Haven Burton as Elle?

Songsstresss Profile Photo
#25re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 10:22am

I saw LB last week and Haven was by far, the worst performer on that stage. Her Margo had no life, no spark, and she literally did not smile once. I was shocked that someone could play a spunky, silly sorority girl with so little joy.

#26re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 10:28am

It's unfortunate that they cast her over Tracy McDowell. Big mistake.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#27re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 11:39am

Keep in mind that, when casting the role of Margot, the producers had to weigh equally as heavily how well the actress chosen could perform Elle.

Many of the people they saw were able to nail one, but a rare few could do both.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 1/21/08 at 11:39 AM

keepitpossitive Profile Photo
#28re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 2:43pm

I hate to say but i personally hope she leaves soon.

Theres nothing to her margot.
A monkey could do it. She has no spark, no energy, NOTHING.

She has openly said something about hating the show and just doing LB
so she could have done something other than RENT.

I think thats ****ty, you need to love the role you're in.
She calls out alot and its just dumb.

I know she can sing AMAZINGLY which is why i will see her elle,
but she cant dance to save her life...and Elle does have to dance a few times

should be interesting.

Grand Motel Profile Photo
Grand Motel
#29re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 4:48pm

"I know she can sing AMAZINGLY which is why i will see her elle,
but she cant dance to save her life...and Elle does have to dance a few times"

I've heard this comment thrown around more than once but there has been absolutely NO indication whatsoever that this woman has an "amazing" voice, going off her Margo. I take it she's going through the motions until she gets to use this "amazing" instrument for the Elle Woods role?

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#30re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 5:00pm

"I've heard this comment thrown around more than once but there has been absolutely NO indication whatsoever that this woman has an "amazing" voice, going off her Margo. I take it she's going through the motions until she gets to use this "amazing" instrument for the Elle Woods role?"

I can't speak for anyone else, but I saw her as Maureen in RENT, and her voice was incredible, though I can't say the same for her acting, and dancing is absolutely atrocious. I saw her very first show as Margot, and Tracy Jai Edwards had to quite literally hold her hand through all of the choreography. And did anyone else notice the fact that she's not in shape at all? Hope she hits the gym before she goes on for Elle.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

Grand Motel Profile Photo
Grand Motel
#31re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 5:10pm

I'll take your word for it because i just don't hear it, Kelly2. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised if I happen to go see her as Elle. As for her shape, she's not alone there, many of the sorority girls lack "sorority" shapes.

jewishboy Profile Photo
#32re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 5:48pm

I saw her as Maureen and thought that there was a lot of potential in the choices that she made for the character. I can't say anything about her dancing, but she does indeed have an incredible voice.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#33re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 5:51pm

And what prey-tell is "sorority shape"? My sister and her sorority sisters by and large aren't toothpicks. (And yes, they know this and say it about themselves.)

Perhaps the girls in LB aren't in Hollywood sorority shape?

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis
Updated On: 1/21/08 at 05:51 PM

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#34re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 6:16pm

Well, most of them look IN SHAPE to me, when Haven was wearing her original Margot costumes, her stomach was protuding from her pants, and she barely fit in her shirts. All of the other girls, at least, look like they've hit the gym sometime in the past year. I'd be curious to know who else you're referring to, specifically, re: not being in shape?

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

BreeDaniel Profile Photo
#35re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 9:15pm

What a surprise, another insightful post from Jordangirl (rolling eyes). I can't believe there's a thread this long about someone I barely notice when I see the show. Ruprecht's right, this boards understudy obsession is off the charts.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#36re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 9:39pm

There's always the block feature Bree.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

PrincessSparkle Profile Photo
#37re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 10:24pm

"I can't speak for anyone else, but I saw her as Maureen in RENT, and her voice was incredible, though I can't say the same for her acting, and dancing is absolutely atrocious. I saw her very first show as Margot, and Tracy Jai Edwards had to quite literally hold her hand through all of the choreography. And did anyone else notice the fact that she's not in shape at all? Hope she hits the gym before she goes on for Elle."

"Well, most of them look IN SHAPE to me, when Haven was wearing her original Margot costumes, her stomach was protuding from her pants, and she barely fit in her shirts. All of the other girls, at least, look like they've hit the gym sometime in the past year. I'd be curious to know who else you're referring to, specifically, re: not being in shape?"

Kelly, who the hell do you think you are? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions of a persons' performance, even though I may disagree, not everyone is going to feel the same way. First of all, most of us know, that Haven was basically thrown in for her first performance. She was given a total of ONE DAY off between RENT and Legally Blonde and the only reason they allowed her to do that was because she was given the option to watch the show from the audience. So, discussing her first performance isn't fair. Most performers, or atleast the ones that I have seen, don't do so great their first night but improve with time and Haven has done just that.

And how dare you comment on Haven's physique and then afterward ask who else everyone thinks is out of shape. First of all, Haven has no choice in what she wears, so if you are going to complain about the costumes... Talk to wardrobe! And if you think about it, Tracy Jai and Asmeret's costumes are not as revealing as Haven's, in regards to the tops. You don't see their stomachs at all. What you said about making sure she "hits the gym before she goes on as Elle" is so uncalled for.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#38re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 10:58pm

"Kelly, who the hell do you think you are? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions of a persons' performance, even though I may disagree, not everyone is going to feel the same way. First of all, most of us know, that Haven was basically thrown in for her first performance. She was given a total of ONE DAY off between RENT and Legally Blonde and the only reason they allowed her to do that was because she was given the option to watch the show from the audience. So, discussing her first performance isn't fair. Most performers, or atleast the ones that I have seen, don't do so great their first night but improve with time and Haven has done just that.

And how dare you comment on Haven's physique and then afterward ask who else everyone thinks is out of shape. First of all, Haven has no choice in what she wears, so if you are going to complain about the costumes... Talk to wardrobe! And if you think about it, Tracy Jai and Asmeret's costumes are not as revealing as Haven's, in regards to the tops. You don't see their stomachs at all. What you said about making sure she "hits the gym before she goes on as Elle" is so uncalled for."

Woah, woah, woah, okay, calm down, first of all, I have NO problem with Haven as a performer, but to make excuses for a poor performance from her, no matter whether it was her first day or her last, is unacceptable. While I, or some others, may be able to see a show more than once to see growth from an actor in a character, 99% of people at the show saw ONLY that one performance, so there's never an excuse to be "off". Furthermore, to say that she didn't have enough rehearsal is a bit ridiculous to me, since I've seen understudies go on for parts they don't cover, and learned entire tracks that are much larger than Margot in a matter of hours, and not just in Blonde. I agree with you that she's gotten much better, and I think she's very funny as Margot, and I love a lot of her comedic moments. I just wish that she were a better mover, or could work some more on the timing of the choreography.

I wasn't asking who people thought were out of shape to cut them down? I said in my post that I didn't think any of the other girls looked like they were out of shape, even Haven doesn't stick out like a sore thumb or anything of that nature. But since they had to change her costumes due to her weight, and Elle's outfits are much more revealing than any of Margot's, it seems to be logical to me to say that she should make sure she's in great physical shape when she eventually goes on for Elle, if not only for reasons on the outside, then because Elle requires a lot of stamina and endurance as a performer. I'm not BLAMING Haven for the costumes she wears, just saying that they didn't used to be very flattering on her.

I apologize if any of my comments came off harsh, but it's out of love for the show. I really do enjoy it as a whole, and without a very strong Elle, the show would not work. I wish Haven nothing but the best when she gets a chance to go on, and I hope she exceeds everyones expectations. I was just making observational comments based on what I've seen from her. No harm, no foul.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

jigblob Profile Photo
#39re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/21/08 at 11:13pm

hahaha i love it how whenever anyone comments how some performer looks chunky they get completely chewed out. what is the big deal nobody can say they don't notice that kind of stuff quit freaking out. sadly it's true though, most people would not want to see an elle woods with a muffin top.

but on that topic has LBB lost weight? i feel like when i saw pictures of her earlier in the shows run she looked a little heavier (not fat) and then when i saw her live i was shocked at how petite she was and her jeans/playboy bunny costume looked a little bit big on her compared to what i had seen previously?

keepitpossitive Profile Photo
#40re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:11am

Princess Sparkle gets the award for the coo coo la crazy bww person of the day.

on another note...
Haven can sing as margot, rather she does or not is a COMPLETELY different story. You can hear her sing in positive, sure its one or two lines..but I have heard her sing it amazingly, and i have heard her sound like kitty re: Haven Burton as Elle?.

On the costume note, not everyone looks good in everything. Thats for sure, and she didnt look so hot at first, but now shes looking better.

There is no reason for her to be out of the show as much is she is, but you know what she is a great performer when she tries to be, so her Elle should be something to go see. I just hope to attempts something different than LBB...because she is kind of a mirror of AA.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#41re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:15am

I agree with keepitpossitive, that's what I meant to say :) I'm sure she'll put her whole effort into being Elle, and I hope she's fantastic.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

PrincessSparkle Profile Photo
#42re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:26am

"Woah, woah, woah, okay, calm down, first of all, I have NO problem with Haven as a performer, but to make excuses for a poor performance from her, no matter whether it was her first day or her last, is unacceptable. While I, or some others, may be able to see a show more than once to see growth from an actor in a character, 99% of people at the show saw ONLY that one performance, so there's never an excuse to be "off"."

I don't disagree with you at all. No actor should really have a bad performance, in fact, that thought goes through my head during many shows that I see. But, unfortunately, that tends to happen a lot. And to put Haven out there like that was just rude... Whether you meant it to be or not.

"I agree with you that she's gotten much better, and I think she's very funny as Margot, and I love a lot of her comedic moments. I just wish that she were a better mover, or could work some more on the timing of the choreography."

That wasn't how it came across... The first post and actually, your second one too, was almost an attack on her. Like I said before, everyone has their different opinions on an actor or actress and they are entitled to that. But to talk about an issue such as weight is just childish.

"I wasn't asking who people thought were out of shape to cut them down? I said in my post that I didn't think any of the other girls looked like they were out of shape, even Haven doesn't stick out like a sore thumb or anything of that nature. But since they had to change her costumes due to her weight, and Elle's outfits are much more revealing than any of Margot's, it seems to be logical to me to say that she should make sure she's in great physical shape when she eventually goes on for Elle, if not only for reasons on the outside, then because Elle requires a lot of stamina and endurance as a performer. I'm not BLAMING Haven for the costumes she wears, just saying that they didn't used to be very flattering on her."

I understand that you are just stating things that are "facts" or "observations" but my problem with this was that it was just put out in the open like that for many people to read. It's one thing to be discussing a person's weight with a friend or two... It's another to post it where not only can that person read it but many others as well.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#43re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 12:33am

"I don't disagree with you at all. No actor should really have a bad performance, in fact, that thought goes through my head during many shows that I see. But, unfortunately, that tends to happen a lot. And to put Haven out there like that was just rude... Whether you meant it to be or not. "

Well, I'm not going to lie, and if there's an open discussion about someone, especially someone who I have experience with seeing onstage, I think it's my right to post my opinion and my honest thoughts about how I feel that person would be. I HONESTLY feel like vocally she may be one of the best, or the best Elle, her riffs on the score will probably be very very impressive, and acting wise, I'm sure she's got it down pat. I'm just very concerned about her dancing, since Elle is a dance heavy role, and she is the center of almost all of the dance breaks in the show, so if she's a beat or two off, or if she doesn't hit things sharply, it will be much more noticeable than it is in her Margot track.

And I don't think discussion of an actor's weight is childish. While I do feel badly for pointing out what is clearly a sore spot in such a public place, when someone's weight has a direct bearing on their ability to look right in a certain role, I think it's okay to point it out. I don't think she's fat, chubby, or ANYTHING in that ballpark. It's just that all of Elle's outfits are VERY skimpy (The bunny suit? That dress during "Serious"? The marching band costume?) and anyone (Not JUST Haven) would have to be in their best physical shape before putting them on.

I would hope that no one would take offense to anything I said, I'm only critical because I love the show so much and would hate to see it performed badly. I truly hope Haven is wonderful.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

keepitpossitive Profile Photo
#44re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 5:23am

Kelly..anyone who has a love for a show would understand you only have good intentions for it.

I mean i wasnt overly thrilled with one of Orfehs understudies, so i just hope that haven can pull it off. Since you and I have both heard her sing, we both know if she puts herself into it, and the performance, it could be something amazing.

re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Kitty Clap.

Grand Motel Profile Photo
Grand Motel
#45re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 11:02am

Kelly, I appreciate your enthusiasm for the show but I have to say, when people say they do things "out of love" it always makes me very suspect. That's like the people who say "I'm just being honest". Sometimes your love comes off as a bit calculated and expresses more disdain(disguised as love) than anything. I don't care about Burton, or what understudy is going on when but to keep saying your lengthy posts and derisive comments are "out of love for the show" I have to scratch my head. And yes, I did make a comment about the sorority sisters (many of them) being less than svelt but I wasn't saying it with "love" just from observation. Btw, how do you know Burton's costumed were changed because of her weight? Seriously, how would you know that?

I hope I'm not coming across snarky Kelly but I'm not sure you realize the tone in your posts are coming across a bit holier than thou ish.

keepitpossitive Profile Photo
#46re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 1:50pm

Tone in her voice, through a message board. That is pure genius right there.

I mean you have no idea who she is, so you have no idea the tone she trying to have.

So its okay if people who have "love" for the color purple to talk about fantasia missing 2,500,403.5 shows?

Is it okay for those of us who have "love" for blonde to talk about LBB and her voice, and how we want her to be able to have the strong voice she had back in SF?

Or are we just not allowed to talk about anything.

And for all you know kelly knows people who could have told her thats why the costumes were altered...i mean in reality, if you saw her in the costume...you KNOW thats why re: Haven Burton as Elle?

Kitty Clap.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#47re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 1:59pm

Thanks, keepitpossitive, I appreciate that :) Kitty clap.

Seriously though, I really don't intend to have a "holier than thou" tone, I was just saying there are some things I think Haven needs to work on before she goes on for Elle, and I truly hope she DOES work on those things, and is completely fabulous in the role. If I didn't want her to do well, I would just be like "Oh, Haven will NEVER be a good Elle, she's untalented and she could never pull it off", but I don't think that. I think she's got a great voice, and she's a great actress. And the fact that Burton's costumes were changed just for her weight is not exactly a secret, though I'd prefer not to expound on my specific source for that information.

I'd really prefer not to have any more drama over this, I didn't mean to offend anyone, really. :) And I'll be the first person to post wonderful things about Haven if she's good as Elle, seriously. There are very few people who I go into shows thinking they will be terrible in their role, and Haven is definitely not one of those people.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

keepitpossitive Profile Photo
#48re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 2:04pm

wouldnt it be amazing if haven signed up for BWW just to talk on this post kelly?

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#49re: Haven Burton as Elle?
Posted: 1/22/08 at 2:05pm

"wouldnt it be amazing if haven signed up for BWW just to talk on this post kelly?"

Hmm.....re: Haven Burton as Elle? That would be amazing!

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell
