
Who went to see the Color Purple and how will you rate it on a scale of 1 to 10- Page 2

Who went to see the Color Purple and how will you rate it on a scale of 1 to 10

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#25See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/7/06 at 3:04am


"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#26See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/7/06 at 3:19pm


muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#27See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/7/06 at 3:40pm

we should do this with every musical!

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#28See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/7/06 at 4:02pm

3 (and that's being kind).

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#29See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/7/06 at 4:07pm

Acting 9
Book 1
Music 1

#31See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/7/06 at 9:02pm

a strong 7

Favorite moment: the duet What About Love?

Elphaba Profile Photo
#32See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/7/06 at 9:24pm

am going this Sunday, will let you know when I get back

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

umgeoboy Profile Photo
#33See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/7/06 at 9:28pm

Set - 8
Lighting - 8
Music - 2 (the number of songs I liked!)
Acting - 8
Story - 3
Book - 2

Total: 4

"Judy Garland, Jimmy Dean, You tragedy Queen" ~ Taboo

"Watching a frat boy realize just what he put his d!ck in...ex's getting std's...schadenfruede" ~ Ave Q

"when dangers near, exploit their fear" ~ Reefer Madness the Musical

Glebb Profile Photo
#34See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/7/06 at 9:30pm


" ...the happiness in the tune convinces me that I'm not afraid."

NYC4Life Profile Photo
#35See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/7/06 at 9:30pm

umgeoboy,you think the story of the color purple is a 3!? The story is a 10!

BWAYboi_yes Profile Photo
#36See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/7/06 at 9:47pm

6-- If it were revisited, it could be a 10 no question. It needs some work. Mister needs some of his role rewritten. Beautiful show, though.

ze emcee Profile Photo
ze emcee
LaCageAuxFollesFan2 Profile Photo
#38See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/8/06 at 12:12am

A VERY STRONG 8! Love the show.

#39See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/8/06 at 12:24am

Overall, 6.5

Corine2 Profile Photo
#40See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/8/06 at 12:37am

I loved the show. Felicia Fields gives the performance of a lifetime. I loved her performance.
Actually, I loved the entire cast. (The women really shine)

Madame X Profile Photo
Madame X
#41See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/8/06 at 9:40am

I saw the 2nd preview and I'd say: 7.5

"Some of us have it worse, you know, Dana. Some of us are dating lesbian men. Okay? C'mon."

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#42See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/8/06 at 9:57am


The performers are the best reason to see this show. Even tho the story is great, doesnt mean the show's book is great. I had a few problems with the rushed feeling of the book and some of it made no sense. I do like that they followed Walker's original book more than the movied did, and the relationship between Celie/Shug and Mister had resolution. I only enjoyed a few of the songs, tho they were all very well performed.

Even though I think that Patti deserves the Tony, I am betting LaChanze to win at this point in the season...and she is wonderful in the role.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

Esparzafan Profile Photo
#43See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/8/06 at 10:53am

4, at best.

once a month Profile Photo
once a month
#44See Felicia P. Fields and say HELL, YES.
Posted: 2/8/06 at 11:01am

Saw it just before opening...I laughed...I cried...I marveled....and I had a great time. It touched all the bases for me. Loved it, but lost points for Misters big number....solid 8.
