
Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution- Page 2

Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#25re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 3:37pm

I don't think whatever is going on with him is truly that one-sided, though. He's said more than once that he often doesn't audition well, and that that's kept him from breaking into film and television on much of a grand scale.

I'm not saying he can LIKE or be okay with the sh*t that people say about him, but he'd also be blind to think that even his biggest fans think he's perfect. Hell, perfect is irritating. I like that he's not. As I said on another of the several threads about this, I think on THIS board in particular, the sentiments about Adam himself are more positive than they are negative. But I think his resolution probably refers to the stuff said about the movie, and his performance in it.

He was shown to me as a star. As someone who was surrounded by teenaged girls. Something worth fawning over. That's the way I was always conditioned to see him, until I got to meet him in a quieter, non-stage door environment. Besides the fact that he's fifteen years older than me. I'm just a child to him.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 1/1/06 at 03:37 PM

Chloe Profile Photo
#26re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 4:36pm

Thanks for sharing your experiences, badreligion.

#27re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 4:49pm

I know that Adam is frustrated with the quality of the stage work he is offered. But is the stuff that's available for screen and television really that much better?

Sure there is good stuff in all areas of showbiz. But Adam isn't that well known outside of theater circles. If he doesn't audition well, and he's not that famous, how will he ever get a crack at the best TV or movie work?

SirLiir Profile Photo
#28re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 5:02pm

I sadly agree with Adam. People hide behind the internet and post venomous things. Its sad and unfortunarely common. If people were just honest and more constrained and open to discussion about their opinions, then actors could enjoy perusing sites like this, for fan feedback. But not if every thread is "Xx sucks" or "I can do better than Xx"/

Chloe Profile Photo
#29re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 5:11pm

Tennessee, Adam would obviously have been hoping that the Rent movie would give him the kind of exposure you're talking about. He's also indicated that he can't make a living from theater alone, which a lot of other actors have also said.

#30re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 6:06pm

i dont see what the big fuss is about adam getting mad at the boards and not getting on them. i mean come on people are just crule and un usual becuase people get jealous of actors and actresses becuase they cant be them .. (oh gosh i hope im replying to these boards right ;/ )

badreligion Profile Photo
#31re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 6:56pm

Chloe - you're quite welcome, took me back a long time ago. Adam needs the right people around him, I am a filmmaker myself and in the indie circuit. Plenty of indies are made every year and alot of people keep a certain amount in their budget for a named actor but you won't find Adam on those lists, not because he's not qualified to get a film some notice, he is, but he just hasn't been in touch with the casting agents and casting directors we work with. He can find a good script, they are out there. He just has to look and i hate to say it but "work it" (as a dear friend of mine always says about smoozing (sorry sp?) in the biz)I f he has problem auditioning, there is a simple solution, hire a coach, get training on how to audition for a part, many do. And btw Taye got Stella while he was doing Rent and Jesse was on Ally McBeal shortly after Rent and then to Law and Order. No Spielberg or Copolla aint gonna be giving Pascal a call anytime in the near future but he could easily get his foot in the door.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#32re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:03pm

I will always find it intriguing that while he wants to get into film, he turned down a lead in a film to be able to do Cabaret. I think it was a smallish film (I believe it was called "Shooting Livien"), and the decision also had something to do with money, but in trying to predict him, that's something to keep in mind. re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#33re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:12pm

I just don't get why people would want to say bad things about someone who worked so hard for what they got, I mean on some level I understand the fans being crazy and all but there is no need to say i want to have your babies and crap like that just keep it to yourself or just don't think of it because its really weird

badreligion Profile Photo
#34re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:14pm

Possibly the script was not that good and the plans for possible distribution were not there, but we can never know, but hey where would your screen name be if he didn't do Cabaret :). I still think he needs to get in with the right casting people, hell i'll give him names :)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#35re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:40pm

RENTLuvr, that's the REASON a lot of people have bad things to say about Adam. Adam got lucky, and people think that he hasn't properly paid his dues because he hasn't gone up the ranks in the traditional sense for a Broadway leading man. He didn't work in the theatre for years slaving as a struggling actor to get these leading roles. He just got really f*cking lucky. Not that he hasn't worked, but people think that he hasn't worked for it enough.

badreligion, he was all set to do the film, and then he got the offer for Cabaret. He didn't audition for Cabaret, but after heckling the Roundabout people for a while, they finally called him and asked if he wante to close the show. I mean, I guess if he still would've been paid the original figure for the film, his decision may have been different, but those were the two main factors, as he tells it. re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution Check out his second Chatterbox interview; he talks about everything and then some.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 1/1/06 at 07:40 PM

kas Profile Photo
#36re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:55pm

where's the chatterbox interview?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#37re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:59pm


You've got to buy the tape.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#38re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 11:53pm

We all MUST remember Adam is a person. Adam has feelings. Adam is not perfect. Adam isn't perfect. Adam can't be perfect...(nobody can)

Looking at the negitive in Adam is not giving him confidence. I think of it as not clapping at a show. When the audience doesn't clap, you (the actor) tend to think you aren't entertaining them and thus, makes your performance not the best.

Telling Adam (or any actor) that they did good gives them a good feeling. Going to any extent of compliments is not good. "There is a fine fine line between a lover and a friend." *Avenue Q re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution* Nobody here should be calling Adam their lover.

I've seen posts on here that say they have actors pictures on the wall and kiss them when they are going to sleep. Come on! Imagine you were in the picture they were kissing? Perhaps you think it's flattering, think again. Kind of gross and obsessive.

Not only reading negative things about yourself brings your own self-confidence down but also you feel you aren't being good enough for the audience/fans.
Lets applaud Adam and all the other performers for WHAT THEY HAVE SUCCESFULLY ACCOMPLISHED AND WISH THEM MORE SUCCESS.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

#39re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 11:58pm

you are so right SweetQintheLights and I have to say that I would never ever tell any actor/performer that they were bad or they sucked or something thats just beyond rude, and yeah just had to say it.

dreaminaret Profile Photo
#40re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/2/06 at 12:04pm

i thought his (minor) role in slc punk was good... perhaps looking at indie movies or movies w/up and coming directors would be better... it seems like people are getting sick of the big-name-big-budget-totally-hollywood movies anyways

i grew up 13 miles north of bohemia and 31 miles northeast of hicksville.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#41re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/2/06 at 12:26pm

I was checking out the SLC Punk! box at blockbuster, and the back of it says "and introducing Adam Pascal." I enjoyed that.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

dreaminaret Profile Photo
#42re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/2/06 at 12:29pm

enjoy it (again)! the first time we tried to rent it it was already checked out. so i guess he'll be expecting some royalties soon...

i grew up 13 miles north of bohemia and 31 miles northeast of hicksville.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#43re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/2/06 at 12:32pm

Once was enough for me...

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#44re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/23/06 at 11:19pm

well... i'm new, and so commenting at all may be a form of suicide, but since i lost the thread i wanted to start with, this one seems opportune... unfortunately, as much as it'd be fantastical to think adam would think of squandering away even a second or two listening to fans' rapport, i think 90% of our expressions (positive or negative) are really damaging. i don't think it's any easier to hear: "love! love!" than "god, you bloody sucked something ripe." of course... if i ever meet him, i'll be muttering something so unitelligible, he'll be looking around for my shortbus... so, i guess i shouldn't really talk. *sigh*

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#45re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/23/06 at 11:24pm

Why wouldn't it be easier to hear good things than bad things? I mean, honestly, even if the good things are in the form of freakish fangirlspeak and they're a little weird, it's not so bad as a slap-in-the-face insult. I guess. Spade's a spade, maybe.

If his resolution is to stop reading, then he's done a fair amount. re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution

A work of art is an invitation to love.

LaVieHilary Profile Photo
#46re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/23/06 at 11:29pm

Wow. I love Adam and he should defidently break into film and/or television. I know he has been in a few different things such as RENT---duh that was a given i didnt even have to mention it---and he did School of Rock, but I think after him having a family and releasing his album he is taking a break, but we all miss him. I really want to see him in something soon

Light in the Piazza with Megan and Emi
"Girl you got money runnin' in yo bloodline."-Carl the Bartender

#47re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/23/06 at 11:34pm

I'm not sure, but as I understand it, it's not so much that he doesn't want to break into film as much as he hasn't been presented with a real opportunity to do so (for whatever reason).

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#48re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/23/06 at 11:35pm

He's working on some new stuff with his music, as the film idea doesn't seem to be panning out... right now, at least.

He'll be reworking the arrangements on some of the Civilian and Model Prisoner stuff -- a scaling down of sorts. He'll also be writing arrangements of some showtunes. He'll be back on stage this Spring, and I can not wait.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 1/23/06 at 11:35 PM

CanadianSnowbird Profile Photo
#49re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/23/06 at 11:40pm

Do you know what he's doing onstage, or is it just the touring?
