
Idina Menzel at the stage door!- Page 2

Idina Menzel at the stage door!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#25re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 12:02am

MusicPos, for the most part...I don't get the big deal either. I only go to the stage door if its someone who has really touched me or inspired me in some way. I know it probably meant little to Idina when I spoke with her, but she seemed pretty delighted that I gave her a hand shake and paid her an honest compliment instead of shoving a playbill in her face.

I really don't understand going to a stagedoor just to get an autograph.

TheatreMom2 Profile Photo
#26re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 12:31am

This was the first time we did the "stage door thing" and the impression I got from Idina is she is a private and shy person and is a little overwhelmed by it all? Just an observation.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#27re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 12:35am

Idina definitely seems really shy. I can't even imagine how overwhelming it all must be for her now that she's won the Tony, etc. I saw the show in late November, and she was mobbed even back then. She was very sweet though. I was SO nervous, but I made sure to tell her how phenomenal she was... I owed her at least that much, regardless of how nervous I was.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#28re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 4:25am

MusicPos, we'll just have to disagree on this one. I understand completely why she tries to stay quiet when she's not onstage. I also understood it when Heather Headley would whisper or not say anything at all during the end of her Aida run (and she begged people to please be undertanding about it...not that she should have had to explain herself). I've also known people with less demanding roles than Idina who prefer not to talk during the day or after shows. If Kristin talks after shows, fine. That doesn't dictate whether or not Idina should. It's not a question of "injuring" her voice so I'm not sure where that comment came from - it's has everything to do with not speaking so you are as vocally strong as possible come performance time. *So* many performers do that. If she feels she needs to save her voice for her performances I support that - and actually, not only do I support it, I appreciate that she tries so hard to stay in good voice as to not miss performances. It must be working because she has a wonderful work ethic and performance record.

Updated On: 7/25/04 at 04:25 AM

#29re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 6:57am

Signing autographs for fans is essentially PR, it is a job obligation. It's not an obligation to have to spend 5 minutes with every person and sign a stack of photos/items for each person easy.
I've gone a few times for Idina and she just seems to take it like a job, rarely made eye contact, her signature went from Idina Menzel to IMenzel and the whole "she's shy" bit, she's an actor, c'mon for 10 minutes out of your day, fake it.
Having said that, she does always come out the stage door, she didn't opt to use the Grey/Chenoweth door. And for that I give her some props.
Knowing some of those Chenoweth stalkers, I mean fans, being out there day after day, before the show, after the show, that would freak me out a little if I were Idina, knowing you've seen the same people over and over and they really don't want to see you anyway.
The whole nonsense of going before the show or after the show...another result of the Chenoweth stalkers who "needed" to get their fix. I mean get a life already. I don't think actors mind if you go beforehand, if they can't do it, they can't do it. You get no guarantee of an encounter before the show or after.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#30re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 12:44pm

Having said what I said in my original post, I would like to add that I don't think it's appropriate to approach them on their way in to the theater.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#31re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 8:45pm

I'm a very big Menzel fan but it disappoints me, her attitude at the stage door. I tried to meet her once and I barely got a glimspe of her. She ran away from everyone and there werent that many people at the stage door. I can understand very much that she may get nervous around large crowds but couldn;t she take 5 minutes out to see her fans who appreciate her work so much? I didn't even want an autograph I just wanted to tell her how fantastic I think she is. And no, she isnt being paid to please her fans but if your in the business you should know you're going to have fans who would do anything to talk to you and you should try to at least give them some time of day. And for a Broadway star to have so many dedicated fans, she is very lucky so I wish she would appreciate it. I've heard that someone once told her they loved her and loved her work and she looked up and then walked away without smiling or saying anything.

Don't get me wrong though, I still think shes incredible and I do still love her I just wish she would pay a little bit more attention to her fans. And I will always be a fan of her because she is amazing.

#32re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 8:50pm

People tend to forget that these performers are people too. They get tired, crabby and in a hurry just like every other real person does everyday. Give her a break. Signing things isn't in her contract. True, it comes with the territory, but it's not a necessity. She could just sneak out another exit like others. Be happy to catch a glimpse of her.

#33re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 8:51pm

I got her autograph back in March. She was such a sweetie! I love her!

#34re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 8:53pm

People tend to forget that these performers are people too. They get tired, crabby and in a hurry just like every other real person does everyday. Give her a break. Signing things isn't in her contract. True, it comes with the territory, but it's not a necessity. She could just sneak out another exit like others. Be happy to catch a glimpse of her.

I do know that its just that is seems she is like that quite often. I know of over 15 people who met her. And even one of the backstage people at the theater told me she isn't very personable. It's okay though she may just be shy and nervous. She's allowed to be.

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#35re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 10:27pm

Like I've said before, if she is, she should go out the other exit. Whoopdy doo, you caught a glimpse of Idina Menzel. That means even less than the little that meeting her does. And she is not saving her voice, if she thinks she is, she's kidding herself. Talking to her fans WILL NOT make any difference in her performances. That doesn't mean she doesn't have to, but trying to save her voice, give me a break. That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard. She could just say it makes her feel uncomfortable, and so she leaves the other way. People will be on this board complaining, but people will still come to see her.

#36re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 10:34pm

Can you people even imagine what it is like to deal with all those people EVERY night?!? Or how long it would take? I think some days I'd probably be pretty tired and just want to go home and sleep, and not have to stay for an extra hour to pose with everyone. I hate to break it to you but when you buy a ticket you are not given some right to meet the cast afterwards. Please. After you go see a movie or watch your favorite TV shows do the cast members come out for a little meet and greet at your house? I think Broadway actors are extremely generous with their time and maybe we should all cut them a little slack (especially considering how much less they get paid than screen actors). Also saying you met Idina for 1/2 a second at the stage door and having your pic doesn't make you any cooler than anyone else. Why is everyone so angry about this? I honestly feel bad for Idina. Let's face it - if you had Taye Diggs waiting at home wouldn't you be running as fast as you could? I know I would.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#37re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 10:38pm

Shesings, don't you have aspects of your job that you don't like? We all do. I'm not thrilled about having to be friendly to everyone who calls me at work with some kind of request, and I get tired and crabby too. We all do. Every person who is in a show knows there are going to be people at the stage door. People who have probably come a long way and paid a lot of money to be there. Customer service is customer service. I don't cut actors any more slack than the rest of us are cut every single day in our jobs.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
Updated On: 7/25/04 at 10:38 PM

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#38re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 10:41pm

But, it's not part of your job. It's not like when I have to take papers home to grade. She has a choice. I agree with Shesings, except that she doesn't get slack b/c she has a choice: just don't come out. Get in her car and leave. There's nothing wrong with that.

#39re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 10:46pm

I can only speak for my experiences, but they have all been very positive. Yes she is quiet and shy, and that's not something that's happened since her run with Wicked - she's always been that way. I've met her several times over the years ('97 w/ Rent, Wild Party, after a Joe's Pub performance, Wicked, etc) and she has always proven to be a nice, quiet, friendly person...at least to me. She has on several occasions been quite engaging re: conversations when the crowds weren't insane - and she even went out of her way to write a personal letter of thanks to me once in response to some help I was giving to her old record company. Based on things I've experienced in the past with her, it's been my observation that she's truly grateful and appreciative, but is still a little overwhelmed at times. She is also reserved and private, and that doesn't have to be deemed a negative just because people are wanting/expecting her to be outgoing and talkative at the stage door. Over the last year, I've gone to the show with different people who wanted to meet the girls - so I've been around the Gershwin stage door many times and she's been out there every single time.....including a night in Feb when the temperature had to be in the 20s. The same can't be said for the others, so cut her some slack.

Someone commented on the rushed *autograph* she signs these days - not signing her whole name. Is that what it's come down to now? Complaining about the appearance of a signature or how they choose to sign? If so, then Kristin must deserve to be thrown into dog house because hers went from "Kristin Chenoweth" on my October playbill to "KC" on a friend's last week. I don't see the big deal. They can't win. If they sit there and sign elaborate signatures and chat with everyone they are undoubtedly not going to get to everyone -- the crowds at the Gershwin after the shows have been massive. Their other choice is to quickly sign and try to make their way through the crowd as to not disappoint anyone. You also never know what they have planned after shows - and I *always* take into consideration that they might have somewhere they need to be. If they have to run off before they've satisfied everyone, there may be a reason. Doesn't mean they are shunning their fans or trying to be rude. I think people are being a little overly critical of their stage door behavior. Just my opinion.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#40re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 10:47pm

It's not "part of my job" to be nice to people who call me at the end of the day with some ridiculous request. It's called being human. Same for her, or any of them. I can't pick and choose the aspects of my job that I like and ignore the rest. If they choose to be rude and ignore their customers, that's up to them. But it is rude. The customers pay their salaries. The customers are what allow them to be up on that stage, getting paid nicely to do what they love to do. And most of them are lucky to be there - there are plenty of very talented people in New York who struggle every day, or have had to give it up altogether in order to eat. They should be grateful for what they have, and gracious to the people who allow them to have it. The end.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
Updated On: 7/25/04 at 10:47 PM

#41re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 10:51pm

" I think people are being a little overly critical of their stage door behavior. Just my opinion. "

I agree with your post.

I think that some people just think that they are the only people at the moment. I've had to sign autographs before (for children's theater, i'm so not famous re: Idina Menzel at the stage door! ), and I did about 75 in a row, AND tried to talk to the hyper kiddies. Absolutely freakin' ridiculous. It was enough for a couple of shows, I couldn't imagine doing it so many times a week.

And Rathnait62, you have a point, but they can choose to ignore talking to people at the stage door and have people look on them unfavorably. It's ultimately their decision, not ours.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#42re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 10:53pm

Yes, Lady, you are correct in that statement directed to me. I agree wholeheartedly with that, having said as much in one of my posts.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
Updated On: 7/25/04 at 10:53 PM

#43re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 11:01pm

I've had to sign autographs before (for children's theater, i'm so not famous ), and I did about 75 in a row, AND tried to talk to the hyper kiddies. Absolutely freakin' ridiculous.

That made me laugh! I teach school, and at the end of the year the whole grade level made memory books and we went outside so the kids could have everyone sign their books. I started out signing my name, but it didn't take long before it simply became "Miss B" - for my hand had gotten so tired of signing. I *so* wanted to have a stamp re: Idina Menzel at the stage door! It was also a strange experience to have the kids screaming in clusters "can you sign my book!" and shoving them in my face. Gave me a little bit of perspective....

#44re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/25/04 at 11:11pm

I've had to do that childrens theatre thing too, and there are just some days you don't want to do it! I mean you're so grateful that everyone is excited to meet you, but it can be exhausting.
And Rathnait - while I appreciate what your sying you have to realize unless you too are a broadway performer this is quite different. Sure maybe people ask you to do things after work hours, but are there hundreds of them? You probably get a phone call or two. Not 100 screaming 13 year olds!

NightLaughs Profile Photo
#45re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/26/04 at 12:29am

This is a very interesting arguement and I can understand both sides....

But as a young girl traveling hours and hours by bus to get to NYC every so often, and this time hoping to "catch a glimpse" of Idina, my favorite actor, I couldn't honestly say I would be understanding if Idina were to depart without siging an autograph for me. I'm a huge fan and supporter of her, from all the way back in the day. And it's not just about ink on my playbill, it's about 5 seconds where I could just express my admiration for her, you know? Just to say, after all these years, I got to meet an idol of mine. Maybe it isn't fair that the fans want to interact with the performers, if ever so slightly. But we do buy the cast albums, the tickets, the solo endeavors, travel across the country even. Is it so wrong to want a small encounter? No. Are we entitled to one? Of course not. But we are entitled to our frustration and dissapointment if said encounter does not happen.

Not living remotely close to NYC, it wouldn't be as easy for me to say "Oh she didn't come out, oh she's in a hurry, probably just having a bad day." because I do not have the luxury of coming back again another time when she's possibly in a better mood. No matter what should happen, I'll still think Idina is just fabulous and the fact that she's not a stage door kinda girl would never make me like her any less. That long ramble will conclude with while I love it when performers meet and greet the fans, it is not part of their job. re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!

If you limit your choices to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."- Robert Fritz

#46re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/26/04 at 12:33am


#47re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/26/04 at 2:00am

I'll still think Idina is just fabulous and the fact that she's not a stage door kinda girl would never make me like her any less.

I think what some are missing is that perhaps it's not that "she's not a stage door kinda girl". It could just have more to do with the fact that the stage door crowd for this particular show is huge. It's not the kind of atmosphere that lends itself to an intimate encounter - they'd be there forEVER. I don't see this kind of frenzy at most stage doors (yes there are exceptions) so there is more to consider when judging their behavior after a show. Anyone that has been there when they've had to barricade both sides of the stage door and the driveway to the parking garage know what I'm talking about. NightLaughs, I completly see where you are coming from. I do. Unfortunately though, with the popularity of this show and the amount of people that are gathering at the stage door these days? It just seems unfair to expect more than what they are able to give in this case.

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#48re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/26/04 at 2:15am

Idina does seem to rush at the stage door. I first thought it was rude how she signed everyones Cr@ap, but once i thought about it, it was just nice of her to come out that stage door and give out her autograph. She doesnt seem like the talkative type but she seems very nice at heart. I have so much respect for her and her performance at the stage door does not take that away. As long as she gives a strong/memorable performace, i am happy.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

#49re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/26/04 at 3:43am

what a thread, huh? a lot crap on this one, I must say...

I would assume that we are all here because we like/love theatre & w/ that in mind, it's a safe assumption that the basic knowledge of what goes into a show...; the years(speaking of 'Wicked') spent working on it, the 8+ shows every week, the work outside the theatre, the actors/actresses own life, etc. - I think it's a safe assumption that those facts are known here, or at least - should.

With that in mind, the rants of the actors being 'rude, not making eye contact, not smiling, the 'if you're gonna do it - do it right 'thing', not talking about your childhood dreams, etc.' is absolutely ridiculous & it's a shame some of you don't preview your posts before you hit that button because you'all sound really weak. And the whole, 'don't get the sig thing'.. you guys were talkin' in circles; quote 'I don't get the Stage Door thing and why it's a big deal getting someone's signature; I like getting a signature if I'm there for a keepsake; something to remind me of the experience.' ..... Um, Hello?!?! You guys sound like Gollum-

And for the record, I know many of you 'fall in love'(don't we all) w/ the actors/actresses & have some pre-conceived notion as to what you think they are like or hope they will be like and obviously some of you get let-down. Your questioning & insecurities show through a pinhole. Saying 'yeah, I'm sure she didn't care that I complimented her' or 'yeah, I said she was great & she didn't even look at me'... How do you know what she/he is feeling - a crowd of hundreds, everyday, sometimes twice a day & you're expecting EVERYTIME, they.. 'do it right'.... make eye contact w/ everyone, make everyone feel appreciated, at home, console w/ you or whatever. I don't think so - Think about it for just a second & you'll begin to understand....

a long day at work(Krispy Kreme), you just baked a million and 2 donuts for 9 hours straight; your back aches, your feet hurt, things could be better.. then as you proceed out the front door, you are bombarded w/ hundreds of Krispy Kreme fans wanting everything from you; your signature, your picture, your eye contact, your gratitude, etc. - you catch the drift...

I know they're not baking donuts... and doing what I think many of us would only dream about doing... but you gotta understand..

And finally (lol), Idina being the thread topic.. From my experiences, she's a complete Sweetheart! - but even if I had never met her, the admiration/wonder would always remain the same; meeting any of these guys is just a bonus. I have actually seen interviews where she states her shyness in general, especially for the Stage Door - if you see any of her interviews, you can readily see her shyness - Kristin on the other hand, in public, is the complete opposite; she spoke, took pics, etc. but even she didn't come around all the time... I've seen the show many times, met the cast numerous times & they were all Awesome; whether it was crazy crowded or sparse, it never seemed to matter, they were cool - but then again I wasn't expecting them.. to 'do it right'...

I'm unlimited, I am wicked through and through...
Updated On: 7/26/04 at 03:43 AM
