Rent The Tour

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#25re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 9/27/04 at 12:14am

Oh sweet! I heard he rushed for his wife to get front row tickets that day, right? He's a sweetheart. Be sure to post your review from San Diego! (I'd love to see the show again in like, a month. The cast was already amazing but I think with time they'll be stellar.)

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

elimeyer Profile Photo
#26re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 9/27/04 at 12:31am

But best of the best is Damien Smith as Angel... he is MY baby... and this is his 3rd Tour!!!

-elli- Visit me @ "They say that life is 'Tit for Tat' and thats the way I live, so I deserve a lot of 'TAT' for what I've got to give!!!"

Purposelessness08 Profile Photo
#27re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 9/27/04 at 3:03am

I would die if I were ever a part of the RENT cast, no matter how old it gets and how many casts there are, I would still love to be a part of something so special and life-altering. RENT is one of my favorite musicals and hope that this tour lives up to how good it is and always will be.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#28re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 9/27/04 at 3:08am

Damien's great. His chemistry with Marcus is one of the best parts of the show. (Even though they don't have any dialogue in Without You, it's one of their best scenes together.)

I totally hear you, Purposelessness. Will you be seeing the tour soon? All I can say is this cast, you can tell, loves doing this show. They seem so happy to be there and they're really energetic so it gets the crowd going. And that's the best part.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#29re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 9/27/04 at 5:26am

This is an amazing cast. I've posted a reivew somewhere else on the board, but I'll try to reiterate what I said here. [Saw it in OCPAC on the Friday and Saturday evening shows].

ANDY MEEKS is an amazing performer and I'm thrilled to be one of his first fans. This guy has Mark hashed out to where every facial quirk is significant. Best Mark IMO. Also a great guy at the stage door. Have a conversation with him, because you'll be glad you did.

DAN ROSENBAUM was a very lackluster Roger. Watching him I had a Simon Cowel moment thinking, "he can act the part and sing the part, but so what". For me, he didn't pack the extra oomph that I expect from a Roger. I may be a little hard on the guy because it's my dream role, but still I'd like more anger, tears, something. He started off great in One Song Glory. You really felt that emotion, but he lost it soon thereafter and didn't get it back until Goodbye Love where he let that anger fly. People praise the man for his acting, which I do have to admit he was great at, but his reacting could use work. It seemed at times, like in HNY, he wasn't really paying attention. Just waiting for cues.

TALLIA BRINSON was like Dan. Great voice and actor, but nothing too spectacular to add to the role. I'm just really partial to Krystal Washingtion, I suppose, after seeing her twice on my recent visit to NYC. But Tallia does a great job as Mimi. OT was very energetic ... but my biggest flaw both nights was Another Day. I really wasn't feeling any energy there for some reason and ... despite it being my favorite song ... found my self bored.

MARCUS PAUL JAMES was phenomenalas Collins. Like Meeks he has every aspect of that role covered, and his most chilling line int he show is the "It's Over". The way he delivers it is amazing. ICY:R best I've seen. Best Collins IMO.

DAMIEN DESHAUN SMITH was a great Angel. Not the best, but pretty great. Something that I like different about him than the Angel on Broadway was that he was actually feminine and let himself be ruled by the character's promiscuity and feminine side. Today 4 U earned thundrous applause. Great guy also at the stage door.

AVA has a set of lungs on her, that's for sure. OTM was great, but what really stood out was all the riffs in TMOLM. Best Maureen IMO.

MARIO FERREL was just a run of the mill Benny. Not as good as Dmonroe currently on Broadway, but still had the energy for the role. Fell in Contact on Saturday. Played it off well.

ADRIENNE FISCHE wasn't really spectacular until Act Two. We're Okay was great, but she kept switching into head voice when she could have compeltely belted. TMOLM though was great and her "baby" floored me.

LADONNA BURNS and ASWAD were the Soloists in Seasons Of Love. Great vocals and great approaches to the high notes. Both higlights in themselves.

THE OTHERS are all great as well. DANNY CALVERT, I think is Diva Boy, is worth watching during La Vie Boheme. He's got some great and funny moves. Also JONATHAN TISEVICH'S Gordon was great. Very tender and, when mixed with Dan, had a great balance of sorrow and anger. But, sadly, there was no furry pink bra. The understudy MIMI FERRARO went on for the Alexi, and something about the bra didn't fit her cause her knockers or something. But yeah, no bra.

Look out for Goodbye Love. That was the best I've ever seen it. The anger and the fights that break out. I never knew it could be that intense before. Phenomenal.

Great cast. Great times. Have a good show.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#30re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 9/27/04 at 2:09pm

ANDY MEEKS is an amazing performer and I'm thrilled to be one of his first fans.

Get in line. :)

I don't quite agree with you on Dan - I thought he was one of the strongest performers, but I did think "so what" of Tallia. She's got the pipes, she's got the acting, but her energy isn't really there. (Unfortunately, I think earlier on in their run, she was criticized for having too much energy for a dying junkie, so maybe this is a deliberate character choice that's backfiring.)

Goodbye Love is one of my favorite scenes with this group. Did Dan pick up the table slightly and slam it when he does the "All your words are nice, Mimi"? I only noticed him doing it once, and it totally caught me by surprise. I think from Contact onwards is the best part of the show with this cast.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#31re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 9/27/04 at 5:29pm

Sounds great. I wish it were swinging back up to my area, I'd die to see it again.

Well, not die, but, you know what I mean lol

NoDayButToday2 Profile Photo
#32re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 9/27/04 at 6:03pm

"Is this really the best cast? THAT MAKES ME SOOOOOO EXCITED@!!!!! I think I might wet myself....
No really, Rent has been my favorite show for a while solely based on the recording, but it's one of the few great ones that I haven't actually seen.
It's the show that I've always said, when I get the opportunity, I will spend whatever and do whatever necessary to have the best possible seats.
Thank you for being so optimistic about the cast and the show and pumping me up!!!!
THREE CHEERS FOR RENT!!!!! Better yet...525600 CHEERS FOR RENT!!!!!! "

I am sooooo happy for you! I live near Dallas and am not sure I will have the time to drive all the way over there to see it re: Rent The Tour I am so bummed so PLEASE have an absolutely WONDERFUL time for me re: Rent The Tour I know you will love it, I have heard so many great reviews of this cast. Just don't go in to the performance expecting to hear the OBC... Everyone brings their own ideas to a character and its what keeps the show interesting.

I'm expecting a review once you see it re: Rent The Tour

buddhaismymom Profile Photo
#33re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 1:07pm

okay i just saw this and heres my thoughts..they seem to mostly refect adamisgod

i loved andy. he had boundless energy and he looked like he was having so much fun. his acting was perfect, funny, cute the whole package..but sometimes i thought his singing was only decent. he was so much fun to watch, however, i couldnt imagine anyone else. better than mark i saw on broadway. he was also happy to talk and sign autographs outside in the snow and freezing air. (we had 13 inches of snow...and it was 7 degrees and still he did not stop smiling)

dan did not impress me. he had a good song glory was nice..but his acting was lacking. he had inappropriate emotions for certain scenes. especially when mimi is dying..he was just so ridiculous, i was actually laughing. dan was too angry sometimes and then sometimes not angry enough ("poor baby"). i just wanted him to stop.

tallia was good. good acting, good voice, nice energy..but i dont know. nothing extra special. although she was a million times better than effing scary spice.

angel and collins were wonderful. they were the best guys in the cast. angel was adorable and he could beast..especially in contact (although i did like andy senor better). collins broke my heart in the reprise. i cried.

ava was my favorite in the whole cast. she was so much fun! i wanted to be her. her voice, acting, dancing, energy..just everything was perfect. best maureen ive seen.

and there are more of course...but thats all i feel like saying.

"we're actors- we're the opposite of people" -Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

LaeloftheLakes Profile Photo
#34re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 1:25pm

I just found out that it's going to be in Buffalo in February, when I'll be up by Ithaca! It might be a bit more than a three-hour drive, but wouldn't you say it's worth it?

"I am special, I am special! Please, God, please, don't let me be normal!" ---Louisa, The Fantasticks
Intolerant of intolerance.

#35re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 1:31pm

It's so worht it, Lael. It was worth my 6 hour bus ride, too!

#36re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 1:33pm

The show is VERY worth it, I saw it January 16, when it made one of it's canadian apperances and it was a wonderful show..

I'm kicking myself now, Dan( Roger) was out in the lobby and I knew exactly who he was and who he was playing but I didn't go over. I was so shy ha ha.

LaeloftheLakes Profile Photo
#37re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 1:52pm

Okay. Now all I have to figure out is how to get there. Bus, or hitch a ride? I have no friends with cars...I might just send out a mass email: "Anyone going to Buffalo the 22nd? I'll pay for gas!"

Plus, I'm seeing it on Bway in March. Wow, RENT twice within a month's time! I'm taking a RENTvirgin to bway for her first time...she's coming to see me for Spring Break, and I'm making the eight-hour flight worth her while.

"I am special, I am special! Please, God, please, don't let me be normal!" ---Louisa, The Fantasticks
Intolerant of intolerance.

#38re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 1:54pm

Bus. it'll get you to where you wanna go ^_^

Annddd a ride could always back out at the last minute so yeah I'd go with bus.

LaeloftheLakes Profile Photo
#39re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 1:56pm

Good point. Sounds like I'll have to start saving money...*sigh*

My dad picked a sad time to cut me off.

"I am special, I am special! Please, God, please, don't let me be normal!" ---Louisa, The Fantasticks
Intolerant of intolerance.

LaeloftheLakes Profile Photo
#40re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 2:02pm

On the same subject, does anyone know how much mezz tickets would cost me?

"I am special, I am special! Please, God, please, don't let me be normal!" ---Louisa, The Fantasticks
Intolerant of intolerance.

LaeloftheLakes Profile Photo
#41re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 2:02pm

On the same subject, does anyone know how much mezz tickets would cost me? My dad usually handles tickets, but he'll be here in CA...

"I am special, I am special! Please, God, please, don't let me be normal!" ---Louisa, The Fantasticks
Intolerant of intolerance.

#42re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 2:19pm

I won't know..

I paid 75.00 for my rent ticket. Yet it was worthh it~

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#43re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 2:39pm

Why don't you just rush? They're worth sitting out in the cold for hours for, trust me. re: Rent The Tour I've done it a handful of times (I've seen this cast 7 times - and I rushed 6 of those).

LaeloftheLakes Profile Photo
#44re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 2:41pm

Ouch! Eh, it's worth it. I'll just not eat for a few weeks. re: Rent The Tour

"I am special, I am special! Please, God, please, don't let me be normal!" ---Louisa, The Fantasticks
Intolerant of intolerance.

#45re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 4:55pm

This is so embrassing......

I didn't know what rush was until AFTER I saw Rent.....

I'm not a newbie to the play, a newbie at going to see the play.

It was my first time EVER, and I had never heard about rush before..

So totally embrassing..

LaeloftheLakes Profile Photo
#46re: Rent The Tour
Posted: 1/25/05 at 4:59pm

Aw, how cute!

I'd rush with her, but I heard for a virgin (my friend), Mezz is the best.

"I am special, I am special! Please, God, please, don't let me be normal!" ---Louisa, The Fantasticks
Intolerant of intolerance.
