
YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!- Page 2

YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!

#25re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 10:56am

When you see it's a topic that has been posted before and it bothers you so much, why do you even bother clicking it. To complain? What's wrong with half the people here?

And I never buy full priced tickets so the premium seats don't bother me so much.

Born To Reign Profile Photo
Born To Reign
#26re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 11:08am

They click to yell at people. It's a waste of their time to read the thread, but not to read it and shoot a nasty comment back.

It's just a message board. Let's not take it too seriously.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#27re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 11:13am

I wonder if TheatreDiva and others do the same thing in their personal lives. When they were younger and their Mother would say something simple like "How was your day?" do you think they started to freak the f*ck out and say "MOM!!!! You asked me that yesterday!!! Do a memory search!!!!"

But I do love how some people honestly have nothing else in their lives but yelling at people here and being "thread protectors". I guess it's all they have so they'll take it.

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#28re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 11:14am

Actually, I don't mind this topic having multiple threads. The prices are disgusting. And yes, I know that there are $120 tickets available...and cheaper ones in the balcony, but the $400+ price tag for premium is nothing but pure greed. The Producers drove the ticket prices of Broadway shows to a new high, stole some much deserved Tony Awards from wonderful shows like The Full Monty and at the awards that year, Mel was a pompous a** about it all. I hope that they are humbled when the box office receipts come out.

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"

Born To Reign Profile Photo
Born To Reign
#29re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 11:19am

"Do a memory search!"

Jordan, that made me laugh out loud

It's just a message board. Let's not take it too seriously.

uncageg Profile Photo
#30re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 11:20am

I am a middle aged gay man and if you don't like our posts don't read them. Leave BWW because we are all over these boards! That comment was offensive.

And I do agree, use the search feature before you post. There are threads on this subject. You don't have to "troll" the boards to find them.

Just give the world Love.

Born To Reign Profile Photo
Born To Reign
#31re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 11:22am

But, honestly, who cares? Is it THAT big a deal? Does it piss you off THAT much? It's a message board. Let's not take it too seriously.

It's just a message board. Let's not take it too seriously.

artscallion Profile Photo
#32re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 11:29am

"I'm a 26 year old gay man."

Sorry to be the one to break it to you, Foster. But in gay years 26 IS middle-aged!

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

Born To Reign Profile Photo
Born To Reign
#33re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 11:31am

Oh, snap!

It's just a message board. Let's not take it too seriously.

#34re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 11:55am

If you go to CBSNewYork.com, there is a video about the ticket prices to YF, and no one that they talked to on the streets about it, said that they would shell out 450 dollars to see YF. My favorite was no show is worth that much.

Hell, maybe not that many people will buy the 450 dollar seats and Mel will realize that he's being a greedy b****** about it, and drop the price down.

When tickets go on sale, I'm going to avoid Fridays and Saturdays and go for the 120 seats.

uncageg Profile Photo
#35re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 11:59am

artscallion, you just made me laugh out loud!! Thank you for making my morning!

And, no, it doesn't tick me off "That" much but whether it is a message board or not, an offensive statement is an offensive statement to me. So being a message board allows one to be rude?

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 7/1/07 at 11:59 AM

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#36re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 12:36pm

Sometimes we just want to say something or ask something so we'll post it. And good lord who CARES if it's been posted?!

Apparently a lot of people care. It's basic message board etiquette to give the courtesy to your fellow posters to see if there is already an existing thread on a topic -- a thread that is already filled with comments by people agreeing with what you are about to say -- so that one conversation exists in one place. It's really not that complicated. The reason you're making a post to begin with is to get people to come on and either agree with you, disagree with you, or begin some form of discussion on the issue. If that discussion has already taken place several times before, it's pure laziness on your part not to take five seconds to search for the old thread on that topic and simply add to the already existing discussion, instead of selfishly wasting space on the first page of the board by starting your own thread.

But I do love how some people honestly have nothing else in their lives but yelling at people here and being "thread protectors". I guess it's all they have so they'll take it.

I have plenty in my life, thank you very much, as do the rest of the people in this community who post regularly. Just because you're out to eat or out at the movies while we're here discussing the theatre that we go out to see in our spare time does not mean that we have nothing else in our lives.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

uncageg Profile Photo
#37re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 12:59pm

Thank you Wanna Be. Well said.

Just give the world Love.

Born To Reign Profile Photo
Born To Reign
#38re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 1:02pm

But seriously, who cares? Whether it's a new thread or an old one, it's going to appear on the front page. It makes no difference. I don't see the point.

It's just a message board. Let's not take it too seriously.

#39re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 1:03pm

Kudos and booyah to you, Wanna Be.

uncageg Profile Photo
#40re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 1:15pm

Born, the point is that you can have one or two threads on a subject and you don't have to go sifting through 5 or more threads on the same subject. If you have a question about a certain show or subject, good chances it has been answered in one of the 1st few threads started. It is just a matter of opening it and reading it. And joining in if you so choose. I must admit it drives me a bit crazy when I go to the 1st page and have to scroll down through 5 threads about stage seating for Spring Awakening! Really, does it take too much to do a search on a subject or a show? it will cut down on the amount of threads and make it easier to spot a thread you would like to read or join. That's the point you don't get!

Just give the world Love.

Weez Profile Photo
#41re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 1:30pm

It may not matter, in the greater scheme of things, if we have more than one thread on a subject. But it's only polite to see if an existing conversation exists and join that. We're a pretty mannerless bunch all round, let's not make it worse by refusing to use the "search" function, or at least quickly scroll through a couple of pages of threads.

#42re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 3:10pm

Something that seems not to have occurred to anyone...

If the demand for tickets isn't what Mel hopes for, he can always reduce the ticket price, or lessen the number of premium seats.

Welcome to America. Mel can charge what he wants.

Behind the fake tinsel of Broadway is real tinsel.

uncageg Profile Photo
#43re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 3:17pm

I just have the feeling that he thinks people are going to flock to this, one on name alone and two on the heels of The Producers. In my opinion, as far as name actors in a show, Megan is a bit bigger than Broderick and Lane. Well at least Lane. The show really made them extremely popular it seems. And they made the show popular. Young Frankenstein is a movie that is liked by a lot of people. But I also have a feeling that people won't run and snatch these tickets up until the reviews and word of mouth come out. Just my random thoughts.

Just give the world Love.

#44re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 3:36pm

Let's put things into perspective here. Outlined below is section from Playbill, stating how the ticket prices are structured for YF:

"The New York Times reports that this price will apply to the 100 or so best seats in the house, which are termed "premier" seats. Premium seats, of which there are approximately 120, will be sold for $375. The remaining seats in the orchestra and dress circle will be sold for $120. Seats in the balcony will cost $60-$80.

The New York daily also says that for all other performances, the premium and premier seats will be priced $100 less than the Friday and Saturday rates.

A production spokesperson told the Times there will be $25 orchestra seats available at most performances of Young Frankenstein, which begins previews Oct. 11 at the Hilton Theatre with an official opening Nov. 8."

The Hilton is an 1,800 seat theatre... so all but 220 seats will be at the typical ticket price for any Broadway show.

My suggestion to those who object the ticket pricing are (a) don't see the show (b) sit 5 rows back and pay the typical orchestra price (c) wait for the discount codes.

What people tend to forget, is all the costs that go into a show. There's the cast,crew, props (permanent and disposable), sets,and costums obviously.. but there is also the rent for the threatre, lights, security, unshers, and on and on.

Just.. a thought, but perhaps, the Hilton itself is charging a small fortune for the theatre? There is a lot of thought, and planing that goes into setting a ticket price. At the end of the day the tickets has to be priced to meet all the shows expesnses, and still turn a reasonable profit to all the investors.

A Broadway musical.. espeically a big one costs millions to bring to the stage. Per example, Wicked cost 40 million... back then.

The truth is, that no one Broadway producer can bring a musical to the stage alone. it takes many investors to do this. So, don't go blaming Mel Brooks alone..it's not only him.. it's all his partners as well.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#45re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 3:39pm

WICKED cost $13 Million. No Broadway show has cost $40 Million.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

#46re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 3:41pm

Look it up. According to the Producers of the show.. 40million...

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#47re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 3:51pm

"As expected, and as reported by Playbill On-Line on Nov. 11, the hit musical Wicked — with a whopping $14 million capitalization — will recoup its entire initial investment by the end of the year."

I was $1 Million off.
Wicked Within Days of Recouping Investment

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

Weez Profile Photo
#48re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 3:51pm

According to the Grimmerie:

"21st December 2004 - The producers of 'Wicked' announce that the musical has recouped its $14 million investment."

May I ask what your source for $40 million is?

mikem Profile Photo
#49re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN $450, 375, 120, 80, 60 THANKS MEL!
Posted: 7/1/07 at 3:52pm

Sadly, I think that Mel will be able to sell the seats at his asking price, at least for a few months (unless the reviews are horrible). I believe that Jersey Boys has even more than 220 seats at the Premium level, and even though YF prices are significantly higher, I think people will pay it.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"
Updated On: 7/1/07 at 03:52 PM
