
Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump- Page 2

Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump

#25re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/1/08 at 11:24pm

Hurray for Tale! I just love this show. Seen it twice. When James Barbour sings, he sings for me what a voice! Keep up the good work. Great show! P.S. Go Winston! re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump

winston89 Profile Photo
#26re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/2/08 at 1:13pm

PSLove302, Like you have NEVER typed anything that was considered annoying?

It is not true to say that all I post about is Les Miserables and Two Cities. That isn't true at all. I support the show and defend it because I feel that this show is getting an undeserved bashing from people who I think for the most part haven't seen the show.

And, it is kind of funny about how your making such a big deal about my friend working as an usher at the theatre. He started to work there like two days before the article came out. Of course everyone was happy because if the box office is doing well they all get jobs. Your making it seem like I have some inside dope which I clearly don't have.

Here is the comment he wrote on my facebook wall with the link to the article.

"Here you go, considering your a fan of the show I think you would enjoy this." Honestly, you guys are the ones who are making a bigger deal out of it. Your the ones turning something into nothing and to be honest with you it is kinda funny.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll
Updated On: 10/2/08 at 01:13 PM

JRybka Profile Photo
#27re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/2/08 at 1:37pm

I actually enjoy the big ballady shows.... I am sure I might find this enjoyable.

Does that make me a Shill?

And we have to remember that they hated Les Miz originally (they being the critics)

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#28re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/2/08 at 1:58pm

Well, actually, Frank Rich of The New York Times gave the original Les Miz a pretty good review.

A Tale of Two Cities is not a bad show, merely a mediocre one. It is a great story (the credit there goes to Charles Dickens), and the book is pretty decent. The real problem is the score. Although there are a couple of really nice songs, overall it is very bland. But it's not a bad show, and it's giving employment to many actors, musicians, and technicians, so since it's inevitably going to close soon anyway let's not dump on it and give it worse word of mouth than it deserves.

#29re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/2/08 at 5:50pm

Yes, Rich did give the Broadway production of "Les Miz" a good review - but that was after the initial London critics mostly mocked and panned it. By the time "Les Miz" got to our shores it was a juggernaut, impossible to be stopped, and as often happens, the critics had already begun reversing themselves. It's interesting to note that the first positive critical response to "Les Miz" twenty years ago was mainly focused on the staging and the production and the cast. The score (and the book of the musical) were considered the weak link! Twenty years later how history has revised itself! So many of the reviews for "Tale" trashed the score saying how it just couldn't compare to the now legendary (but initially trashed) "Les Miz" score. If any of these critics were honest with themselves they would admit that they couldn't remember any of the "Les Miz" music after the first time they heard it either! Shows are not supposed to be written to be instantly memorable but to be experienced live in the theater. (that kind of instant recall is the stuff of commercial jingles and pop hooks.)

I, for one, am hopeful that the people will continue to come to "A Tale of Two Cities", and spread the good word (as they did for "Les Miz" in London despite the reviews) Regardless of what critics or the industry may think, this is the kind of show many people are longing to see on Broadway and a lot of people clearly are loving it!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#30re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/2/08 at 6:47pm

Another one of my co-workers saw the show this weekend with her husband, and they loved it as well !!! Honestly, I dont ever remember seeing a show get such negative reviews that "generally" seems to be very well-received by

And no, I am certainly not a shill at all !! I just really enjoyed this show much more than I thought I would.

winston89 Profile Photo
#31re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/2/08 at 11:02pm

johnnyg, I know that people are making a lot of comparisons between Tale and Les Miserables. Most of them are ones that I don't agree with. But, the one comparison that I am hoping is true that Tale just like Les Miserables will get bad reviews but will get an amazing run.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

TheOldQueenie Profile Photo
#32re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/2/08 at 11:19pm

I've seen it three times.

Loved it the first time.

Dozed off the second time.

Left the third time.

It just keeps getting worse and worse.... what a shame. re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump

Dre2387 Profile Photo
#33re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/3/08 at 2:34am

i hate when people who like it say "it's the new Les Mis." That's sort of putting it the wrong way. say "it's the new classic epic musical."

<--- the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I was assistant stage manager for during the 2007 season at the STNJ outdoor stage.

You must remember all the same that at the crux of every game is knowing when it's time to leave the table... And it's important to be artful in your exit. No turning back, you must accept the con is done... It was a ball, it was a blast. And it's a shame it couldn't last. But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
~Dirty Rotten Scoundrels~

There's a special kind of people known as show people. We live in a world full of dreams. Sometimes we're not too certain what's false and what's real. But we're seldom in doubt about what we feel.

It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known.
~A Tale of Two Cities ~

#34re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/3/08 at 8:12am

I saw Tale last night and I thought it was beautiful. It really moved me to tears.

#35re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/3/08 at 8:41am

i've got to assume you saw it first in early preview and something major changed between the first and second times you saw it then? can you recall what it might have been that would have been so different it might have made you react so differently? I've noticed the sound is very different depending on where you're sitting for instance - which is a shame. The front mezz has the best sound in the house.

oh and if you were dozing off the second time, why go back for a third? re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump

#36re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/3/08 at 8:43am

I was wondering that myself..:)

little_sally Profile Photo
#37re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/3/08 at 2:10pm

Seriously. If the second time was bad or you, why go back a third?

I loved it just as much my second time as I did the first.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#38re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/3/08 at 3:30pm

I'm looking forward to seeing it on Broadway for the first time later this month.

A friend of mine who lives in Arizona has requested a playbill autographed by the people she knows in the show. But I thought I'd surprise her and get the program and have that signed. Are they out yet?

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

philly03 Profile Photo
#39re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/3/08 at 3:37pm

I don't think the souvenir programs are out yet/much merchandise. When I asked, all they could say was "more info will come later."

#40re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/4/08 at 2:36am

...the way it ought to be...

"In fact, such traditional book musicals are getting rarer on Broadway. A Tale of Two Cities is a bold undertaking, a stark reminder that noble ideals can be perverted by anger and chaos."

"Director Warren Carlyle gets the most out of his cast, aided by exquisite lighting and stirring music. This is an ambitious undertaking that hits all the right notes."


Dre2387 Profile Photo
#41re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/4/08 at 8:33am


<--- the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I was assistant stage manager for during the 2007 season at the STNJ outdoor stage.

You must remember all the same that at the crux of every game is knowing when it's time to leave the table... And it's important to be artful in your exit. No turning back, you must accept the con is done... It was a ball, it was a blast. And it's a shame it couldn't last. But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
~Dirty Rotten Scoundrels~

There's a special kind of people known as show people. We live in a world full of dreams. Sometimes we're not too certain what's false and what's real. But we're seldom in doubt about what we feel.

It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known.
~A Tale of Two Cities ~

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#42re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/4/08 at 11:29am

Goin Tues with a friend for my 2nd time (her 1st) --- really looking forward to it !!

#43re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/4/08 at 11:35am

I really really enjoyed this show. I've seen just about every musical on Broadway this season and this was definitely one of my favorites. From the sound of it, I gathered a lot of people in the audience liked it as well. I hope it has somewhat of a long run (at least a year or two, being realistic). The cast was wonderful!

*P.S. - I work for another show, so I'm definitely not a "shill" lol

#44re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/4/08 at 11:39am

I actually think I wanna see this show. I like the big ballady shows too. My tastes in musicals are pretty varied. Plus I like to make my own opinions about stuff, you know?

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#45re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/4/08 at 12:16pm

Give it a shot, Matt--- I went in expecting the worst, and was VERY pleasantly surprised !!!

little_sally Profile Photo
#46re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/4/08 at 12:18pm

I'm actually going for my third time this Wednesday.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

#47re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/4/08 at 1:31pm

I'm going back in next week with some friends and I can't wait. I never read the book so I had no idea that this beautiful love story was at the center of the Tale. I guess I really didn't know what to expect.

philly03 Profile Photo
#48re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/4/08 at 6:18pm

Mattbrain def don't miss out on it. I found it more like a Frank Wildhorn-style musical as opposed to being Les Mis like. It's much more similar in the style of the proudction of The Scarlet Pimpernel, but obviosuly I should stop now! Go see it!

#49re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Posted: 10/4/08 at 9:16pm

Oh, no! It looks like the "shills" are winning! Most posts here are actually friendly towards Tale =O

Well, I wanted to start "my own" thread about it, but don't want to risk CATS's ire (seems like there might be a shortage of space at Broadwayworld.com for different takes on a subject (ie: Tale)... so, DO NOT try to start new threads, because you will most likely be deleted re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
Been there, done that!
