
Novels to base a musical on?!- Page 2

Novels to base a musical on?!

AnotherDay46 Profile Photo
#25re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/27/05 at 11:38pm

Imagine it...Series of Unfortunate Events musical. That should brighten one's day.

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#26re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/27/05 at 11:40pm

oh, Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" would work well too.

Broadway Matt Profile Photo
Broadway Matt
#27re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/27/05 at 11:49pm

I'm pretty sure it was never recorded or published anywhere. It was a piece that was constantly being revamped in desperate attempts to make it into a good show before it reached Broadway.

The critics destroyed the show during out of town tryouts and Merrick basically cleaned house and had the book rewritten after Boston. Truman Capote apparently saw the show and denounced the music and the casting of Mary Tyler Moore. This led to a brand new bookwriter (Albee), a new director, and a bunch of new supporting cast members. The title was changed from "Holly Golightly" to "Breakfast At Tiffany's" which boosted advance sales due to the film's success. after the 1st few previews at the Majestic (Phantom), Merrick made history by pulling the plug in spite of good sales- basically announcing that it was an awful show and it was his fault- not the writers'- for even having the idea. He did not want to subject people to the bad product or endure what would be caused by it. It's hard to imagine such honesty from a Broadway producer these days. Anyway, the point is, it ran only 4 previews before Merrick flushed it- so probably only Mandelbaum has access to the material today. Of course, all of this info comes straight from Mandelbaum, without whom I wouldn't know a thing. Anyone else have any info on this?

sorry to thread-jack. let's see, novels...

Kimmy, I think FIGHT CLUB would actually be fantastic as a musical if done right. That's a Pascal role if there ever was one.

"The last train out of any station will not be full of nice guys." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

"I wash my face, then drink beer, then I weep. Say a prayer and induce insincere self-abuse, till I'm fast asleep"- In Trousers

#28re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 2:57am

Try finding a short story first - some of the longer novels people have suggested would involve so many cuts that the coherency of the story might be compromised.

A couple of short classics include "Frankenstein" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow". Maybe even find a story based on a real life incident like Womens Liberation and Alice Paul (these are all just off the top of my head and really are more examples at what I am trying to get at then actual suggestions).

#29re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 3:41am

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I want to write Anthem: The Musical (or Opera, I haven't decided)!!!

OK, how about you write the music and lyrics, and I'll write the book and direct? :)

"Who is Stephen Sondheim?" -roninjoey
"The man who wishes he had written Phantom of the Opera!" - SueleenGay


Jera Profile Photo
#30re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 8:15am

I'd love to see Miller's Sin City graphic novels made into a musical.

Here's some song suggestions:

Yellow Bastard's soliloquy, "A Couple Castrations"

Maybe it would make a better off-broadway musical.


"It's not a problem, it's just a challenge, it's a challenge, to resist temptation."

#31re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 8:37am

Pride and Prejudice was alrady a musical - called "First Impressions", it flopped on Broadway inthe 1950's.

Basically, anything 100 years old or more is in the public domain. That's why there have been at least a half dozen musicals based on Phantom of the Opera, two differeent Secret Gardens, several versions of Hunchback of Notre Dame, Huckleberry Finn, Wuthering Heights, Little Women, the Three Musketeers, etc.

#32re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 8:42am

Jack London's THE CALL OF THE WILD might make a charming musical. Who would yoou get to play Buck?

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#33re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 9:46am

Check out "Why I live at the P.O." by the late-great Eudora Welty. This classic American short story is a hoot- there are a lot of potential diamonds there- just waiting to be polished .

cturtle Profile Photo
#34re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 10:27am

i don't care who writes ANTHEM ... as long as someone does re: Novels to base a musical on?!

RIP glebby <3

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#35re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 10:31am

I think it's great that you are interested in honing your gifts as a future musical theatre writer.

Just a couple of suggestions along the lines of what some other people have said. I would strongly recommend that you pick something that is in the public domain. There are thousands of great properties to chose from, and I'm off the belief that even if you are writing this as an exercise, you should always work towards writing something that you can actually do something with.

Writing a musical based on a book or a movie or short story that you don't have the rights to, from a business standpoint, is a waste of time.

I've known several composers and writing teams that have attempted to musicalize works like THE GREAT GATSBY thinking that they would write something so terrific, the estates would gladly give them the rights once they saw it. No dice. Doesn't work that way. The rights to stage adaptation can be very complicated.

And my second bit of advice, is to focus on something that is plot based. Stories like THE LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA which are character studies are a lot more difficult to do successfully then stories with classic plots like WEST SIDE STORY or THE WOMAN IN WHITE.

Good luck to you!

#36re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 10:42am

Virginia Woolf: To The Lighthouse

BluCat500 Profile Photo
#37re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 11:36am

The awakening by Kate chopin

So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.~Office Space

#38re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 12:27pm

I love that book.

Broadway_freak Profile Photo
#39re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 1:04pm

"The Lovely Bones"
"A Clockwork Orange"
"House of Sand and Fog"
"Lord of the Flies"

#40re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 1:08pm

The Lovely Bones would make for a really touching musical, with the right music & sensitive staging. Not sure about Clockwork Orange...

#41re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 1:39pm

MYSTERIOUS SKIN by Scott Heim - recently turned into a film (that I haven't seen), but the themes are very powerful and would lend themselves well to a musical

ETHAN FROME by Edith Wharton


#42re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 2:13pm

"The Great Gatsby"
"Sellevision" (by Augesten B.)I think would make a crazy cool musical.
"Less Than Zero" by Brett Easton Ellis - that one is very "bright lights, big city" type thing.

justthefacts2 Profile Photo
#43re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 2:41pm

The Picture of Dorian Gray - that is one fantastic idea, perfectliar! I want tickets now! The Irish Rep did an outstanding production a couple of years ago - with minimalist staging, as their productions must be of necessity - creative and effective.

EponineThenardier's avatar gave me this idea - The Last Unicorn. I think there was music in the animated movie that was made of it, but I would love to see it as a musical - what a choreographer would do with the unicorns set loose from the sea foam - wow!! How would the red bull be portrayed? And the unicorn herself? Fascinating challenges. And since the unicorn spends a great deal of the story transformed into the human Lady Amalfi, it would not be impossible. The music would be haunting, evocative.

Okay, I'm gushing - I'm outta here.

Salmon leap from the womb of the white sea you look on; they are calves, they are lambs of good color, in peace without slaughter.
Updated On: 5/28/05 at 02:41 PM

Unmasked05 Profile Photo
#44re: Novels to base a musical on?!
Posted: 5/28/05 at 3:20pm

I know some good books that make good musicals.

"A Seperate Peace"

"The Notebook"

" Anne of a Thousand Days"

" There Eyes Were Watching God"

"Sweet Whispers Brother Rush"

"The Count of Monte Cristo"

"Fried Green Tomatoes at The Whistle Stop Cafe"

"Ramona the Brave"

"Loves Music Love To Dance"

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