
I've seen 70 Shows this year!- Page 2

I've seen 70 Shows this year!

#25re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/4/07 at 10:02am

I've seen 30 since the beginning of the school year, and seen 6 more if you count repeats. I feel like a slacker. Then again, as a poor student, that's still darn impressive.

broadwayunderstudies.com - most underrated performers on broadway

Pinky Profile Photo
#26re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/4/07 at 1:29pm

I wish I had the time (and money) to see so many shows.

Penn State Forever!!!!

fairygodmother Profile Photo
#27re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/4/07 at 1:41pm

i don't think you should feel guilty about it, although my first reaction to this having a whole thread to itself was to give you a slow handclap. sorry, its just utter jealousy.
i live in london and work in music theatre and i hardly see anything cos i'm rubbish!

i also have much more respect for those who have seen so many that aren't repeat viewings - that's really loving musicals and plays, going out there and widening your horizons. i never understood the multiple, MULTIPLE viewing types! but that's just me. re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!

bwaygal1 Profile Photo
#28re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/4/07 at 1:51pm

I've seen a variety of shows. However, I am a repeat offender when it comes one particular show because it has touched me in a way no other show ever has. (and I've been going since I was very young.) That show is Grey Gardens. It is simply the most compelling show (yes, the two ladies are part of this, but believe me, it takes more than that to keep me coming back!) I've seen ever, quite possibly. There's nothing like it for me. I did see all three parts of Coast of Utopia, loved it. I also saw Spring Awakening and enjoyed it. But, nothing thrills or moves me like Grey Gardens.
So, repeat offenders like myself do see other things (Saw Jersey Boys, A Chorus Line, Drowsy Chaperone, History Boys, Company). However, sometimes you just find that special show that touches you in a way nothing else does.

"A birdcage I plan to hang. I'll get to that someday. A birdcage for a bird who flew away...Around the world." "Life is a cabaret old chum, only a cabaret old chum, and I love a cabaret!"-RIP Natasha Richardson-I was honored to have witnessed her performance as Sally Bowles.

My Strongest Suit Profile Photo
My Strongest Suit
#29re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/4/07 at 1:51pm

i didn't see this post as bragging. i saw it how it was intended - "wow, i can't believe i saw that many shows this year!" i don't even live in NYC and i'm a poor college student buti manage to see some theatre because that's all i spend my money on. i don't think people should feel bad because someone else is lucky enough to see so many shows. i mean, don't we all wish we were as lucky?


South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#30re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/4/07 at 4:16pm

Wow - as I read some of your posts bragging about seeing the same show over and over again, all I feel is pity for you. With the amount of excellent theatre Off Broadway and Off Off Broadway it shows a lack of creativity, daring and love of the theatre. How sad and pathetic.

#31re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/4/07 at 4:36pm

Gosh, why is everyone so bitchy?

"I'll cut you, Tracee Beazer!!!! ...Just kidding. I'd never cut anyone." -Tina Maddigan, 9/30/06, WS stage door
Avatar: JULIE "EFFING" WHITE, 2007 TONY WINNER. Thank God. I'm thinking about legally changing my name to Lizzie Curry...

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#32re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/4/07 at 4:45pm

Wow - as I read some of your posts bragging about seeing the same show over and over again, all I feel is pity for you. With the amount of excellent theatre Off Broadway and Off Off Broadway it shows a lack of creativity, daring and love of the theatre. How sad and pathetic.

Sad and pathetic? Seriously? Wow.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#33re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/4/07 at 5:07pm

Every season I pretty much see an average of two shows a week, so, figure about 100-125 every year...

#34re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/4/07 at 5:23pm

The reason people are being so bitchy about this is because they're jealous. I know I am. I think it was arrogant of you (whether you realized it or not) to make a whole thread about the excessive amounts of shows you've seen, but at the same time I want to BE you because I'm poor and live hundreds of miles away from NY.

bwaygal1 Profile Photo
#35re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/4/07 at 5:31pm

I'm sorry if I come across that way. I am able to see shows because I skimp on other things. I don't go out for fancy dinners or buy many expensive clothes. I rely on gift cards and holiday/birthday money. I eat cheap and save the money for shows-feed my soul over my stomach.

"A birdcage I plan to hang. I'll get to that someday. A birdcage for a bird who flew away...Around the world." "Life is a cabaret old chum, only a cabaret old chum, and I love a cabaret!"-RIP Natasha Richardson-I was honored to have witnessed her performance as Sally Bowles.

Josephine2 Profile Photo
#36re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/4/07 at 9:45pm

I think any support for live theatre...whether 7 or 70 shows...is wonderful. Hooray for everyone who supports the theatre in whatever capacity they are able to do so!

#37re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/6/07 at 12:20am

I have seen about 5 or 6 shows since the start of 2007 and I need a break. It just gets to be too much and I don't mean financially. I can only take so much of being crammed into those tiny seats behind giants or next to obese people who should be forced to buy two tickets. Don't get me wrong. I love seing shows here in NYC but I need to go in spurts.

Grey Gardens
Little Dog Laughed
Jersey Boys

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#38re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/6/07 at 1:06am

I haven't seen as many shows as some of you guys here, but I have DRS tour, Producers, and Mary Poppins lined up so far. Maybe even BatB before it closes!

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#39re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/6/07 at 9:20am

STOP IT ..... this sounds like a pissing contest.

Enjoy what you can afford to see! AFFORD being the big word here.

#40re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/6/07 at 9:27am

I've seen about 10 this year so far - on par with this time in 2006. It picks up over the summer.

Debbie1313 Profile Photo
#41re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/6/07 at 9:32am

Holy cow. What is the problem with this post? I've seen many that I would consider worthless, but this is stll a free blog site isn't it. Sorry, just tired of all the complaining and neg comments. I've gotten them myself so chill out.

broadwayjoe476 Profile Photo
#42re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/6/07 at 12:22pm

73 Broadway shows since 2004
11 Broadway shows so far this year

#43re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/6/07 at 1:45pm

no one cares about you or how many shows you've seen.

"Those You've Known And Lost Still Walk Behind You"-Spring Awakening

fairygodmother Profile Photo
#44re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/6/07 at 6:21pm

and yet again, the award for biggest bitch goes to....

* edited for crapness of english Updated On: 3/6/07 at 06:21 PM

AudreyTwoTwo Profile Photo
#45re: I've seen 70 Shows this year!
Posted: 3/6/07 at 6:32pm

I've seen quite a lot, but not all in the same year. Without repeats, I have seen 49 shows (God is that annoying!!! I need one more for 50!) and unless I see something before, Curtains will be 50th. I know to you guys it probably doesn't seem like much but I'm still in High School :-P

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