
Little Shop Performance on Regis- Page 2

Little Shop Performance on Regis

on1ystarinthesky Profile Photo
#25re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/23/04 at 3:21pm

I thought he was decent. Definitely no Hunter or Jon, but he wasn't unbearable.

DJ Jellyfeltz's Weekly "Don't You Just Hate That?" (courtesy of Scott Cohen)
Walking by the same person you've already walked by in the dairy, produce, and frozen-food sections.

suddenlyseymour Profile Photo
#26re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/23/04 at 5:18pm

broadwaybaby, i'm with you man i thought fatone was awful i almost stopped the tape cuz i couldn't stand watching him anymore

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#27re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/23/04 at 6:26pm

He did pretty well for having just started the show and it being 9:30 in the morning.

boborunstheshow Profile Photo
#28re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/23/04 at 6:34pm

you guys are too charitable.
he was awful.

Its Aberqurque NM for me. Speaking Spanish. Be Back September 06.

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#29re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/23/04 at 6:36pm

How so?

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#30re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/23/04 at 6:37pm

An excellent question Quibbler. Posters should start to have reasons for their opinions.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

SamIAm Profile Photo
#31You are not alone
Posted: 6/23/04 at 6:39pm

I thought he tried, but failed. I wasn't impressed

"Life is a lesson in humility"

boborunstheshow Profile Photo
#32re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/23/04 at 6:40pm

he stood there with the exact same expression on his face for one thing.

And it wasn't even a good expression. I could go up to any guy in the street and say, "be frightened" and he would give me the exact same expression. Ive acted with many people who have never acted before, and he exibited all the same signs. He voice was not umbearable, but it lacked any real feel for the words and the emotions. When he sang, the song lost all entertainment value.

Its Aberqurque NM for me. Speaking Spanish. Be Back September 06.

CurtainUp Profile Photo
#33re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/23/04 at 6:56pm

My opinion: not too shabby. Not amazing, but not awful. I was afrad he wouldn't act it, and he did. Sure, he was a bit shticky sometimes, but so is the show! After seeing his interview, I think he'll be good. Not great, but good!

Rosencrantz: "Be happy - if you're not even HAPPY what's so good about surviving? We'll be all right. I suppose we just go on." - from Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

JoizeyActor Profile Photo
#34re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/23/04 at 7:39pm

I could sworn that urchin on the left was someone different. Look at the tape again! I don't have it on tape, but I remember her not looking like Trisha or Carla. And I'm positive I saw DeQuina.

suddenlyseymour Profile Photo
#35re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/23/04 at 7:40pm

i thought trisha was on the right by herself and then on the left were carla and another chick, not dequina

Bevan Michael Profile Photo
Bevan Michael
#36re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/23/04 at 8:26pm

I, like a lot of people here apparently, thought that he wasn't bad... but not necessarily good either. After seeing him in Rent a few years ago, I remember walking away with the same feeling. Passable, but not destined for the original cast.

Anyone know what song is being sung tomorrow? I know it's Caroline Or Change... would they do "Lot's Wife" again after so recently having it on the Tony's?

Don't you want to tell your sweetheart where you been? Hey, it don't matter... hello again...

#37re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/23/04 at 8:26pm


Broadwaybaby614 Profile Photo
#38re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/24/04 at 12:18am

Thank you, suddenlyseymour. I thought I was alone. I don't know, maybe I'm being too harsh, but I still think that pop stars should stay OFF of Broadway, and if they do decide to do a show, they should at least have a LITTLE talent. Really. I'm a very open-minded person, but come on! Little Shop is one of my favorite shows, and I hate to see the role done like that. If the tickets weren't so damn expensive, I MIGHT give him a chance, but they're not. I'd rather spend my $100 on something I was sure about, like Avenue Q...

"And now for something completely different..."

StrStruckDreamr9 Profile Photo
#39re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
Posted: 6/24/04 at 1:52am

Did anyone notice when Joey tried (tried being the key word) to do a run at the end of the song? Ouch. Admittedly, he was not as bad as I had anticipated, but he sounded like he was trying to NSYNC the song up.
I loved how the LSOH clips had Hunter in them...YAY!!!! Updated On: 6/24/04 at 01:52 AM
