


Pianolin717 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/26/08 at 11:57pm

i LOVED kathy griffin...

i just think they tried to cram too much into an hour... since it was the first night, they should have atleast done 2. just for the first one

but isnt this going to become a regular show soon?

and will it still be at the Little Shubert?

coryografer Profile Photo
Posted: 11/26/08 at 11:59pm

It had just enough cheese to really take me back to the old variety shows. It was a nostalgic trip with a touch of contemporary feel to it. I hope it is picked up. It sure beats all this "reality" tv we are swamped with right now. I think it is a hoot to see Rosie performing with stars that she admires........... who wouldn't like to do that?

Posted: 11/27/08 at 3:07am

I liked Jane Krakowski.

Rosie O. came off as an annoying, desperate, attention seeking, painfully untalented amateur. I hope she and her so called creative team spare us from anymore of these grotesque displays.

Posted: 11/27/08 at 4:31am

when a sixty plus year old woman who's had double hip replacement shows everybody up you know you have problems--i mean liza just shone like the pro she is and frankly she looked slim and like she'd had a freshening up from the botox/face lift fairy that just WORKED for her!

1- conan left b/c he was embarrassed-stupid bit and not very funny

2- her stand up was fizzled and a little lame--she's rusty not like back when she was on every day in her element--but once again--a few laughs --just kinda meek ones-- i gave her the benefit of the doubt cause it's been a while

3- i kinda wondered if they were intentionally trying to make it lame and not very funny--like sending up old variety shows--but if so bad idea and PLUS_-some of the old variety shows were fantastic! remember the babara streisand and dean martin ones? those were kick ass! i've even seen bob hope specials better than this!

4- alec baldwin was the fat misogynist he always is--and i love him-but come one--yikes! once again, when the unplanned "motorboating" of a plump (though beautiful--i've always thought rosie is lovely--she has snow white's colouring) lesbian celebrity is a highlight-YIKES!

5- jane k and her pancake butt, skinny legs, and stiff dancing were a little sad but she has a dynamite voice and seems like a sweet girl

6- i LOVE clay's long crazy spamalot wig hair--but once more--he's so talented--they could have used him to better effect

7- harry had a cold or something weird was happening--he seemed unsure of his voice and didn't sound his best or very confident--which was weird! maybe he felt like he was on a sinking ship and was embarrassed toore: ROSIE VARIETY SHOW! FULL REVIEW and i love him to pieces-- repetitive cheese that he does sometimes and all

8--good god WHERE did they dig up gloria estefan from? she has a dynamite voice too but really? SHAKE YOUR BODY DO THE CONGA? and note to self--3/4 length sleeves if you're petite give you midget arms--will remember this

9-how freakin' horrible was that "spin" # done to bad nineties techno? EWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwww----am i at my county fair? YUCK! she should have gotten break skate or the other almost winner from that america's nest best dance crew if she needed some dancing weirdness hip street thing

10) leave the tap dancing to the other brothers--or at least don't shoot the whole piece in silhouette so we can't see what's going on! did love the gorgeous solo violin in this though

11) why do something at all if you aren't gonna knock it out of the park? i wonder who directed and produced this? perhaps they are more to blame? or maybe rosie just has her hands full with four kids and a wife and is used to kickin' it in miami--& a little--errrr--out of tough with the peeps

12) i will be so happy when the obligatory snooze-o-rama r & b jams finally leave us alone--i love neo-soul but this crap? and again, sad that is was well- art directed and one of the better scenes

13) alanis morisette--i do think she's a hugely gifted writer and performer but her stuff gets SOOOO repetitive and she needs glenn ballard to "punch it up"-- did love her super sensitive i'm a girl songwriter backdrop--very lovely--but--an odd choice here--hmm--still making up my mind about this one, in general pretty ok with it though she is a little 5 years ago too--i'm not saying you can't have a classic performer--but they need to do somethign classic--maybe a pas de deaux/ dance duet in addition here woulda been nice/

14) do you think they just ran out of money? this really should have been better! but i still love you Ro! just get out there more! you'll be back on top--she wasn't that bad-this needed better writing and stage production and much "hipper" feel or it totally sending up the formulaic genre and OTT camp-it can't ride the fence---when you have to "explain" a gag--*sigh* ugh. but again, SO HAPPY to see rosie o' d back on tv re: ROSIE VARIETY SHOW! FULL REVIEW

logan0215 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/27/08 at 5:11am

It was light fare and I think a great first attempt at what could become a great variety show in the future.

I agree that the palette needs to be brightened up like Judy Garland's show and it has to feel overall less forced.

I feel like giving prizes to the audience cheapened the experience.

I think on paper all of it worked, but just needed some tweaking.

The celebrity drop-ins are fun, but they shouldn't be fully staged/scripted. Let Rosie play the 'straight man' to whatever ridiculous fodder they bring up just like Carson did and the celebs will be pounding down the door.

I think if they're able to marry the idea of what many of the late night TV shows have become (monologue, funny clips, interview of celeb) with the variety format and mold them together into a cohesive show, she'll have a hit on her hands.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

Posted: 11/27/08 at 6:00am

Just posting what I said in the other thread:

It just seemed so "staged." I'll explain... You know when celebs try to be funny at award shows and do little funny bits before they hand out the award and come off sounding heavy handed and forced? It was like that...only with product placement. I would rather them have "bumpers" at the beginning of each segment saying "Rosie Live is sponsored by Blackberry" rather than having products worked into conversation or a musical number. The whole night was just fake...Rosie is constantly saying "Let's see who that is at the door"...What is this? Pee Wee's Playhouse?!?! Could have been so much better. Though, as always, Jennifer Cody saves the day a little.

Posted: 11/27/08 at 3:47pm

Liza didn't show anybody up, she was dreadful. She's been at it way too long to still be doing the desperate she's gonna make you love her by steamrolling over you schtick. And if she were any squarer, she'd be a Rubick's Cube.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Posted: 11/27/08 at 3:58pm

I liked the concept of the show, and applaud Ms. O'Donnell on bringing it back.

I saw last week these two young gentleman at the Beechman Theatre and could not stop thinking how perfect they would be for Rosie's show.

Their names are Will & Anthony, and they are like Martin & Lewis of the 21st Century. Granted I am old enough to remember actually watching Dean & Jerry do their variety show, but Rosie should have them on.

They are all over youtube and have their own site, http://www.WillandAnthony.com I am certain. They would add so much to Rosie's show.

Go Rosie. Go hope for bringing back a pasttime our country needs right now...and I was laughing quite hard after she said she hugged every black person after Obama won.

Kiki Jabz

jaystarr Profile Photo
Posted: 11/27/08 at 4:57pm

NY Times:

Ms. O'Donnell can be very funny, but she didn't try very hard Wednesday night. Her opening monologue was a riff about her weight, focused on her Spanx support garments, which she described as "onesies for chubby fortysomethings." But Spanx underwear is an overused joke. As she did on "The View," Ms. O'Donnell brought up that she was gay but added a coy comedy bit that didn't really match her usual outspokenness.


LA Times: ROSIE LIVE : What was she thinking?

Two words: Dancing food. “Rosie Live” ended with dancing food. There’s nothing else to say, really except perhaps, Liza Minnelli. “Rosie Live” opened with a little song and dance from Liza Minnelli, who rose to the stage, as if from the grave, to sing a duet with O’Donnell, in a luminous white suit, complete with fetching Broadway hat. Liza, we love you, we will always love you, but there is no shame in retirement.

Rosie made jokes about Spanx, Alec Baldwin appeared in a jacket two sizes too small with weird Einstein hair -- neither of which were part of a gag. Clay Aiken strolled over from “Spamalot” to participate in the world’s most painfully long gay joke ("What was the other thing we have in common," Rosie mused, "oh yeah, we're both Gaaa ... briel Byrne fans.") and Alanis Morissette sang a song referencing the 12 Steps in front of, I kid you not, an endless loop of geese flying through a sunset.


(thanks to PalJoey for the link!)


Updated On: 11/27/08 at 04:57 PM

TimesSquareRegular Profile Photo
Posted: 11/27/08 at 5:09pm

Considering that the show included several of my favorite entertainers (Liza, Harry Connick, Jane Krawkowski) it was quite a disappointment - barely holding my attention.

TV could definitely do with a solid variety show a la the old (does anybody else remember) Gary Moore Show, and hopefully Rosie will have a few more shots at getting it right.

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TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/27/08 at 6:14pm

From the LA TIMES:

Alec Baldwin appeared in a jacket two sizes too small with weird Einstein hair -- neither of which were part of a gag. Clay Aiken strolled over from “Spamalot” to participate in the world’s most painfully long gay joke ("What was the other thing we have in common," Rosie mused, "oh yeah, we're both Gaaa ... briel Byrne fans.")

That's what you call TALENT, folks!

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Posted: 11/27/08 at 6:22pm

Was it really "live"? Did Clay really have his u/s go on until he returned from taping his bit?

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/27/08 at 6:25pm

And no one said a word about Jen Cody. Was Shrek off last night?

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

DrTheatre Profile Photo
Posted: 11/27/08 at 7:58pm

I was just watching the Tony Awards where Hugh Jackman did his BFO segment and I thought WOW what a perfect host he would be for a variety show. He is sexy, talented and can get a range of hosts.

"In the U.S.A. You can have your say, You can set you goals And seize the day, You've been given the freedom To work your way To the head of the line- To the head of the line!" ---Stephen Sondheim

Posted: 11/27/08 at 8:15pm

If Rosie is aware of her own (Massive) limitations why doesn't she just bring out performers she admires and LET THEM PERFORM? Liza by herself would have been MUCH better than that trainwreck for two.

And why bring out Harry Connick to sing for 40 seconds and pass out CDs? I hate Ckay Aiken but even his minimal talents were wasted. This IS NOT going to be a weekly show unless they get a producer who can tell Rosie No. A variety show could work. A Variety show hosted by Rosie might even work. A Variety show hosted AND produced by Rosie? No way.

Posted: 11/27/08 at 8:43pm

Rosie has said that The View was the first program she was a part of that she was not the boss, and look how that turned out for her. She will never just be a host of a show, she wants to be in charge.

Posted: 11/28/08 at 10:55am

"Liza by herself would have been MUCH better"

Since Liza was horrendous, what would "MUCH better" have brought her up to? Merely dreadful?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

jaystarr Profile Photo
Posted: 11/28/08 at 11:15am

Another bad review...

TV GUIDE : Rosie Live, Dead on Arrival!

If the TV variety format weren't already dead, the ghastly ego trip of NBC's Thanksgiving-eve turkey Rosie Live would surely have killed it.

The low point? There were so many. I ran to the kitchen to see how our sweet-potato casserole was progressing so I could escape Jane Krakowski's career-low stripper-ish ode to product placement, warbling new lyrics to Gypsy's "You Gotta Get a Gimmick" that listed all the giveaways the live audience would get, everything from a Vudu player to White Castle hamburgers and Crest Whitestrips (probably not a bad idea after gorging on those stomach bombs).

Far from bringing the variety show back to life, Rosie stuck a fork in it, drove the last nail into its coffin, broke its back, you pick the metaphor.


(special thanks for PJ~for the link!)

Updated On: 11/28/08 at 11:15 AM

jaystarr Profile Photo
Posted: 11/28/08 at 3:26pm

Another pan from Hollywood Reporter:

The program started on an awkward note--O'Donnell's discussion of the shape provided by her undergarments--and never regained its equilibrium. It's 8 p.m. start signaled a family show but O'Donnell's monologue and running gags about her sexual preference gave off an entirely different vibe.

There were duets with Liza Minelli, Gloria Estefan and a troupe of little kids, all of which might have benefited from a couple more rehearsals.

Clay Aiken showed up in his Spamalot costume for a lame joke about how much he and O'Donnell had in common, ending with, "We're both Ga...briel Byrne fans." Honestly, where are Waldorf and Statler when you really need them?


Updated On: 11/28/08 at 03:26 PM

jaystarr Profile Photo
Posted: 11/28/08 at 3:34pm

Another review:

NBC's Rosie O’Donell variety show disappoints

Rosie O'Donnell gave NBC a real turkey.

The network's attempt to revive the primetime variety show failed to draw an audience Wednesday night, tying for the evening's lowest-rated program.

"There's a notion that the climate is right for the genre to make a comeback," emailed one executive at a rival network. "I guess we now know what not to do, thanks to Rosie."


jaystarr Profile Photo
Posted: 11/28/08 at 3:39pm

Ouch! Another pan from Variety:

If Rosie O’Donnell and company were consciously determined to strangle the rebirth of variety shows in the crib, they couldn’t have done a better job of it than this pre-holiday turkey. Bearing an uncanny resemblance to a particularly awful Vegas revue, “Rosie Live” awkwardly trotted out one celebrity after another before culminating with a big number featuring dancers dressed as food.

Actually, reviving variety isn’t a bad idea in theory — especially for NBC, whose primetime cupboard has become inordinately bare. Still, the “disaster” description applies creatively, and unless the network can afford to dole out free GPS systems and Blackberries to bribe the TV audience along with those in the studio, one serving of “Rosie Live” should be more than enough.


Updated On: 11/28/08 at 03:39 PM

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
Posted: 11/28/08 at 6:42pm

Hello all. I've been reading the reviews in this thread. First, I'll mention some good things about the show. I must admit I was looking forward to seeing Nick Adams. I didn't know what his role in the show would be. He was part of a group of dancers early on. Of course, he was dazzling, as were the others. Liza: I did like her, in spite of Rosie's "croaking" in their duet. We don't have many living legends left... and Liza is certainly one of them. The door: I thought it was amusing. I have a thought about what Rose might do in a future show (if there are any future shows.) She should consider coming thru two double doors in a flowing dress... in a "The Loretta Young Show" kind of way. In other words, try to find "classy" way of doing things.
Things I didn't like: The bit about the bra. We get it that she needs "extra" support. She just didn't need to overdo it. I'm sure that parents were THRILLED that Rosie allowed guests to speak to her upclose via her twin peaks. Also, as much as I loved Jane Krakowski, that bit with shaking her booty was a bit much. Apparently Rosie forgot that 7:00 p.m. is family viewing time.
She wasted a perfectly good opportunity to showcase known and upcoming talent in a spirited and classy manner. Some of the bits in the show reminded me of burlesque humor. She tried to appeal to the adult crowd but ultimately came out crass/vulgar in many instances. If Rosie needs ideas on how to do a variety show, she should look at some of the old Ed Sullivan shows or consult people like Carol Burnett or even Cher. Less Rosie... and more material from talented guests. Finally, the show's ratings were around 5 million, which is not a good public stamp of approval on the show's future. The idea of having a variety show is a good idea, but the hostess left a lot to be desired. I hope someone else gets a chance to bring about a quality show that people of all ages can see. It can happen. from RC in Austin, Texas

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)
Updated On: 11/28/08 at 06:42 PM

Posted: 11/29/08 at 8:43pm

Jane Krakowski needs to quit the sex kitten act. Is that all she wants to be about now.
And kind of weird that it became her thing in her late 30s

Posted: 11/30/08 at 12:58pm

Like I said it was more of a thanksgiving special. I was expecting huge dance numbers.
but it was still good.

Posted: 11/30/08 at 6:31pm

Awful show. Rosie ,the Donald said it best "Go home to your wife"
