Adam Guettel is Hot!!!

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#25re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:32am

Wow, another ironic tony occurance, Both Kelli and Celia were nominated in the same category, and Bill Cudrup and MLP were both nominated......
Updated On: 6/7/05 at 11:32 AM

#26re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:53am

Actually - I saw Celia play the role in Chicago and she was just lovely. From what I've seen in interviews, she doesn't give herself nearly enough credit. I haven't seen O'Hara and I'm sure she's terrific in the part, but Celia was dynamite as well.

Regardless of the circumstances involved, I think it's wonderful that two great performers both found a home in productions that allowed them to break through. That almost never happens in this business.

#27re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 12:46pm

I must say Celia is a FIERCE actress. She was WONDERFUL in piazza. However, Kelli sings the role a bit easier and clearer and better. Celia played Joanna in Sweeney. I think she's a soprano. According to an interview with Victoria Clark, one of the reasons they went with someone else was because Celia just plays really young. They tried all sorts of things to change her, but Kelli reads as a woman in her 20's as opposed to Celia who reads about 20. But then again this is more speculation. Adam is for a fact one of the nicest guys though.

midtowngym Profile Photo
#28re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 12:52pm

not sure i follow that theory. Clara is mentally 12 years old. If Celia 'read young', wouldn't that have worked in her favor?

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#29re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 12:56pm

Such a tragedy this man is heterosexual. Deep sigh here.
Now, it just may be me and my weakness for educated Bronx accents, but did John Patrick Shanley look kinda hot on the Tony's?? Funny, in all his pictures he looks like crap, but for an older guy.....Yeh, I'd do im. Nice to see he's out of his depressing, Clifford Odets-esque Hollywood glut.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#30re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 12:59pm

No the show says that Clara is mentally 12 but her body is 26. Celia doesn't read as 26 onstage. She's not actually 12. Besides, that's Vikki Clark's reason. I think it was probably a factor. Anyway if anyone would know, she would be one of them.

leomaxfrank Profile Photo
#31re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 1:01pm

"Clifford Odets-esque Hollywood glut"
- what a great description borstalboy!

Clara should look 26 but have the mind of a 12 year old. I think they are saying that Clara should be 26 on appearance. Even that's how old Celia is, she doesn't appear to be 26 physically. Though I do think that she shouldn't "read" to be 26. I think she should "read" younger - it helps.

But I won't live alone in a house of regret.

#32re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 1:02pm

when I say read I mean read physically.

midtowngym Profile Photo
#34re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 1:12pm

OK. Although, I sat 10 feet from Celia at the 'Summer of '42' concert last month, and she looked mid-20's to me.
I've never seen Celia in a show, but she's got stage presence and wonderful comic timing.

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston
Updated On: 6/7/05 at 01:12 PM

Ourtime992 Profile Photo
#35re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 1:13pm

I'm a straight, married man with kids...but Adam Guettel has been my man-crush for many years. I would love to spend an afternoon just talking to the guy. He is so articulate and so moody, we'd get along great. Updated On: 6/7/05 at 01:13 PM

midtowngym Profile Photo
#36re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 1:14pm

Uhhhh... Okay... That didn't sound the LEAST BIT gay...

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston
Updated On: 6/7/05 at 01:14 PM

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#38re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 1:17pm

Woah..the heterosexual flames are making me hot here. *pant*pant*
I didn't think straight guys were allowed to have 'man crushes.'

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

Ourtime992 Profile Photo
#39re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 1:19pm

see what happens when you try to chime in on these discussions?

seriously, I'm not into Adam Guettel because he's good looking (though he obviously is), I'm into him because he's the most talented person I've ever heard, whose music really moved me the moment I first heard Floyd Collins (thus the reference in my avatar to waiting 9 years for his Tony), and who seems (from the dozens of interviews I've read) to be a very articulate, self-aware guy who knows he's talented but still has the same doubts the rest of us do.

THOSE qualities are what make him the kind of guy I'd like to hang out with for a day.

Ourtime992 Profile Photo
#41re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 1:21pm

I believe the very definition of "man crush" is when a straight man is into another guy, not sexually, but in an admiring, idolizing kind of way.

And no offense taken. My wife kids me about my adoration of the man too.
Urban Dictionary's definition of Man Crush Updated On: 6/7/05 at 01:21 PM

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#43re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 2:14pm

I had the extreme pleasure of meeting Mr. Guettel
in the lobby before the show and he was not drunk at all
just very nervous and excited.
And very nice, Congrats!

#44re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 3:10pm

He's yummy. I want him in my tummy.

Yes, Adam! I'm a composer too! Let's meet up!

Happy Happy Joy Joy

adamnyc Profile Photo
#45re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 3:41pm

I said it before and I will say it again- HOT HOT HOT

"I want to tell you that Elvis would be proud." I said: "Priscilla, if I get 100 bad reviews, it won't matter because of what you said."

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#46re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 3:42pm

Yeah. I thought that when he won, too. Very attractive.

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

#47re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 5:40pm

Accoeding to some of the ... well... juicier bulletin boards on the web, Adam's substance abuse problems go way deeper than alcohol.

broadway betty Profile Photo
broadway betty
#48re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/7/05 at 9:50pm

I just want to say that I am in love with Adam Guettel. Thank you very much.

Not that I have a chance in hell with him but I love that he's straight. He's not just so gorgeous but he's so talented. I love his music as much as the rest of him. *fans self*

"I'm the STAR!"--Daniel Reichard during Glory Daze sound check
Updated On: 8/21/05 at 09:50 PM

~FloweryFriend~ Profile Photo
#49re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/8/05 at 12:12am

Adam, if you're reading this, there's a picture of me in a pretty dress over on the off-topic board.
re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Call me.

<<<<< Me

I starred in a short film called Magnetic Personality. Check it out!
Updated On: 6/8/05 at 12:12 AM

BreakingTheCircle07 Profile Photo
#50re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/8/05 at 12:14am

Little late on this, but AMEN.

Variations on a Theme blog:

#51re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/8/05 at 12:28am


#52re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/8/05 at 12:30am

I didn't think that the composer of this show would be so young! I too was surprised when he stood to receive the award.


#54re: Adam Guettel is Hot!!!
Posted: 6/8/05 at 12:34am

bustinloose,I guess you were really bustinloose!
