Posted: 6/26/15 at 8:11am

The Playbill is just a generic City Center cover for June, nothing specific to the show.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
Posted: 6/26/15 at 8:26am

It started last night at about 7:40 and we were out by 9:15 so running time is about 1:35

Poster Emeritus

RippedMan Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/15 at 12:09am

Maybe my expectations were too high, or just didn't know what to expect, but I was kind of bored for most of it. I love the score and have listened to it endlessly, which is maybe why I was disappointed. The show itself isn't much more than the score, which is fine, but there's not much of a plot to speak of. It felt more like a song cycle at times, which is fine, I was just expecting a more compelling story. 

It's tough to beat Mary Testa and Norm Lewis, so I was a little let down with the cast. Gayster was great, but everyone on here was touting her to be this incredible performance, and she was great, but I guess I was expecting some extra oomph. Lazar was just boring. Has he ever done a role where he's had to DO anything? He's always just so ho-hum. He's fine, but he's never more than okay. And his "Sailing" was a bit of a letdown. Groff was fine, but again, didn't really rise to any new heights. Gets had a more manic interpretation which I think would have been more fun to watch. I mean Groff never rose above a level 6 the whole time. He's getting a "new brain" and yet he seems like he can't be bothered. Vocally he was fine, but I felt like he tried to "sing" the score too much. Like Lazar, I just don't feel like he's ever done anything outside of his box. Everything felt very flat. 

The rest of the ensemble I thought was pretty fantastic. The nurses were awesome, the homeless lady KILLED it. The preacher had a gorgeous voice. The one letdown was Folger. He just seemed so over it. And before his song he FORGOT the lyrics. He stopped, and cleared his throat. Then he held. Then he walked up to the MD and said "what's my first line?" To which the audience laughed. Then he said "Welcome to Encores!" The audience laughed. Everyone else remained in the scene and in character. His performance just felt very slight like he was embarrassed to be there or whatever.


Happy I saw it, but I also totally get why this show is rarely if ever done.

gypsy101 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/15 at 12:34am

I'm listening to the original, and just from the prologue... how did the cut Calamari from the show? It's a perfect song to show the state of Gordo Schwinn's life, and then he has his seizure (or whatever it was).

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

buhbuhbilly Profile Photo
Posted: 6/27/15 at 12:29pm

I thought this was a really nice production. I didn't know the musical very well going into it other than the sailing song which people slave over (which I was a little but surprised to see that in the context of the show, it isn't even really all that major). The performances were top notch and I haven't seen more perfect casting choices at an Encores show before. oh. and REMA WEBB?! Who do we need to consult to see her on Broadway next season.. John Doyle? The staging was beautifully playful and you could tell the ensemble was loving their show. I had so much fun in the audience. I would love to see this have another life but I fear Jonathan Groff will be busy with his 10 minute feature in Hamilton A NEW BRAIN - Everyone should see this if you can! 

Posted: 6/28/15 at 1:33am

This score. These songs!! THIS SCORE!!!! 

Kad Profile Photo
Posted: 6/28/15 at 11:02am

I thought this was a stellar presentation of a show that, somewhat rightfully, won't ever be produced often. The songs are wonderful, but it's somewhat less than the sum of its parts. It's really just a song cycle with a loose narrative. But Lapine staged it expertly, and assembled a top-notch cast.

Groff is certainly less of an idealized Finn analogue than Malcolm Gets was; he lacks the unique neuroticism of Finn. But I thought he was very winning and certainly heartfelt.

Ana Gasteyer was the standout for me. God, I adore her- she needs to do more theatre. There's an ideal Dolly Levi if ever there were one.

Josh Lamon turned his role into a scene-stealer; even Jenni Barber managed to make her even smaller role register with her cheerful bitchiness.

The cut of "Calamari" worked- it is now just a meeting between Rhoda and Schwinn at his piano; the patter portion ("I love Mr. Bungee, etc.") is repurposed as a solo for Schwinn to air out his grievances about Bungee. Most of the important material about Schwinn's fears about his talent remains.

I don't think the cuts of "Whenever I Dream" and "Eating Myself Up Alive" worked as well, and I'd really like to hear the rationale for their removal. "Brain Dead" doesn't segue into "The Music Still Plays On" as well without them, and they provide some panache in a very bleak moment. Also, without "Whenever I Dream," Rhoda may as well be cut.




"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Posted: 6/28/15 at 1:21pm

I had no trouble losing "Calamari" (who cares about the waitress) or "Eating Myself" (it's a fantasy sequence that always made one wonder A)why would this character get so many solos and B) why would Schwinn's subconscious allow this relative non-entitiy in his waking  life to have such a large psychological moment of his dreamlife).

It's been debated since it arrived: Is "Whenever I Dream" a great song, a spot for a necessary song that was never artistically fulfilled, or the most embarrassing number an actress has ever been forced to perform.



Posted: 6/29/15 at 12:13am

Saw this last night and absolutely loved it! Agreed with the previous poster that Gasteyer would get a Tony if this were on Broadway, she was incredible and the real standout to me.

Random question, the Fun Home mention, is that line normally in the show? Obviously not with Fun Home but is another show normally mentioned in that place? If so what is it? Or did they just add in that entire line to mention Fun Home? Thanks!

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/29/15 at 4:44am

^ i read somewhere that it used to be CHICAGO

seahag2 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/29/15 at 1:16pm

Is there going to be a professional recording of this show? (And Little Shop + Wild Party for that matter) Because I need it.

Also, who else thinks Ana Gasteyer has a dream of a career? SNL for a few years and then musical theatre for the rest of her days

so I smile like Mona Lisa and I lay my Visa down

Posted: 6/29/15 at 1:57pm

This was a great show, but I don't think it will get a recording.  I really wanted a recording of last summer's Tick...Tick...Boom! but it never happened, even though there was a ton of interest.  Looking forward to Little Shop and The Wild Party!
