
Annie soundtrack released tomorrow- Page 2

Annie soundtrack released tomorrow

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#25Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 4:10pm

I hate the new songs, except for the new parts of Little Girls. I hate the old song in this version, because she can't really sing it, but when it gets to the "Locked in a cage with the rats who slipped through the cracks..." I'm completely on board with that section. The overture is nice, Hard Knock Life is fun, Never Fully Dressed is honestly the stand out.

#26Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 6:08pm

I honestly... didn't hate it completely.

The first four tracks (Overture MAybe, Hard-Knock and Tomorrow) are kind of deceiving... Almost like "Oh, they didn't change too much, just updated the orchestrations and a bit of the lyrics." Might be okay!

And then there's "I think I'm gonna like it here". Which is one of my favorite songs in any production of Annie... and I hated it so much. I'm curious to see the reasoning behind making Grace a robot, which obviously the character now is based on the song.

"You're never fully dressed..." is actually pretty good.

I don't know what the hell "MoonQuake Lake" is supposed to be.

I sort of enjoyed "Little Girls". "This City's Yours" is meh.

I think "Opportunity" would be a good song if someone else was singing.

I LOVED this version of "Easy Street". It's fun and peppy and Cammy D doesn't sound terrible on it. Bobby Cannavale sounds fantastic.

"Who Am I" kind of grew on my after a couple times. I think it might be a great sequence in the movie.

"I don't need anything but you" wasn't bad. Wasn't great, but wasn't bad.

THe Target bonus track of Jamie Foxx's "Something was missing" is gorgeous, too bad it's not a part of the movie.

Overall, I have mixed feelings... some great, some terrible. I'm curious to see the movie... Don't think I'll rush out the first weekend... maybe wait til Bargin Tuesday at the local theater.

philly03 Profile Photo
#27Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 6:44pm

"I Think I'm Gonna To Like It Hear" was really rough... but Rose Byrne sounds a lot better at the end of "I Don't Need Anything But You." (Also I don't think Grace is a robot, I think there is some sort of robot or computer elsewhere... One of the trailers still has the Grace-Warbucks in)

I'm in the boat of "Hard Knock Life," "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile," "Easy Street" (!) and I like "I Don't Need Anything But You" too.

The autotune can be really rough. "This City's Yours" I heavily dislike, but I've always loved "NYC." I would've loved for the producers (Jay-Z/Will Smith/etc) to manage to have gotten a big star to do "Star to Be" bit!

#28Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 7:04pm

Having a star to do the Star to Be bit would've been awesome. Nice idea!!

#29Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 7:07pm

For some reason the tracks don't work for me, I think it's because I'm in the UK.

carlodowd Profile Photo
#30Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 7:16pm

I have to say, as soon i was like HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO ANNIE!!! but as I slowly went down the album I got this feeling of likeness toward it. Its weird but quite cool. Just takes a few listens to get used to cause i'm so familiar with the OBC and the First (Amazing) Movie.

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#31Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 8:22pm

Just finished listening to the soundtrack.
It's really awful.
truly horrible. I don't like Annie very much to begin with and this makes it even worse. This may be the worst movie musical I will ever see. Maybe the dialogue will be better than the godawful orchestrations, arrangements, lyric changes, and performances. I don't think that will be the case though.

#32Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 10:36pm

I found a video of Cameron filming "Who Am I" and it seemed that the songs purpose is to try to humanize Ms. Hannigan.

#33Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 10:39pm

Anyone know who sings the additional Target song: Cut To The Chase?

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#34Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 10:52pm

After listening to it again, I will say I liked it better the second time round.

I'd love to see what kind of visuals pair with the "Overture" and "Who Am I?" because they sound like they could make for a really nice opening and climax/revelation scene, respectively.

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

#35Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 11:02pm

This sounds very autotuned. Not my cup of tea, but I am still keeping in mind that little girls are the primary target audience here. This is the kind of stuff that they listen too all the time, and I am sure they will love it. I will stick to one of the at least four other recordings when I want to hear the score.

Alan Henry Profile Photo
Alan Henry
#36Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 11:08pm

I don't like it. I am very partial to Annie as I know it and just don't think this is necessary. With that said, I was going to give it a chance until I heard the robotic voices that have been auto tuned to the point that they all sound the same.

I just can't stand the sound of auto tune, so I won't be seeing this movie.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#37Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/18/14 at 11:13pm

the robotic voices that have been auto tuned to the point that they all sound the same.

Yup. Sounds the same exact way to me.

amoni2 Profile Photo
#38Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/19/14 at 1:20am

Whatever you all think of the soundtrack, it will still kick "Into The Woods" ass.

Alan Henry Profile Photo
Alan Henry
#39Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/19/14 at 1:38am

^That remains to be seen, since that soundtrack isn't out yet. But it can't be worse than what I listened to on Spotify today.

Edit: Also, I think you meant it will kick Into the Woods' ass. Sorry, pet peeve of mine.
Updated On: 11/19/14 at 01:38 AM

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#40Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/19/14 at 1:13pm

That statement is hilariously ridiculous.

#41Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/19/14 at 1:27pm

I think amoni2 meant it will (sales wise) kick ITW in the ass, which I'd have to agree with.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#42Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/19/14 at 1:32pm

Whatever happens with the soundtracks, amoni2 will always be a miserable cooze.

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#43Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/19/14 at 1:59pm

I'm so sure that Annie will be more financially successful. I haven't heard anyone talk about Annie but I've heard a lot about Into the Woods.

#44Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/19/14 at 2:22pm

I think more kiddies will want to see Annie, but I think Into the Woods still has a solid chance at recouping at the box office.

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#45Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/19/14 at 2:40pm

I'm a "kiddy" and my friends and I are seeing Into the Woods. They didn't even know about the new Annie movie and didn't care to go see it.

tazber Profile Photo
#46Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/19/14 at 2:55pm


Opening Weekend: $19,000,000 [proj.] |
Total Domestic Gross: $100,000,000 [pred.]

(it was downgraded from 2 weeks ago which had it grossing 140,000,000)

Into the Woods:

Opening Weekend: $40,000,000 [proj.] |
Total Domestic Gross: $165,000,000 [pred.]

(conversely, this has been upgraded from a gross of 135,000,000)

....but the world goes 'round

#47Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/19/14 at 3:18pm

I know this might be controversial, but I'm actually starting to like Diaz's rendition of "Little Girls" the more I listen to it. The new lyrics really help it sound more modern.

Littleshopofcarrie Profile Photo
#48Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/19/14 at 4:19pm

^I love it!

#49Annie soundtrack released tomorrow
Posted: 11/20/14 at 11:41am

I may be more open-minded, but I really like this version of the score (having had a chance to listen to it on Spotify). Yes, it's different in a number of places and will likely alter the context of the story in several places because of those differences, but I like the cast, including Cameron Diaz, and think they work very well together.
