
Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton- Page 3

Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton

HogansHero Profile Photo
#50Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton
Posted: 6/17/16 at 6:53pm

The DG has chosen a peculiar place to draw a line in the sand. Some lessons are never learned. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#51Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton
Posted: 6/17/16 at 7:19pm

Tag said: "Hamilton's press agent flagged it and then Youtube took it down.
This article about it is pretty funny.  The school doesn't understand why?!


I actually found the article below this one about the ax throwing league wanting a liquor license a bit more interesting! (What could go wrong?!)


Just give the world Love.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#52Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton
Posted: 6/17/16 at 7:25pm

Y'all gotta read the Toronto Star article. U can practically hear the sobs of frustrated "love" ( aka entitlement) from not JUST the kids but the adult admins: The word delusional comes to mind.( we lu u Lin why donchew luv us baaaaccckkkk!!!??)



Updated On: 6/17/16 at 07:25 PM

Broadway Forever2
#53Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton
Posted: 6/17/16 at 7:26pm

The school is lucky they didn't get sued. They should not be complaining about deleted videos off youtube. 

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#54Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton
Posted: 6/17/16 at 9:11pm

Well, they still could...and I wouldn't be terribly upset if they did.  I also hate that they are playing dumb as to why it happened.


Honestly, the school should be firing the teacher.   They are a performing arts school....how could they not know what they were doing wasn't kosher?  

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#55Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton
Posted: 6/17/16 at 11:29pm

The school's twitter now has people saying that Youtube is being overly protective of copyright. The school's defenders are saying things like this, which was posted to their facebook page: 

"All these kids have the utmost respect for the arts and simply wanted to pay tribute to the show and allow them to see the passion that had been ignited in them with their interpretation of the show that has taken the Broadway world by storm. Under no circumstances did they have ill intentions. It is truly a shame that they have been made to feel badly about what was supposed to be a tribute to a fantastic show that has touched so many of their hearts and minds."

So I'm getting the feeling that the director, the principal, everyone knew that the performances were illegal, but they saw it as the cost of doing business as a performing arts high school. Now they can be known as the school that cool and talented enough to produce Hamilton. I'm sure they will be flooded with applications, donors,money, and support after this. And most likely, they will just get a slap on the wrist as punishment, as we saw from the DG statement. We can look forward to Wexford Collegiate's production of The Great Comet next year! 

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#56Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton
Posted: 6/17/16 at 11:48pm

I hope the school is sued.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

sabrelady Profile Photo
#57Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton
Posted: 6/17/16 at 11:50pm

sabrelady said: "Is it illegal? Yup.  Will that stop schools or other groups from doing their versions? Nope. How many unlicensed productions of Newsies were being done? ( till Disney remounted it as a legitimate Bway show and now has an official licenced version)  This teacher is obviously trying to promote her career in the arts school sphere. Like a  CANADIAN school would ever be the 1st licence for a piece of Americana and a bestseller.

But hey all Press is good Press.


glad u agree with me




John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#58Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton
Posted: 6/18/16 at 3:16am

dramamama611 said: "Well, they still could...and I wouldn't be terribly upset if they did.  I also hate that they are playing dumb as to why it happened.
 Honestly, the school should be firing the teacher.   They are a performing arts school....how could they not know what they were doing wasn't kosher? 

"Hello!" and "Yes!"
Frankly, I thought the whole scenario was an egotistical pipe dream where the director thought, "Lin-Manuel Miranda will surely see how wonderful we are and grant us an unprecedented dispensation because of our exceptional talent!"

Updated On: 6/18/16 at 03:16 AM

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#59Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton
Posted: 6/18/16 at 6:50am

We live in a world where some lady laughs into a Chewbacca mask and earns a half million in cash and prizes, and someone asking for a celebrity to go to the prom with them on YouTube sparks national discussion. In an age where going viral has become so significant, I'm sure they thought they could buck the system with enough views so I'm just happy they got that sh*t shut down. 

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

#60Toronto High School's 'Tribute' to Hamilton
Posted: 6/18/16 at 9:25am

everythingtaboo said: "We live in a world where some lady laughs into a Chewbacca mask and earns a half million in cash and prizes, and someone asking for a celebrity to go to the prom with them on YouTube sparks national discussion. In an age where going viral has become so significant, I'm sure they thought they could buck the system with enough views so I'm just happy they got that sh*t shut down. "

Yeah. I totally agree. 

I hope the Indonesian video gets taken down soon as well. It is almost like watching a bootleg with just a different cast.

