
Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?- Page 2

Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?

haterobics Profile Photo
#25Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/4/20 at 1:38am

Miles2Go2 said: "I bought the window card, magnet and the faux typewriter (I thought it was a unique souvenir)."

What was the faux typewriter?! Don't think they had that when I saw it early in the run?!

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#26Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/4/20 at 11:56pm

haterobics said: "Miles2Go2 said: "I bought the window card, magnet and the faux typewriter (I thought it was a unique souvenir)."

What was the faux typewriter?! Don't think they had that when I saw it early in the run?!


haterobics Profile Photo
#27Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/5/20 at 12:04am

Miles2Go2 said: "haterobics said: "Miles2Go2 said: "I bought the window card, magnet and the faux typewriter (I thought it was a unique souvenir)."

What was the faux typewriter?! Don't think they had that when I saw it early in the run?!


Interesting. Almost want one, but I'm not back in NYC before the end of the run... heh.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#28Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/5/20 at 2:07am

Okay, I’m back on my room and exhausted after a full day of theater.

My matinee show today was Oklahoma! This is the second time I saw it. When I saw it back in October it was in the evening after getting very little sleep following the Madonna concert the night before. I actually nodded off for a couple of seconds during Act 1 once or twice. So I ended up respecting it, but didn’t quite love it.

Well, armed with a good night’s sleep, I absolutely loved it today. Thanks to a great Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal I got a great seat (Orchestra B 411) right behind the people seated at the tables. Last time I was on the last row of one of the center sections which offered a good overall view. While there is probably no bad seat at CITS, certain sections offer pros and cons and different vantage points. I loved my seat. It offered great proximity to the action. Only occasionally did one actor block me being able to see another actor(s) momentarily. Also, sometimes it was difficult to make out dialogue, but this was rare, I don’t recall this being an issue last time.

From my vantage pint I was able to appreciate even more and take in the nuanced and powerful performances Damon Daunno, Rebecca Naomi Jones, and Patrick Vaill are giving. I know there has been some criticism of RNJ, but I love her interpretation of Laurey. If I wasn’t so tired I might go into further detail, but just suffice it to say that I think her performance fits perfectly in this revival. Daunno is giving a perfectly calibrated performance and those vocal flourishes he adds are simply amazing. And all I’ll say about Vaill is after Jud kissed the bride (Lauey) then approached Curly with his gift, I saw a tear roll off his cheek and hit the floor. To give such a committed performance thus far into the run is amazing to me. We had Sasha Hutchins as Ado Annie. She was great and brought a different interpretation than Ali whose interpretation I still adore. Gabrielle Hamilton performed the dream ballet. For some reason, I thought we had someone else who was the lead dancer last time, but I looked at the understudy’s pic and I know we didn’t have the understudy.

I bought the windowcard this time. Last time I bought the program and the mug/keychain/magnet bundle. I stage doored and got my windowcard signed and Daunno, Mitch Tebo, and Sasha Hutchings came out. I told Daunno I was sure he knew he could do all those amazing things with his voice but if the show had helped him discover things he could do with this voice and he said that he in fact I knew he could do those things beforehand and the show had encouraged him to experiment and use some of those flourishes.

Celebrity sighting: As I entered the venue, Ethan Hawke was at the box office and later he entered the theater and appeared to be sitting and watching the show with his three daughters. He seem to be having a great time. Also, at intermission my seatmates pointed out Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin) from Stranger Things was in the audience. As he was sitting right across from me, I glanced a couple times and saw he was also having a great time.

Evening show was Slave Play. First off, I didn’t hate it. It made me uncomfortable which I expected and I’m not just talking about my orchestra seat’s limited leg room which could give the rear mezzanines at Richard Rodgers and Studio 54 some competition. My knees were screaming throughout. I was so happy to stand after two hours. But back to the play itself. Due to the spoiler in the off-Broadway review I already knew the surprise in Act 2 that reveals the context of Act 1 so that maybe changed how I viewed it. I didn’t laugh nearly as much as many in the theater although I could see how others would find humor in it. At one point, during Act 1, a man (who I admit I presumed to be a person of color) a few rows behind me asked (loud enough to reach my ears) why any of this was funny. I sympathized with him. It’s a good question. It’s pretty obviously written to elicit laughs then maybe for that laughter to Indict the audience as the play unfolds. I also sat next to an African American woman from Queens. She was the only POC in our row wedged in the middle of the row. I never sensed her laughing once and she checked her phone a few times and she didn’t give it a standing ovation. For all the talk about this play making white people uncomfortable, I think it probably is just as unsettling for POC in the audience, especially to hear white people laughing at stereotypes and racist behavior of the characters especially in Act 1. I’m still unpacking what I saw. I know some hated the therapists and found them inauthentic. But as someone who comes out of the mental health profession, I can say there are a lot of mental health “professionals” out there practicing ill advised “therapy” based on junk science. That final act was shocking in how it concluded. I initially didn’t like it but I’m not sure we’re supposed to. I’m still unpacking it. I think Harris is saying with that final act (and thus the whole play) that all this “processing”.and conversation about race and racism really accomplishes very little in moving the needle. In the time of Trump, it’s hard to argue with that. But then again, maybe the point he’s making with the play is we need to have more authentic conversations and not just one conversation and then that way maybe this play is just the start of the conversation or just one conversation of many that need to happen in this country. It would be interesting to see him continue and maybe do a series of plays exploring this topic Anyway, that’s where I am at now. I obviously can’t speak for Harris, but I don’t think he’s saying with this play and Act 3 that all white people are capable of acts of violence. But who knows where I’ll end up at. I have felt like a ping pong ball since leaving the theater. I usually buy windowcards for shows I enjoy if I enjoy the show and the poster art intrigues me. Walking into the theater, I already liked the windowcard art, but waited to see how I felt after the play. I ended up not purchasing, but as I was walking toward the 50th street station, I started regretting it and thought about going back but my tiredness, the rain and cold, and my knees convinced me to keep heading toward the subway. This is sort of like Oklahoma! was for me in October. I respected it then, but didn’t quite love it. Who knows. Maybe if I saw Slave Play again I’d love it like I love Oklahoma! now. Not sure I could sit through it again though.

I’m fading fast, but a few last thoughts. Great, great cast. I don’t know how they give such powerful, naked (sometimes literally) performances night after night. I’m still thinking about it which is not true of many shows I see. Just because it disturbed me, doesn’t mean it was bad. (It’s not bad). This is the antithesis of TKAM which I saw (and liked) on my previous trip. TKAM extends the white savior narrative and sends the audience home feeling good and progressive on a cloud of platitudes even though the black guy dies. Slave Play doesn’t let the audience off that easy. It doesn’t pull its punches. You gotta respect that at least.

Lastly, about cellphone use this trip so far. Lots of announcements at all the shows about turning your phone off. And didn’t hear one phone go off during The Sound Inside or during Oklahoma!, but heard a few cellphone notifications during Act 1 of Slave Play. There probably was less emphasis about turning your cell phones off before SP began, but we were told when we entered the theater to turn our cell phones off.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#29Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/5/20 at 2:17am

Oh, one more thing. When I was talking to the lady at the merchandise booth, she said that’s SP is closing tomorrow (Sunday) but when I looked on the TKTS app and the BroadwayBox app it still says it’s closing January 19. Anybody know what’s up with that?

haterobics Profile Photo
#30Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/5/20 at 7:50am

Miles2Go2 said: "Oh, one more thing. When I was talking to the lady at the merchandise booth, she said that’s SP is closing tomorrow (Sunday) but when I looked on the TKTS app and the BroadwayBox app it still says it’s closing January 19. Anybody know what’s up with that?"

Easy. She's wrong. Jeremy tweets constantly, and has only ever said the 19th.

#31Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/5/20 at 12:52pm

Thanks for your recaps! I've been curious to see what you thought on Slave Play. I love your ping pong metaphor. I saw all three in the same weekend: Slave Play (Sat Mat) Oklahoma (Sat PM) and TKAM (Sun Mat) and definitely felt the same way. It was like being on cloud nine from seeing amazing performances while questing all the wrong in the world at the same time. Now that you point it out I think me seeing Slave Play first impacted my intake of TKAM. I still loved the production itself (this is not to discount the show itself) but it did made me be more critical of the source material and how it is still weirdly put on a pedestal. At the end of the day it's still (as one writer put it in an interview with Gideon Glick) "a play made for white folks about black folks to make white folks feel better about not being those kind of white folks ourselves". It might also be that relative to OK! "reimagining" of older material TKAM "reimagining" was more subtle and safe (?) comparatively speaking given I also saw OK! prior to TKAM.

Anywho I saw these shows back at the end of September and I'm STILL "ruminating" about all three through my jumbled thoughts Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#32Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/6/20 at 1:18am

Okay, I’m going to try to keep this short and sweet after my dissertation yesterday on my two-show Saturday. I changed rooms to a nicer room which I just saw tonight when I got back to hotel so still need to unpack and prep for work tomorrow (Monday).

I saw both parts of The Inheritance today (Sunday). In three words: I Loved It. It was cathartic, powerful and beautiful. Is it messy and flawed? Sometimes, but the strengths greatly outweighed whatever flaws it may have.

My least favorite parts were probably (especially in Part One) when all the friends were on stage at the same time. Those scenes could seem inauthentic and preachy. But it allows us to begin to know the characters. And I know there are similar dinner table scenes in Howard’s End.

I loved the performances of the entire cast but especially Kyle Soller, Andrew Burnap, and Samuel H. Levine. And of course Lois Smith is a treasure. Today was Tony Goldwyn’s first day performing in the show. He was pretty reserved (I now see it as a reasonable character choice) in Part One so I wasn’t sure what to think. But in Part 2, he opened up and was openly crying at the end. I ended up loving his portrayal. Compared to the Henry Wilcox in both the film and mini-series version of Howard’s End, this was the only time I didn’t feel like Henry was a douchebag at the end. That’s not to say he didn’t have his a-hole moments, but as compared to Howard’s End, I got a fuller picture of his interior life. It also helped that he got some consequences to his behavior in Part two of the play.

Speaking of comparing The Inheritance to Howard’s End, I’m glad I had watched the movie/mini-series. I was able to make some linkages. I know there has been some criticism of the play on focusing largely on white gay men who either are well-off or travel in those circles. That’s no doubt true, but I found universal truths and experiences represented. Also, that’s also true to Howard’s End. However, in Howard’s End (the movie/mini-series anyway; I haven’t read the novel), I got very little sense of the interior life or motivations of the characters. I did not have that problem with The Inheritance. Also, while not the central characters, The Inheritance had more people of color than Howard’s End.

As I mentioned earlier, I found this very cathartic. Even if I didn’t like everything in the each of the Acts, I thought each Act ended strongly. I cried a lot. In fact, at the end of Part Two after curtain call, lady to my left was still crying as was I so we spontaneously hugged for awhile which of course made me cry harder. Lol. She told me to take care of myself and I wished her the same.

I know some have faulted the ending of Part One for borrowing liberally from the ending of Longtime Companion (one of my favorite movies). I get that, but the set-up and context was different enough that it didn’t bother me.

Regarding, stagedoor everyone came out. Lois Smith came out of the stagedoor escorted by two other actors who got her across the street presumably to her ride. So she didn’t sign, but everyone else did.

Okay, work day today (Monday) followed by West Side Story.

Updated On: 1/12/20 at 01:18 AM

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#33Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/6/20 at 1:39am

I can’t believe I forgot Paul Hilton. His Morgan/Walter were among my favorite moments of Part One.

Oh and I bought the windowcard (which I got signed), the tumbler set, and the coffee mug. They’ve sold out of the magnet.

#34Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/6/20 at 3:55am

Since I questioned you beforehand about seeing Oklahoma! again, even though I enjoyed the show quite a bit, I am glad you liked it more the second time. (My daughter is mourning its impending closure and we both envied you a bit.) I'm with you on Rebecca Naomi Jones. I thought she was terrific in the role, her chemistry with Damon Daunno was palpable, and her character made sense in the reimagined version of the show. 

jr88 Profile Photo
#35Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/6/20 at 12:47pm

I really enjoy reading your travel logs. You pack a lot into a few days!

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#36Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/7/20 at 12:35am

I saw West Side Story Monday night. I’m still unpacking what I saw and how I feel about it. I pretty much loved it. I didn’t know until afterwards that we had the understudy (Mia Pinero) in for Maria. Her voice was amazing and she brought true emotion to her performance.

I found this choreography amazing. While I’m glad I moved from far left to row E 1, if I saw this again (which I’d loved to) I’d choose to sit a little further back to see the footwork (and floor work) better.

My only caveat is while cutting songs and making it intermissionless leads a propulsive Inevitable motion to the show, it also can feel a bit repetitive. I think I Feel Pretty would have helped alleviate some of that. I mostly loved the use of live video and the rain!

When Tony was shot (despite having seen the movie again as recently as last year), I gasped. I started tearing up, but it never lead to actual tears. Now, it’s still more of a reaction than I’ve ever had to the movie but I wanted more of an emotional reaction.

I did adore how “Gee, Officer Krupke” was performed. I also loved “Something’s Coming”, “Somewhere“ snd many more moments.

I bought the magnet, mug, and window card. In my rush to stage-door, I forgot to stop and get the stocking cap which I had decided I wanted.

Tons of the cast stagedoored. A good night. It turns out that my site that I am working at this week totally effed up and they’re going to have to have me come back probably next month to do a short follow-up training and I’m hoping maybe I can see this again then.

Updated On: 1/7/20 at 12:35 AM

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#37Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/7/20 at 2:02am

haterobics said: "Miles2Go2 said: "Oh, one more thing. When I was talking to the lady at the merchandise booth, she said that’s SP is closing tomorrow (Sunday) but when I looked on the TKTS app and the BroadwayBox app it still says it’s closing January 19. Anybody know what’s up with that?"

Easy. She's wrong. Jeremy tweets constantly, and has only ever said the 19th.

Well, not only ever. The show was originally scheduled to close on Jan 5 and was extended. 

Thanks for all your insightful, detailed reports, Miles! Really enjoy reading along. 

Updated On: 1/7/20 at 02:02 AM

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#38Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/8/20 at 7:28am

Just saw this again (second time) Tuesday night. I really, really liked it last time. I missed Eva last time, but tonight everyone was in, including Eva. Wow, I was pretty dry-eyed last time, but tonight I cried buckets. I think that is because last time I had only listened to the cast recording once. I also must credited Eva’s vulnerable performance. Tonight I was aware of where things were ending which gave it all more sadness. Bravo!

I was going to buy the new mug they have on the website but they aren’t selling it inside of the theater, only on website.

Since I had stage doored last time, my friend and I stayed long enough to get a flower then headed to late post-theater dinner.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#39Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/9/20 at 12:50am

Saw Tina! tonight. All I can say is Tina Turner deserves better. I mean, hasn’t she suffered enough?

To be fair, there were highlights, most notably Kayla Davion (understudy for Tina) who was very good. Too bad she was performing in such an often inert show. It’s a sin that Tina’s fascinating life has been flattened and muted, especially in Act 1, which is odd because the most interesting (and tragic) parts of Tina’s life occur in Act 1. But that’s mainly because Tina! falls prey to the jukebox curse. That is: songs shoehorned into a plot that they are ill-suited for. It doesn’t help that they’re wedged between some of the most stilted dialogue I’ve witnessed on a stage. Because of this, none of the characters, except for Tina, even approach being close to full fledged characters. The highlights of Act One are River Deep, Mountain High and Proud Mary. That’s mainly because they are pure performance numbers that simply recreate iconic moments from her life. As far as Act 1 book scenes, Tina leaving Ike at the end of Act 1 followed by her performance of I Don’t Wanna Fight was the best. Speaking of which...

Why was Daniel J. Watts channeling Eddie Murphy as Ike? I was of course glad Tina left Ike at the end of Act 1, not just because it was good to see Tina reclaim her power in a moment that’s an iconic moment in her life, but because I knew that we’d see a lot less of Watts in Act 2. I can’t put all the blame on him. The writing is bad and I’m guessing he’s been directed to aim the character this way. 

Act 2 was better, even if it didn’t redeem Act 1 (nothing could).  That’s ironically because less interesting stuff happens in her life in Act 2. She struggles to record the songs that would become her iconic Private Dancer album that launches her to superstardom, she falls In love, and her mother dies. There’s less songs (and thankfully less dialogue than in Act 1), but some are just performance numbers so they don’t feel as shoehorned in. It helps that most are great songs: Private Dancer, Disco Inferno, I Can’t Stand The Rain, Tonight, What’s Love Got To Do With It. 

However, the absolute best part is the final song (Simply) The Best followed by the encore all done concert-style. It’s all bright lights and loud volume. It was the first time the show finally came alive. It hinted at what a better creative team could’ve created, something that matched the excellence of the movie with Bassett and Fishburne. I’ve never considered (Simply) The Best one of her best songs (ironically), but there’s no mistaking it’s a great, energetic concert song. The encore was also fantastic: Nutbush City Limits, Proud Mary. 

Despite its flaws, the audience appeared to be eating it up. They presumably came to hear hear her greatest hits wedged between the famous moments of her life and they got that in spades. (Although the young ladies next to me showed up late for both acts and left during the encore which was a real head scratcher to me.) For me, it was a fair to often great impersonations of Tina, who was surrounded by cardboard cutouts of characters. 

You could feel them stretching Act 2 (since not much happens) to make it the acceptable length for an Act 2. So we get an odd hospital scene that concludes (SPOILER ALERT!) with her mom suddenly dying. This then segues into We Don’t Need Another Hero, which I didn’t mind as I might’ve expected. I mean, on the surface that song had nothing to do with her mother’s death. But I’ve always loved that song and even if the lyrics don’t quite match, the emotion of the song seemed to fit with its place in the show. 

I ended up not buying any merch (shocker!). Mainly because I don’t really find the graphic design that enticing plus I was really disappointed in the show. 

Expectedly, some poor audience behavior. Lady two seats over from me (seat between us remained empty) laughed right before Act 1 when the announcement came across about turning phones off and it being against the law to use your phone in the theatre. I could see she still had her phone in her lap and it was on and I was expecting to have to tell her to turn off or I was going to tell the usher, but she must’ve seen that no one else was filming anything and I think somewhere during act 1 she put her phone in her purse. Other people though had their phones out and were checking them during both acts. These were usually people that were too far away for me to say anything to them and then when we got into the more concert vibe of act two, those poor ushers were running down and up and down the aisles with their flashlights telling people to quit filming. 

So a mostly disappointing night of theater with a few highlights. On my subway ride back to the hotel, I just kept telling myself over and over again that at least I only paid $54 +1000 audience rewards points. 

It doesn’t help that on this trip previously I’ve already seen Oklahoma!, Hadestown, and West Side Story (not to mention straight plays The Sound Inside and The Inheritance) all of which have more significant character development and for the musicals, songs that naturally embody moments and don’t feel shoehorned in. Tina! doesn’t compare favorably with any of them. During Act 1, I even contemplated leaving during intermission (that would’ve been a first for me).  I was tired and wasn’t feeling it. Luckily, Act 1 ended stronger than it began and perusal of the playbill suggested Act 2 would be shorter. 

Going in tonight, I thought that maybe I’d want to see this again once Adrienne Warren returns. I now know that I will never want to do that.

I am a little worried about seeing Jagged Little Pill tomorrow night since it’s another jukebox musical, but at least it has an original plot and it’s not a biomusical which tends to be the type of jukebox musical I least like. 

Updated On: 1/9/20 at 12:50 AM

inception Profile Photo
#40Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/9/20 at 1:20am

Can't disagree with any of your complaints about the show. It was the 1st thing I saw on my trip, so I enjoyed it - more as a concert maybe - and then almost everything after in the week got better.
Didn't see JLP but will be interesting to read your thoughts.
For Grand Horizons my advice is have a few drinks before & turn off your brain.

Edit:  I just want to say that I thought Daniel J. Watts performance is a more accurate portrayal of the real Ike Turner than Laurence Fishburne's in "What's Love Got to do With It."

Updated On: 1/9/20 at 01:20 AM

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#41Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/9/20 at 1:26am

inception said: "Can't disagree with any of your complaints about the show. It was the 1st thing I saw on my trip, so I enjoyed it - more as a concert maybe - and then almost everything after in the week got better.
Didn't see JLP but will be interesting to read your thoughts.
For Grand Horizons my advice is have a few drinks before & turn off your brain.

Edit: I just want to say that I thought Daniel J. Watts performance is a more accurate portrayal of the real Ike Turner than Laurence Fishburne's in "What's Love Got to do With It."

I actually thought afterwards that if this had been the first show of my trip, I might’ve enjoyed it more since I usually enjoy my first show regardless. However audience rewards wasn’t doing points redemption for Friday nights for the show. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#42Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/10/20 at 12:43am

Okay, I saw Jagged Little Pill (Thursday) tonight. I’m pretty tired and still have a few things to do before sleep so I’m going to keep this short and sweet. 

As you may recall, I was nervous about seeing another jukebox musical after not liking Tina! much last night. Well, I needn’t have worried. This is not a perfect musical, but it’s eons better than Tina! It’s pretty much everything Tina! Is not: songs well integrated into the book - check, book that gives us sense of interior life of the characters - check, emotionally involving - check. I actually cried twice - once during Predator and again during Thank U. 

I know two of the biggest criticisms of the show are that the choreography is over-the-top and too urban for these suburban characters and that there are too many issues woven into the book. Well, I liked the choreo and often thought of it as a manifestation of the emotions of the main (and other) characters rather than taking it literally. Also, I thought the issues were well integrated into the show and true to the time we live in. Also, the cast members moving the panels didn’t bother me one iota. 

Before the show, I bought the magnet and mug, waiting to see how much I liked Act 1 before committing to anything else. Well, I bought the windowcard and beanie at intermission. 

I stagedoored (it was freezing) and got my window card signed and pretty much all the principals came out except for Elizabeth Stanley. I wouldn’t mind seeing this again, but I’d also be okay if that isn’t able to happen. As much as I liked it, I don’t expect this to get many Tony nominations or any wins. The script isn’t perfect. 

Lastly, another audience filled with poor cellphone etiquette. I don’t even have the energy to talk about it anymore right now.

Updated On: 1/10/20 at 12:43 AM

haterobics Profile Photo
#43Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/10/20 at 2:05pm

Miles2Go2 said: "This is not a perfect musical, but it’s eons better than Tina!"

I caught this on 1/2 for a $40 rush ticket (since that was the added matinee that had a lot of availability), and was glad I did. But I've been skipping Tina for all the reasons you state, so sounding like a good strategy.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#44Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/10/20 at 5:09pm

I forgot to mention that I think Squiggy (David L. Lander) from Laverne and Shirley was at JLP last night. It sure looked like him anyway.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#45Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/11/20 at 12:07am

Okay, final show of my trip was Grand Horizons tonight. Okay show, well acted. Nothing earth shattering. It was worth the price of my $48 audience rewards ticket to meet James Cromwell at stagedoor.

Updated On: 1/11/20 at 12:07 AM

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#46Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/11/20 at 12:21am

In bed. Exhausted. Too tired to pack tonight. Shuttle to airport coming at 10:30 in morning. Pray for me. Lol

If I were to rank shows from this trip, it would go something like this:

1. (tie) Oklahoma!, Hadestown
2. The Sound Inside
3. The Inheritance Parts 1 & 2
4. West Side Story
5. Jagged Little Pill

6. Slave Play
7. Grand Horizons

(6 & 7 could probably switch places)

8. Tina!

Updated On: 1/11/20 at 12:21 AM

#47Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/11/20 at 9:28am

I so enjoyed reading your recaps! Glad you got a full cast for Hadestown, Eva was a highlight for me so I’m glad you got to see her! Save travels!

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#48Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/11/20 at 11:12am

Miles2Go2 said: "In bed. Exhausted. Too tired to pack tonight. Shuttle to airport coming at 10:30in morning. Pray for me. Lol

If I were to rank shows from this trip, it would go something like this:

1. (tie) Oklahoma!, Hadestown
2. The Sound Inside
3. The Inheritance Parts 1 & 2
4. West Side Story
5. Jagged Little Pill

6. Slave Play
7. Grand Horizons

(6 & 7 could probably switch places)

8. Tina!

Glad you had a great trip. I have enjoyed reading your reviews! I do have to point out, though, that Tina does NOT have an exclamation point in the title.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#49Help Me Finish Planning My Trip?
Posted: 1/11/20 at 11:37am

bwayphreak234 said: "Miles2Go2 said: "Glad you had a great trip. I have enjoyed reading your reviews! I do have to point out, though, that Tina does NOT have an exclamation point in the title."

Aw, good to know. With other shows adding exclamation points, I must’ve just assumed this one did too!  

In other news, I managed to pack this morning even with my shuttle driver arriving early; he tried to charge me an excess baggage fee (which I had already prepaid), and arrived at airport 4 hours before my flight so now chilling in the Delta sky club drinking a Cosmo (Carrie Bradshaw style) and eating all the free foods. 

