
Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?- Page 2

Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#25re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 12:07am

That's very interesting...I'm glad to hear your comments.

I'm still curious, as I enjoy the play and both Tomei and Plimpton.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

adamgreer Profile Photo
#26re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 12:08am

I was there tonight also.

At least they knew their lines.

I honestly have no idea what I just watched. I had never seen or heard of the play before, so I was not going into it with any pre-conceptions. I honestly had no idea what it was about going in. Well, after watching the show, I still don't have any idea what it's about.

I thought and thought about the play on the way home trying to make sense of it, and it just isn't coming together. I have no idea how the first scene ties in to the rest of the play, or why we needed these seemingly random "job interviews" in the second scene of act 2 (which was before the intermission, by the way). The characters in the dinner party scene are not well introduced, nor is the conceit of that dinner party adequately explained.

The cast does a fine job with what their given, and I have no complaints about any of them. The play just didn't make any sense to me.

Nor did it make much sense to this evening's audience, many of whom ran for the exits at the intermission. Several couldn't even make it that far and left during the first act, including one couple who dropped their listening devices on the floor as they left. The response to the curtain call was very, very quiet, and I was actually concerned that there wouldn't be enough applause to get through the two bows the cast takes.
Updated On: 4/16/08 at 12:08 AM

Maurice Profile Photo
#27re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 12:15am

The first scene is rather dream-like and can possibly be considered the afterlife... Marlene meets, at a dinner party, women throughout history (some thought fictitious) and then it goes back to moments in Marlene's life from there.

"I'm a whirling mass of contradictions." - Douglas Carter Beane, The Little Dog Laughed

Equus (11/8), Billy Elliot (11/8)

scaryclowns223 Profile Photo
#28re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 12:26am


Didn't see that coming...

I certainly hope, for the actors' sake, that this gets better...

adamgreer Profile Photo
#29re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 12:41am

The actors are fine. They're doing their best. It's the play itself that makes no sense.

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
#30re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 12:58am

It's an out there play by an out there dramatist.
But, Caryl Churchill is considered by many to be pretty stellar and Top Girls is in her top drawer... and one of her more accesible. It's a taste level kind of thing... also... I would imagine if you are prepared for the style of Churchill's writing.


Jesus saves. I spend.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#31re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 8:34am

Thanks WaT & adamgreer!

I know Without A Trace by now..very well...so when he says he did not understand what he saw- it means that its long winded & boring!

Wow! I did not see that coming! I was thinking of seeing this show this weekend (thru TDF) but might just go see MACBETH. I am in the same boat as WaT.. I am not big into long-winded, long & boring play!

Fyi- he does not like CRY-BABY, so for him to say that he would rather see it 100X .. it means...the play is torturous! hmmmm....what can I say? I guess I will skip this, since I have limited time to go to NYC...might just see the 4 TONY nominated play... whatever will be nominated?

MACBETH- I will see this....



Updated On: 4/16/08 at 08:34 AM

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#32re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:16am

It's an enigmatic play, as are many of Caryl Churchill's plays. Not for people who like things didactic. Dying to see this!

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

LaCageAuxFollesFan2 Profile Photo
#33re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 9:43am

I'm dying to see it as well, can't believe I didnt schedule my ticket till Thursday. Churchill has got to be one of my favorite writers and while I certainly understand this isn't going to be everyone's thing, I am foaming at the mouth to see this one.

#34re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/16/08 at 12:50pm

It's def. a taste thing. It's not absurdist, but it's not a normal linear type play like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, or something like that. It's just a little out there, and it's not for everyone. I think it's a great play, and has a bold message to say, but I can see how some people could not understand it. It relies on the audience to think the whole way through, instead of just sitting back and being entertained for a few hours.

Calvin Profile Photo
#35re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 12:23am

Just got back. I'm not sure what to think yet. I get how it all fits together -- but the first act had me puzzled for a bit. I should have gone in better prepared.

The audience didn't like it at all. Massive exodus at both intermissions, at least on the mezz level. There were two or three people left in my row by the third act.

I think they would be very well-served to include an informational page (a la Utopia and Rock and Roll) in the playbills explaining a bit of background on the characters in the first act. I know they all give their stories, but with all the crosstalk and accents, people were having a really difficult time following it. I know. Theatregoers should do their homework. But most don't.

I mean, I had a passing knowledge of who Pope Joan was. And some people might remember the story from Canterbury Tales in question. But I'm guessing the average theatregoer is going to have no idea who Lady Nijo, Isabella Bird and Dull Gret are.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#36re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 12:30am

Do you recommend reading the play prior to seeing the show?

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

mikem Profile Photo
#37re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 12:35am

Calvin, the previous reports made it sound like there was only one intermission -- what is the timing for the two intermissions?

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

Calvin Profile Photo
#38re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 12:37am

I would recommend at least reading a little background on the people I just mentioned (the character from Canterbury Tales is Patient Griselde from the Clerk's Tale).

Really, outside of the first scene, the show is not difficult to follow at all, but it's not really clear who they all are or what's going on at first. And like I said, a LOT of crosstalk. A good portion of the first act literally has two conversations going on at once onstage.

Calvin Profile Photo
#39re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 12:39am

and mikem, yes, two intermissions. I don't remember the exact timing, but the three acts seemed about equal in length, and it was almost 11 when I got out. Intermissions were 10 minutes each.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#40re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 12:48am

Any comments on Tomei, Plimptom, and Marvel?

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

Calvin Profile Photo
#41re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 1:02am

I enjoyed Marvel -- she's the only one with a constant character across the piece. And I was pleasantly surprised by Tomei, considering the accents she has to deal with.

Plimpton, whom I usually like, just didn't really work for me in this. Her Pope Joan just reminded me of a high school production of "The Lark" I saw with a woman playing Pierre Cauchon (not saying her acting was high school level! just that the voice she uses reminded me of that) And she's so loud compared with everyone else in the cast!

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#42re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 1:19am

Thanks for the heads up, Calvin. I'm going to Wikipedia all of those women.

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
#43re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 1:57am

Most of those women are fictional characters... Lady Nijo and Isabella Bird are real, but everyone else is drawn from really old literature/art. It helps to know who those characters are, it would enrich the experience... and your life really... but it is not really required knowledge... you do get the point without the background knowledge... it isn't that difficult... you just have to be ready for the disjointed structure/presentation.


Jesus saves. I spend.

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#44re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 10:26am

I figured it was inevitable for TOP GIRLS to get vitrol-filled reactions on the boards (and from most audience members), like it seems to be.

Yes, some reading/background would certainly be helpful before heading to the theater, but a receptive sense of open-mindedness will work just fine too.

In a manner similar to "The Homecoming," there's a heightened level of appreciation once you have an understanding of what the play/playwright is trying to do, and are operating on its wavelength, rather than just expecting an easily digestible in-and-out, simple, linear "story" thing.

If you 'step up your game,' so to speak, you'll likely really be pulled in and fascinated by the play. However, most people won't, so expect to hear a lot of "one of the worst things I've ever seen!" and "what was THAT?!?"
Updated On: 4/19/08 at 10:26 AM

#45re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 11:34am

Can someone who understands this play give MAJOR SPOILERS so that we have an idea of what is going on if we decide to see it?

Calvin Profile Photo
#46re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 12:15pm

steve, here's a synopsis, as well as I can give it. Those who know the play better, please feel free to correct at will.

And obviously, MAJOR spoilers will follow.

The play really center around Marlene, who is, for lack of a better term, a real ball-buster who has recently been appointed a top executive at a London employment agency. Meanwhile, her sister Joyce is living a pretty ratty life with her 15-year-old daughter, Angie, having been left by her husband and having to work as a maid to stay afloat. Angie's kind of a hopeless case: not too bright, pretty much friendless except for a 9-year-old girl who lives nearby and prone to violent thoughts. (yes, adults play the children roles)

In the final scene, which actually happens when Angie is 9, it's revealed that Angie is actually Marlene's daughter, and she gave her up to Joyce in order to not get trapped in the same life as her mother and sister. Joyce resents her for this, especially because she miscarried her own child because she was run so ragged caring for Angie.

The first scene is more of a fantasy -- Marlene is celebrating her promotion at a restaurant with the figures I mentioned a few posts above. All basically have a common thread, that they either had to give up their femininity, children or both in order to get ahead.

There's also a number of vignettes in the employment agency of interviews with women looking for jobs that further this theme.

Basically, what kept running through my head throughout was Lady Macbeth's "unsex me" speech. I could give my own interpretations, but maybe in another thread, if anyone is interested in discussing.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#47re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 1:06pm

TWO intermissions now? Yikes. More opportunity for people to walk out...

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#48re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 2:19pm

My wife went Weds night (should have prefaced by saying she likes just about EVERYTHING !! (or, at least usually finds something very redeeming about everything she sees).

She said it was the worst thing that she has seen in years.

She understood what was going on, but found it to be extremely odd, and very boring.

I love Plimpton, and was really looking forward to this, but thinking of doing "Boeing-Boeing" instead on Weds.

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#49re: Anyone seeing TOP GIRLS tonight?
Posted: 4/19/08 at 4:10pm

I worked on this play in college and I wrote a paper on it, so I really like it. As long as the performances are good (and it sounds like they are), I'm really looking forward to seeing this show.

I'm trying to find whatever website it was that I used for my paper that really explained the connection between the first act and the rest of the play. When I find it, I'll post it. It was very helpful and allowed a much deeper appreciation of the material.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."
