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A Christmas Story Previews- Page 3

A Christmas Story Previews

RippedMan Profile Photo
#50A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/10/12 at 1:19am

Are investors stupid??? I just don't get it. I mean, people invested in Scandalous and Flashdance? Etc? I mean c'mon. Why aren't shows like The Whale brought to Broadway? I know everyone says "Oh, it wouldn't last," but I'd rather see a good show struggle and try to make it, then some crap like Scandalous.

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#51A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/10/12 at 12:12pm

I don't really like the movie but I'm familiar with it, like everyone else on the planet. Word of mouth has pretty much been exactly as expected.

I assume there's some sort of giant leg lamp production number, probably involving a kickline. Anyone?

I know you. I know you. I know you.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#52A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/10/12 at 1:49pm

Glinda- You assume correctly. When the lamp arrives Bolton has a "Hymn For a Sunday Evening" moment and the ensemble comes out in sequenced vests, looking like they just got off a long shift at Foxwoods Casino. They each hold a lamp, and you know it is only a matter before the kickline begins.

Sadly, would could have been a classic camp moment isn't even unintentionally funny because it's so obvious and stupid. The choreography in the dream sequence is SO uninspired it makes you long for a Rob Ashford gymnastics routine.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#53A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/10/12 at 5:42pm

I saw the 3rd preview on Friday night of A CHRISTMAS STORY. It could be looked at as both funny and pathetic to read the previous posters not only rip the show to pieces but to pat each other on the back reinforcing their own beliefs that they are handing down some wisdom from up on high that's universally acknowledged by all . Trust me , I'm not the only one who enjoyed this show The score is by the writers of DOGFIGHT and there is much to be enjoyed. I loved Ralphie To The Rescue , A Major Award, You'll Shoot Your Eye Out ( which had a great tap section that got a huge hand the night I was there ) and Up On Santas Lap. Even for a 3rd preview I liked it a lot more than ELF. The movie has a low key sweetness and a heart warming simplicity that I felt the musical honored by not pushing for an in- your-face Broadway bombastic quality so many shows go for. John Bolton was wonderful as The Old Man and I expect he'll be Tony nominated for his performance. Look at the reviews this show received on the road and you'll see I'm far from the only person that thought this. And by the sniffles I heard around me and the guy next to me drying his eyes I was not the only person who found the end moving. I'm not saying the show is brilliant but it's a hell of a lot of fun even at the 3rd preview. If you have tickets already , don't despair because of the diatribes of the previous posters , I think you'll find much to enjoy. In the show you'll get a demonstration of how the little piggies eat , this board will show you how they post.

#54A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/10/12 at 6:35pm

Thank you, NOTABB, I was beginning to think I saw a different show. I agree with you 100%. I had the opportunity to see this show in Hershey last year and it was delightful.. Saw last nights preview and again, delightful.. Very interesting to see the changes that were made from last year. Most for the good. But how can they say "dreck".. The costumes were right on for the period. Yes, it was a bland time as far as colors and such. But, the costumes are spot on for that time and anyone with a real knowledge of theatre and time period would recognize that. However, in Ralphies dream sequences the costumes do pop! Especially in the Act 2 "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out" number. The music is definitely hummable and memorable (unlike many Broadway scores of today), the performances for the most part are terrific. Each actor making the role their own and not copying the movie. So you cannot compare the two.. John Bolton is no less than brilliant as the Old Man. And I agree that he will most likely get a Tony nod. The show needs a little cleaning up, a few fixes here and there, but by opening next week will be in terrific shape. As far as the 3 choices this year for holiday fair (A Christmas Story, Elf and Grinch), I've seen all three and by far, A Christmas Story is the best. Unlike the other two, it is a sweet simple musical about a family during a tough time and a little boys wish for just one special present. It has heart, it's moving, funny, certainly delivers with the "big" Broadway musical numbers with Ralphie To The Rescue, Major Award and You'll Shoot Your Eye out. It is obvious the producers and artistic team wanted this show to be something far more than your typical holiday crap Broadway has had these past several years. And, as far as I'm concerned (and by the reaction of the audience) they have achieved that. My advice, ignore the arrogant rantings above and go see this show..

#55A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/10/12 at 6:50pm

Updated On: 11/8/17 at 06:50 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#56A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/10/12 at 6:57pm

I expect he'll be Tony nominated for his performance.

I haven't seen the show, but actors are rarely remembered for holiday shows come Tony time.

#57A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/11/12 at 8:25pm

I heard there was a song that was in the regional productions but was cut before it came to NYC. Does anyone know the name of the song, who sang it and how it fit in the show?

#59A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/11/12 at 11:40pm

Add me to the group that enjoyed this. I do think the production values are poor though.

Tonight a portion of the house literally crashed into the sky backdrop to hilarious effect during one of the final moments of the show.

Everything does feel flimsy. I have no idea why they couldn't have budget more than $5 for the sets involved. Several moments literally have actors standing on the bare stage with no backdrops whatsoever. Not a problem if it works artistically but this just feels like they didn't have the money.

I really think the cast sells this material. Dan Lauria is excellent as narrator and Caroline O' Connor is really fantastic. She had a much bigger part than I expected and really stole the show in every scene she was in.

Maybe I am a sucker but I thought the kid actors were all great.

Erin Dilly was fine. I mean I don't know how anyone could be more than fine with generic mom song #5.

That said, I really do love the score. Red Ryder Carbine Action BB gun, When Your'e a wimp and A Major Award all stand out to me.
I also love Somewhere Hovering Over Indiana.

I think the bottom line is that while I enjoyed it it, it was mainly because the score and the actors. The production values are truly shoddy and i wish that it was receiving a better treatment. Still, I would sit through this over Scandalous any day.

#60A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/12/12 at 3:33am

The sad thing is I still think A CHRISTMAS STORY has better sets and costumes than ELF. I was stunned by how ugly ELFs costumes were and the sets had no magic at all. the transformation of the department store should have been magical and it was anything but. I knew I wouldn't go back to see ELF when I heard Sebastian Archelus wasn't coming back as Buddy. He was the best thing in it. I did like some of the score and book and just wish the physical production supported it more.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#61A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/12/12 at 10:37pm


I was stunned that they were able to make this show surprising given that we know every iconic moment from the film. Pasek & Paul managed to milk such moments in a very "musical" way. I had SUCH a good time!! Just like I could rewatch the movie again and again, I could see the stage musical again and probably like it just the same.

The ensemble of kids have more SPUNK than those brats in ANNIE. They really made the show. EXCELLENT casting. These quirky kids highlighted the moments very well. The kid who does the solo tap dance!!!... INSANE.

Out of all the performances given, I must devote a special mention to the actor who played the father. He was such an oddball and very different from the tone of the father in the film...yet it worked and was a perfect blend with the show. A very memorable performance.

Know who else was memorable? Dan Lauria. I will forever remember how he RUINED every moment he was on stage. His timing was off EVERY. SINGLE. LINE. he had. I acknowledge that this is still a preview performance and that it was only show #8, but if those kids can nail down a performance with 10X MORE lines AND music and dance, a seasoned actor such as Lauria should have the part down better at this point. He was FANTASTIC in LOMBARDI, but there is absolutely no need to have him in this part if he isn't going to deliver. It's a tiny part, and one of a narrator, but that doesn't matter. Every time he came on stage, I groaned and wanted the story to get on with it.

Despite Lauria's distractingly bad performance, the show was still a good time and I highly recommend it!

All of the technical problems aren't really worth mentioning. The show is a limited run, and I thought the set and costumes exceeded my expectations for a show that is a limited engagement.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

#62A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/13/12 at 12:55am


I LOVED this show. The Warren Carlysle choreo made me happier than any other show since "Drowsy Chaperone." (Warren Carlysle, please do every show coming on Broadway).

I really thought it was going to be another "White Christmas/Grinch/Rockettes" kind of thing.

It's NOT. It's smart, it has a terrific score, and it does that thing where the musical is actually more moving than the film.

Kudos to everyone involved. It's sensational. I suspect it will outrun it's original schedule.

Updated On: 11/13/12 at 12:55 AM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#63A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/13/12 at 1:13am

"I suspect it will outrun it's original run."

I suspect you will be proven wrong.

#64A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/13/12 at 2:26am

The score is right up there with Glory Days and Chaplin and Scandalous,
if you know what I mean.

Crapola to the nth degree.

#65A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/13/12 at 2:26am

The score is right up there with Glory Days and Chaplin and Scandalous,
if you know what I mean.

Crapola to the nth degree.

#66A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/13/12 at 11:39am

I could tell you to ignore WestwardHoHo comments that a lot of us loved the score but why bother. the cd is out and you can download it on iTunes . I urge you to listen a nd decide for yourself. P.S I did see both GLORY DAYS and CHAPLIN and A CHRISTMAS STORY is far better. They also wrote DOGFIGHT which I also enjoyed and hope the record sooner rather than later.

newintown Profile Photo
#67A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/13/12 at 11:56am

I really think I'd rather just watch the movie for free in my pjs than plop down $150 bucks to watch an imitative rip-off surrounded by a bunch of kids and tourists. Call me cranky.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#68A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/13/12 at 12:00pm

You're cranky.


newintown Profile Photo
#69A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/13/12 at 12:08pm

You're pretty. When are you going to stop eating that - what is it? Focaccia?

Updated On: 11/13/12 at 12:08 PM

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#70A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/13/12 at 12:09pm

Man, f*ck Ke$ha.


#71A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/14/12 at 7:14am

Cranky and not too smart. Why not give the the score a listen and make a least an informed decision. What's it cost on iTunes , $14 bucks? If you hate the score then don't see the show.

After Eight
#72A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/14/12 at 8:32am

"I could tell you to ignore WestwardHoHo comments "

WestwardHoHo is right on target.

"P.S I did see both GLORY DAYS and CHAPLIN and A CHRISTMAS STORY is far better"

If you're referring to the score, it's worse than both.

"They also wrote DOGFIGHT"

That was no great shakes either.

newintown Profile Photo
#73A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/14/12 at 9:20am

" Cranky and not too smart. Why not give the the score a listen and make a least an informed decision. What's it cost on iTunes , $14 bucks? If you hate the score then don't see the show."

In some cases (and I think this is one), press, word of mouth, and marketing clips are free and suffice to provide enough of a taste to show that the entire dish is not geared to one's palate.

In other words, why should I spend even 1 cent?

eperkins Profile Photo
#74A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/16/12 at 11:48pm

I just show the show tonight and really enjoyed it. Neither the sets or costumes look cheap, as someone previously said. Many of the songs are good, and the action did not stop for them. And they brought down the house with "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out." There was some very nice choreography, and a lot of good performances from the cast. And the show is not only for kids. I was surrounded by adults who were clearly enjoying themselves. A lot of laughs - and on different levels for adults and kids.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#75A Christmas Story Previews
Posted: 11/17/12 at 6:51am

If they wanted to make the show better, they should have just shot his eye out.
