Doyle? I mean, you're supposed to believe that Jamie is sexually attracted to Cathy, I think.

For what it's worth, Jordan is incredibly talented and will probably bring a lot to the role, he just wouldn't have been my first choice. :)

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

#44Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 10:49pm

I'm now really curious... does anyone know if Anna Kendrick is Jewish? I know Jeremy Jordan is.

HenryTDobson Profile Photo
#45Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 11:23pm

"Wesley Taylor and Matt Doyle? I mean, you're supposed to believe that Jamie is sexually attracted to Cathy, I think."

It's actually called acting. They would be required to ACT like they were sexually attracted to Cathy, which I'm sure they're capable. Let's not have another Sean Hayes scandal on this one...

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#46Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 11:26pm

"It's actually called acting. They would be required to ACT like they were sexually attracted to Cathy, which I'm sure they're capable. Let's not have another Sean Hayes scandal on this one..."

I've seen both of them onstage before, and yes in Matt Doyle's case playing straight, and I'm sorry I did not find it very convincing. Regardless of his sexuality, Wesley Taylor just looks wrong wrong wrong for this in my opinion.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

HenryTDobson Profile Photo
#47Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 11:32pm

They wouldn't be my first picks either, but to say that they can't act the role because they are not "straight acting enough" is just silly. Both are accomplished actors who have (convincingly) acted straight roles many times in the past.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#48Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 11:34pm

"Both are accomplished actors who have (convincingly) acted straight roles many times in the past."

In your opinion. I have seen them act straight roles and found it about as convincing as a dog with a duck costume on. Different strokes.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

HenryTDobson Profile Photo
#49Broadway.com Reporting Jeremy Jordan to star in LAST FIVE YEARS film
Posted: 2/21/13 at 11:35pm

Different strokes, indeed.
